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Lisa Gates

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Posts posted by Lisa Gates

  1. (8 SYLLABLES) When somebody’s heart is hurting   


    (5 SYLLABLES) They lash out at you  


    (8 SYLLABLES) Their pain makes them feel uncertain 


    (5 SYLLABLES) They can’t see the truth 



    (6 SYLLABLES) Everybody feels pain


    (6 SYLLABLES) Everybody feels hurt 


    (3 SYLLABLES IN MELODY) Sometimes


    (9 SYLLABLES) Nobody wants to feel that again


    (9 SYLLABLES) Nobody wants to play a lead part 


    (3 SYLLABLES) Break the ties 


    (4 SYLLABLES) Hard to be strong


    Gary, I don't feel confident at this one bit. One word HELP

    this is what I have gotten so far (and I have changed them back and forth several times to get to this point) and still feel it is not a good job.

  2. Yes it was quite hard and can you imagine how long it will take to do the peer reviews! Ugh!

    I have now submitted it so I'm glad it's done.

    Post your stress chart here and i'll check it for you.

    I had to get someone to check mine then after I recorded it we decided a couple of stresses were wrong so I had to adjust it. Anyway done!! done done!!!

    Oh and i've just checked assignment 3 I got 25 so that's OK. Two people got pernickety about the notes. It's our job to analyze the song. Two people liked the recording

    no accounting for taste. It was horrid but i couldn't be bothered fixing it. Now I think its better as a week four thing. 






    For week 3 assignment, I only got two comments from peers and both were positive. One actually liked the fact I put notes in as it showed understanding of the assignment. I wasn't able to change the mistake of putting an additive rhyme in my notes but luckily they didn't notice... yikes!

    I will work on week 4 assignment and definitely post it here for your eyes to review. thank you!!!!!!


  3. Glad you're feeling better Gary!

    I've learned so much recently...not just on the Course either. My eyes are really opening!

    I will look at week 4 assignment you have above in the morning when I'm more alert!

    I tried to do this for my song and it is baaaad! I can't believe how hard this is! UGH!

    whine whine stomp stomp I don't want toooooo!!!!

  4. I think you have a pretty good foundation, but could add a few more brands, like in this verse: Suggestion: for two verses. Just a few suggestions, to try and help.


    Working days are all through

    We’ve got better things to do

    Drinking Lipton by the pool  Kel's suggestion (by)

    The best way to stay cool


    It’s such a lovely day

    McDonalds makes it go our way

    Who are you texting

    You said you were resting



    Goldy :jumping38:  :jumping25:  :luxhello:  :luxhello:  :jumping13: 


    I do like the Lipton idea, but to do the McDonalds reference I would have to change most of the verse...Ah well, I think about it if McD's ever comes to me for a jingle, I'll be armed and dangerous!


  5. Trying to pull the wool over their eyes? A likely story. Lol cunning in it's simplicity and very convincing.

    John, he did almost have me convinced but the blinders eventually come off and I can see the whole Kel picture! It's ok, let him try...it's cute!


    this week has gotten out of control! two weeks in a row with all this crazy fun. I don't think I've laughed so hard in years!

    thank you my fellow Songstuffers!



  6. Ive only just noticed this.

    I'm game. :)




    Lula wont ya Hoover up the floor.

    You made crumbs yesterday, when you bit into your muffin

    Your rag doll is sick and she’s spilling all her stuffing

    You drop more and more but you never pick up nothing

    And your mother said she saw you drop some more,

    So Lula wont ya Hoover up the floor.


    It glides along the ground

    It makes a Hoover sound

    You like it when the kitten follows it and you around

    And don’t forget sometimes what you think you lost is found


    Lula run the Hoover over there

    You promised that you would, when I took you winkle picking

    We winkled all the morning but now the clock is ticking

    You only make it worse by giving rag doll a kicking

    Give her to your mother, and she will sew the tear

    and Lula run the Hoover over there


    It glides along the ground

    It makes a Hoover sound

    You like it when the kitten follows it and you around

    And don’t forget sometimes what you think is lost is found

    Rudi, this was great!

    I was thinking she was a dog (I don't have kids so my dogs are often called Hoovers around my house!) Ha ha ha! but then you mention mother to sew the tear and I had to concede Lula is a little girl.

    I had to Google Winkle Picking...you are making me do homework here!

    But most of all this line really touched me:

    And don’t forget sometimes what you think you lost is found

    I look forward to more entries in the coming weeks from you!


