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Hey guys! how is everyone doing? Man, its been so long since I have had some time to myself to make a quick blog, its f*cking ridicules! 😅 my schedule has been hella packed to the max, and I want to share with you a few of the things I have been up to recently, not to mention, catch up properly on all the things which I have been missing.


Though first thing is first. Lets address the elephant in the room. No, I am NOT dead! 💯 hey, with my blood pressure, that's an accomplishment! 👍 So before I continue, let me just me just clear this up real quick - I'm so sorry about the email blackout, and not replying to people's private messages, or any sort of confusion or questions, which may have come up during my absence! This was not done by intention - I was simply THAT f*cking busy! I missed you guys, I miss my boys, and I can't wait until I am finally able to get back on track in here! (obviously I will respond to any, and all inbox messages ASAP!)


So now that we have that out the way, lets get down to business. I will probably write a more 'formal' version of this entry to toss around, when the time comes. Though for now, i'd like to try something which is more of a raw approach. You see, all my life I have always been reluctant to actually 'talk' about my music, and explain what its all about. This is because I have never wanted to 'go public' with my own work, due to my lack of interest in having an audience. This is something I am trying to change. Or, should I say, adapt too.


You see, for me making my own music has always been a highly tailored experience, a personalized theme based narrative and artistic direction which has been souly designed to cater my needs, exclusively. However, being the expression obsessed lunatic that I am, all of my materials have in fact been constructed around the concept of having an audience in mind. In fact, ironically, not only that, my work has also been designed to actively engage the audience as an interactive experience. I'll explain.


You see, when I first started to get into the craft, there have always been things which bothered me about how music is being 'presented' (theme based music, included). To make this easier to understand, i'll list common practices which I felt placed too many limitations on the delivery of music (as an art form):


  1. Full length albums are either too short or too long to really be interesting.
  2. Most modern album's wear off their novelty very quickly.
  3. Most PR circuses being overly fake and cringe.
  4. Overly compressed sound just sounds terrible.
  5. Theme based albums are great, but they are not really engaging.
  6. Recycled composition formula's, predictable music.
  7. No balance between modern and old school.
  8. Lazy sound engineering.
  9. Experimental music sounding "too" experimental.
  10. Niche music with zero outreach and no mainstream appeal.
  11. Established artists getting too comfy.
  12. Major labels being too greedy / Indie artists being too desperate.
  13. "The Wall" should NOT be a blueprint for conceptual development in f*cking 2022!
  14. Younger musicians being gated by older ones.


The list goes on, and I may have upset some people, but you get the idea. This are things which have bothered me for many, many years 😅 And its also why I felt like, if i'm already doing the 100% selfish act of making art purely for myself, than... i'm taking the gloves off 😈 I'm one of those people that gets bored VERY easily, even from listening to music. 9/10 modern songs I hear these days barely even pass the one minute mark, as far as i'm concerned. Very little excites me. And while I have indeed heard many brilliant new artists, and have been exposed to plenty of promising innovations, I always felt like... something is missing in modern story telling.


So, being as I'm a huge book worm, fantasy writer, musician, comic illustrator & animator, I decided to pull the crazy act of combining all my passions, into one. Call me crazy, but "Just music" doesn't cut it for me. Though there in lays the real question: "What does all of this mean, exactly?". Its a little hard to explain that without giving any spoilers or dipping too deep into the secret sauce. Not like this, anyhow. There is a time and place for everything. Though let me give you the gist of my thought process.


From a writers standpoint, I think that when it comes to theme based albums, even good ones which follow a consistent plot,  are never going to serve as a substitute for an actual book or movie. This is an inherit limitation.


In other words: A single full length album cannot properly convey a fully fleshed out story on its own as well as other medium would, nor could it delve too deep into any of its nuances (through the musical aspect), without "chipping away" at certain aspects of the storytelling experience. And what's more, once the audience knows the story and heard all the music, the novelty starts to wear off. And by that point, everyone's already sharing, and your stuck with on Promo/Fomo/Merch duty, until your next album or next booking. And all the rest of that jazz. Which kinda sucks if your someone like me, which really detests that part of the circus, and prefers working though adaptation.


Which is were narrative loops come into play (HUGE thanks to my boy @john! soon!).


Unfortunately, I cannot share too much about this particular aspect, at this point in time, without shooting myself in the foot. But there are a few things I AM able to share with you guys! :) Consider it as a list of what I have been actively working on, every chance I get!


  • Fully fledged Theme Based Concept Album (Original Story!)
  • ARG Driven Storytelling Experience (Interactive Networked Narrative)
  • Social Media Drips / Platform Hunts (Community Effort, Reward based)
  • Comic Book / Premium Content / Free Content / Tabs sheets / Docu
  • Music Videos / Animation Films / Artwork / Web Goodies
  • Content Creation Outreach (More details later on)
  • Collaborations / Variety Content / Featuring Other Artists
  • Official Website / Youtube /Streams (etc)
  • Blogging Overhaul
  • Rebranding (because VoiceX won't cut it lol)
  • Songstuff Exclusive Content


There is more, but I cannot say more than I already have. Though I would like to share with you something, which will become relevant later on. The first chapter I am going to release is a small part of a very dark fictional comic book series, and it is aimed at a relatively mature audience, exclusively. That may seem like a minor footnote right now, but this is something that plays a crucial role in things to come. I'm not just making music, I am creating an experience meant for entertainment.


I will get more into that in my next entry. Stay tuned! ;)

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Recommended Comments

Whooshka!  Making a public statement of so many goals is a great way of staying focused and motivated.
Congrats :)


Looking forward to seeing/hearing results as they become available.


Greg 👍

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1 minute ago, GregB said:

Whooshka!  Making a public statement of so many goals is a great way of staying focused and motivated.
Congrats :)


Thanks Greg! though rest assure, my madness keeps me motivated more than any other element 😅 Though it will be some time before everything will become available. Though I can tell you, as a fellow fan of visual art and member of your video club, that I think you will like it!


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On 8/12/2022 at 10:29 PM, Mahesh said:

Ooooh this is exciting! All the very best @VoiceEx! Looking forward to it! :)


Wow its been a long time since I heard from you! :o I hope that things are well, and thank you so much for stopping by and showing some love! :)

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Tis a rare sighting indeed…. The lesser spotted Mahesh wanders the corridors of Songstuff softly singing to himself…

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11 hours ago, john said:

Tis a rare sighting indeed…. The lesser spotted Mahesh wanders the corridors of Songstuff softly singing to himself…


The corridors and the dungeons, both! :D

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