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1 hour ago, HoboSage said:

It's also during a storm that a musician is most likely to be electrocuted.


‘Especially when he is rocking out with his ‘axe’ and plays it above his head, acting as a conductor. That’s why I don’t play guitar... you just never know when lightning will strike 🤪

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21 hours ago, fasstrack said:


'Did a song ever come to you in a dream---or falling asleep? You go back to sleep, and in the morning, nothing.


It sure has. The most wonderful music, and I'm not even a musician! I always think I'll remember the melody in the morning, but of course I never do. )-:  Often, though, in those fleeting moments between coming out of sleep and actually waking up, lines will pop into my mind that I use later in a lyric. Or in the transition from being awake to falling asleep, a sudden line or two will jolt me into wakefulness, and of course after I've written them down I can't get back to sleep. So I keep working on the lyric.



Well, one night I said to myself "no, not THIS time!". I staggered down to my studio, grabbed some paper, wrote it down, went back to a peaceful sleep.


Next morning I couldn't WAIT to play through such inspired work. Went down to the studio before breakfast or brushing my teeth----jumped on the piano, tore into it.


I had written something great, all right. THE VERSE TO STARDUST!!'...


Great story. :)


Edited by DonnaMarilyn
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