  7. Well heres my effort, Done today.


    Theres a joke line in the bridge and I couldnt think of a good title.


    Oh to be Young?



    I see them when I’m in town

    Wandering from shop to shop

    Gucci bag clutched in hand

    Time by a Cartier watch



    Fingers draped in diamonds

    Necks all wrapped in gold

    Chanel dabbed all over

    Not wanting to look old



    They ponder on the things they’ll buy

    Will it be Dior or may be Ralph

    Their yesterdays are long, long gone

    But they just can’t face the truth



    Time no longer on their side

    Pursued by life’s cruel clock

    Find answers on a TV show

    Presented by the GOK



    Vogue, headline “look fantastic”

    Take inches off the hips

    Bend your friend Mr. AMEX

    Get some Botox in the lips



    They ponder on the things they’ll buy

    Will it be Dior or may be Ralph

    Their yesterdays are long, long gone

    But they just can’t face the truth



    The easy life hasn’t been too good to some

    The Jenny Craig diet didn’t fix the bum

    One more face lift the surgeon cheered

    One more face lift she’ll have a beard



    They ponder on the things they’ll buy

    Will it be Dior or may be Ralph

    Their yesterdays are long, long gone

    But they just can’t face the truth



    The reflection they see in TopShop’s pane

    Is one from which they can’t hide

    But still they search for the magic pill

    In a vain attempt to turn youths retreating tide

    Good Show Skin!

    OH how I hate when someone gets their lips done. It looks disgusting!

    But Ralph/truth aren't quite hitting my Stateside ears right...perhaps with a New Zealand accent it might rhyme better? lol

    I loved the beard in the bridge.


  8. I feel this is pretty weak but I can't get it out of my head so I'm giving it to you all!



    You and Me by Lisa M. Guzda


    Here we are you and me

    In the best years that we’ve seen

    The kids have all grown

    And moved out on their own


    Working days are all through

    We’ve got better things to do

    Drinking at the pool

    The best way to stay cool


    Wait, you can’t be serious

    You are not mysterious

    There are three of us here

    You are making it so clear

    Now it’s you and me

    Your I-phone makes it three


    It’s such a lovely day

    We should make it go our way

    Who are you texting

    You said you were resting





    Now I see how it’s addicting

    You have the power in your hand

    I’m headed to the mall

    Going to the I-phone stand


    Now I am serious

    And yes so mysterious

    There are four of us now

    Getting through to you somehow

    Now it’s us and them

    I-phones brought us together again

  9. No we don't have Walmart, but K-Mart is here, and Target. Though in polite society, the latter boutique is pronounced Tah-zhay! Funnily, they are in opposition to each other but owned by the same parent firm. We don't have monopoly laws like you do in US.


    I just pictured this clown driving around Venice Beach and Beverly Hills spending all his "new money" on brand names when he is more accustomed to Walmart. I figured even countries that don't have Walmarts will have a pretty good idea of the type of store it is, from the American Pop Culture we all have access to.


    I must say, I had a heap of fun writing it!


    I was imagining a film clip and everything just came together. It's probably not the inclusion John had in mind, but it's Kelish!




    I get it, no Walmart! thank God! Can I come live there? I am apaulled at the monopolies here.  eh...land of the free they say... Oh and we call Target Tah jay (with a french accent!)

  10. My contribution, to this weeks challenge.



    Tabloid Boy




    You were just young

    A little while ago

    Singing on Youtube

    Playing the piano

    Now you're it

    Pompous as can be

    Strutting Red Carpet

    A celebrity




    Gucci sunglasses on

    Cool as James Dean

    Smiling at young girls

    Making them scream

    Fame has you reeling

    You're a famous pop star

    Your photo's in US

    Holding a Gibson guitar


    Tabloid Boy

    You're Hot



    Paparazzi loves you

    They want to get

    A Shot



    Of your big brown eyes

    And your new tatoo

    So they can sell it

    To the Enquirer news



    The world's at your feet

    You're a famous teen

    A Nikon follows you

    In your Ferrari machine

    Just think what you can do

    With the money you make

    If you shared it with Care

    You'd be ending heartache


    Tabloid Boy

    You're Hot



    Paparazzi loves you

    They want to get

    A Shot



    Of your big brown eyes

    And your new tattoo

    So they can sell it

    To the Enquirer news

    Repeat Chorus:

    Hi Goldy,

    I just have to wonder whoooo this song is about?!! Ha Ha Ha Did he really get a tattoo? I'm behind on Enews.

    Good one! Your rhymes are realling flowing in this lyric.


  11. Okay, I think I managed to find something to say....


    Brand Names


    I look so good in Ray Bans,

    And all the girls agree

    I can't walk down the road

    Without them looking right at me!

    And when I strut my Levis

    I give those gals a thrill

    And when I tip my Stetson

    Well those gals would run uphill


    I drive my new Ranchero

    Down Rodeo Avenue

    All the high class ladies

    Turn and wave hello.

    Sometimes I cruise up Sunset

    Drinking Jim Beam with a Coke

    I keep a big Havana close

    In case I want a Smoke


    I'm buying brand names

    I'm buying brand names

    I don't shop no more in Wal Mart

    I made it big

    I really did

    I'm buying brand names


    I'm checking out this Tissot

    I really need to be on time

    I signed a big fat contract

    Now I'm wearing Calvin Klein.

    I got Nikes by the dozen

    But I don't even run no more

    I got a fancy trainer

    Teach Pilates at my door


    I'm buying brand names

    I'm buying brand names

    I don't shop no more in Wal Mart

    I made it big

    I really did

    I'm buying brand names


    I think I feel like chillin'

    Watch my mega LG screen

    Play a little X-Box

    Maybe call on Charlie Sheen


    I'm buying brand names

    I'm buying brand names

    I don't shop no more in Wal Mart

    I made it big

    I really did

    I'm buying brand names

    Please tell me you don't have Walmarts in Australia?!! ugh they are taking over the WORLD!!!

  12. Hi Lisa

    The verse is fine.

    The chorus.

    The A rhyme is not additive I think it's perfect. Pain/again

    If you look at the stability of rhymes and schemes.

    First the scheme. The most unstable scheme is abba

    You have seven lines which makes this the most unstable I can think of.


    In addition you should not use perfect family or additives in the chorus

    Use subtractives (less stable) assonance and consonance

    So here it is with the most tenuous of rhymes.

    Everybody feels it, this is so painful A

    Everybody gets hurt B

    Nobody wants to play a lead part B (consonance)

    Nobody wants to feel that again A (subtractive)

    Do we break the ties C

    So hard to be strong I'm beat B (consonance)

    Sometimes C (consonance)

    Now if you didn't know better you would think there were no rhymes there at all.

    The subject matter in the chorus suits instability.

    So when you put this in say your verse is explains the facts of the matter hence suitability to be stable.

    The chorus deals with the emotion. The song contrasts the two.

    Sorry to hear about this family stuff but you do know that emotions are not rational.

    So her nastyness to you is because your not sick and your brother is.

    I don't know how you deal with that,rationalise and get over it like I did, or whatever gets you bye.




    I deal with it by writing about it. I have one song that is simply entiled "Anger" about my lack of control of my brother's cancer. I wish screaming or crying could help but it does not.

    I see you know all about this and I'm sorry you had to go through it.

    Chin up. somehow....


  13. I've got a Wog so I have watched the videos on TV but not done notes or quizzes this week. I was a bit disappointed in my mark.

    26.5 out of thirty. Only 2.5 out of five for my spotlight which if I say so myself was not too shabby.

    Anyway not too worry it's the doing of them that matters.



    Gary, I looked up Wog and I thought I'd find it meant you weren't feeling well (we say we've got a bug as in a stomach bug) but the Urban Dictionary had another description that doesn't match what you said so...what are you saying?


    About the notes, it's only Tuesday and you can still post notes cause it's only Monday here in the states and the UK! ha ha ha! I love that 14 hours!


    I was happy with my 26 for Week 2 because my peers were so bad to me in week 1...I guess this week won't win me any points either. BLAH! I think I'll download these videos like Mahesh pointed out and go over them when I'm done with these 6 weeks and get better understanding of these new tools. I mean really?, did Bob Dylan actually know about family rhymes and multi syllables? I doubt it...


    Anyway, thanks for your thoughts on my chorus...yes that would've been better and I could've changed the melody a bit to make it work.

    I hope you feel ok...?

    All the best,


  14. Here are the lyrics for my Week 3 assignment. I have to find a loop that matches the tune in my head.

    HELP needed in the chorus? Line 3 is sung with 3 syllables does my notation reflect that ok?



    By Lisa M. Guzda


    A (FAMILY RHYME)  (8 SYLLABLES) When somebody’s heart is hurting

    B (ADDITIVE RHYME) (5 SYLLABLES) They lash out at you

    A (FAMILY) (8 SYLLABLES) Their pain makes them feel uncertain

    B (ADDITIVE RHYME) (5 SYLLABLES) They can’t see the truth


    A (ADDITIVE RHYME) (6 SYLLABLES) Everybody feels pain

    B (FAMILY RHYME) (6 SYLLABLES) Everybody feels hurt


    A (ADDITIVE RHYME) (9 SYLLABLES) Nobody wants to feel that again

    B (FAMILY RHYME) (9 SYLLABLES) Nobody wants to play a lead part

    C (FAMILY RHYME) (3 SYLLABLES) Break the ties

    X  (4 SYLLABLES) Hard to be strong


    I wrote this after visiting my brother.  His wife was not very nice to me and I know it is because of my brother’s illness that she is hurting .



  15. So Now it's assignment 3 


    in this assignment, you will write a new verse and chorus, this time with a fairly stable verse and an unstable chorus, applying the new tools from this lesson—rhyme scheme and rhyme type. Fellow students will evaluate your assignment based on the criteria below. Use them as a checklist in reviewing your own work.

    The verse structure is stable.

    The verse’s idea is appropriate for creating a stable structure.

    The rhyme scheme and/or rhyme types contribute to the verse’s stability.

    The chorus structure is unstable.

    The chorus’s idea is appropriate for creating an unstable structure.

    The rhyme scheme and/or rhyme types contribute to the chorus’s instability.

    The verse idea sets up the chorus idea effectively.

    The verse language is used effectively. It is specific and vivid.

    The chorus’s title is interesting.





    I don’t know who you are

    © Gary Yeomans 2013



    They all say I should cut out running

    Cut my losses dry my tears

    I never ever see it coming

    Even after all these years



    I don’t know why I still do it

    I feel the pain, and I know the fear

    It’s like you’ve locked me in, now I’m a lifer

    Your words cut me like a rusty knife

    I don’t know who you are



    The song idea is the difference between what is sensible to do in certain circumstances and what your emotions tell you, you should do, and how they are different.

    The verse idea the calm facts set up the emotional chorus as a contrast. You know she should go but you kind of understand why she doesn’t.


    The verse structure is four lines; alternate lines are of equal length. Nine syllables, seven syllables, nine syllables, seven syllables. The even number of lines and the even line lengths make this structure stable.


    The verse idea is the statement of facts as to what one should do in an abusive relationship. The stability of the structure allows the narrator to state calmly that she should just leave. Just the facts. This enables the practical facts to be stated so they can be contrasted with the emotive chorus. It enables the listener to easily accept and agree with these facts.


    The rhyme scheme of the verse is ABAB which supports the stability created by the even line numbers and lengths.


    The rhyme types are Perfect “Tears / years” and family (nasals) “Running / coming”

    These rhyme types further support the stable feeling of the verse.


    The chorus structure is five lines; of uneven lengths. The line lengths increase towards the middle and then decrease towards the end.

    The five lines create instability, which is supported by the uneven line lengths. The shortening line lengths towards the end of the chorus create restless motion.


    The chorus idea is an emotional response to exactly the same circumstance as the factual response in the verse. The idea is to contrast the two. The chorus needs to be unstable to show the irrationality of emotions. In the end the listener can understand both responses, and understands things are not always black and white.


    The chorus rhyme scheme is unstable being ABBA with a non-rhyming line in front to make it XABBA. This enhances the instability established by the uneven line lengths.


    The chorus rhyme types get less and less resolved as the chorus continues I am trying to create an emotion of getting more and more lost and not knowing what to do next.

    Fear/are (consonance rhyme the least resolved, and most tenuous)

    Lifer/knife (subtractive rhyme)


    Are you adding the notes to your submission? it really explains the story which is so hard to create in one verse and chorus. I don't know how to make my chorus flow with out music. I read your chorus and it is choppy but when I hear it to music, I get it. I'm posting my lyrics below. Can you take a peek and see if they rhymes are correct? I know it's last minute but if you can, I'd like to know your opinion.



  16. You are welcome Lisa. I have just posted my assignment three with notes as to what I have done and why I have done it.

    10.30 p.m., yes too late for recording. 


    It's a good thing to copy the evaluation check list into your word processor then ask yourself if you are doing each point.

    Sort of peer review of your own self if that's possible.


    I have tried now to create a really unstable feeling in my chorus. Like major

    I want you to yell at the speakers get out of there now or you'll wind up dead. sort of feeling. I've got subtractive then deteriorating to a 

    consonance rhyme. I really like that trick it's kind of cool. 


    Now this is so unstable but it doesn't fell like it's falling over. That last note has just got to be on an e minor chord. 

    I would never have written a chorus like this before doing this course.





    Gary, it's been a busy/bad week for me here. short handed at work so I can't take my computer breaks to listen to the videos this week. I forgot to do one quiz and had to guess at the answers because I only had 6 minutes to submit it...I like to procrastinate but this time I just plain ran out of time and forgot. Dang!!!!!

    Thanks to you, my Week 2 Assingment was graded with a 26 (out of 30 I think?) so much better than week one...

    I'm going to try to put mine to music but don't have the chours unstable enough. This is way outside my comfort zone this week!

    all the best,


  17. Hi Lisa

    my turn, what does DRAF mean? googled it but got zilch. or more to the point nothing that seemed to fit (fit what if I dont know what it means) mmmmm


    I have read your lyric and its good, real good. And what Kel said lol. I did have a suggestion on the bridge but if you are going to change it I wont post.


    can you send me the link for the Music School, I think you posted it but I cant remember where? Thanks 



    Typo for me....

    Drag out of us is correct.

    Kel, you are getting to know me well...scary!!!


  18. Well I have had a crack at a re-write and I am not sure if I have gone in the right direction or not?


    Is this layout considered an ABC structure? read some more about it but I am still not sure on all ways that are considered ABC.


    Took on board (pun (bus)) the comments and hopefully made some changes for the better? Plenty of innuendo's I hope they work. (This is not intended to be rude as such just a play on words)


    In the chorus the 2 lines "Top deck" "Back seat" are meant to be sung short n sharp.


    Thanks for reading





    Gonna Jump A Red one



    I'm sick of this, tired of waiting for him

    Gonna call the girls go clubbing with them

    Don’t think of him least for tonight

    Slip on my blue jeannnns oh so tight



    He’s not worth my pain over n over again

    I got to let him go before I go insane

    I'm better than him screw that fool

    Who’s he think he is to lay down the rule’s



    Gonna jump a red one No. 69

    I've punched his ticket

    Now I'm gonna punch mine

    A double decker

    Is our limo tonight

    Top deck

    Back seats

    Get as high as a kite


    Bridge (rap)


    Yeah he’s a loser

    Thinks he’s a bruiser

    Keeps me hangin

    While he’s out bangin

    With the boys

    (Slight pause)

    I'm not one of his toys

    (Slight pause)

    I’ll show him a rule

    Don’t play me for a fool

    Put me to the test

    I’ll come out best

    Every time



    I'm a girl with attitude now you know

    Afraid of nothing always ready to blow

    I’ll get my highs with what ever I please

    A red hot rocket that’s pulling the G’s



    Gonna jump a red one No. 69

    I've punched his ticket

    Now I'm gonna punch mine

    A double decker

    Is our limo tonight

    Top deck

    Back seats

    Get as high as a kite


    Outro (questionable if this works)


    I’ll get my highs with what ever I please

    A red hot rocket that’s pulling the G’s

    Hi Skin!

    Boy did John ask for it with this challenge! Pop, Love, and Rebellious! Little did he know what it would draf out of us all!

    Your change in the chorus makes a very clear picture. I picture a movie scene!

    Good one

  19. Thanks, Lisa.  I just want to clarify that I don't blame anyone for being intimidated at the prospect of learning how to play a musical instrument from square one, or for not being able to stay at it if the teaching model follows a traditional approach.  But, I keep thinking that if the teaching model didn't concern itself with technique or scales or theory or sight reading or anything else other than just learning chords, that would be a lot less intimidating and much easier to learn, and that knowledge of chords and familiarity playing them would be an invaluable tool in writing songs, even if it won't make you a good player.  I hear you Lisa, and I feel your pain.   :)  You can write the words and you can sing them with a melody divorced from other instruments.  Other non-musician lyricists can perhaps imagine the vocal melody, even if they can't sing.  But, what you all could really use are actual chord progressions structured in a song-type format for a real or imagined vocal melody of your words to be put to.  Now, we're talkin' full-blown songwriting!   :)

    Well, I know you better than that! I never thought you would blame someone for being intimidated by such a huge endeavour of learning an instrument. I think you and I have talked about my "laziness" or frustration of not practising what I really want to learn because it seems so overwhelming. I actually know 5 whole chords on the guitar! but they never support the melodies in my head soooo I just gave up... I am lucky to have a voice that usually is on key (no comments from the "peanut gallery please) I want to know the basics of guitar chords enough to write the melodies in my head so that is why I agreed whole heartedly with your suggestion. Thanks! 

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