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About Malcious123

  • Birthday 06/21/1988

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Music Background

  • Musical / Songwriting / Music Biz Skills
    lyricist, composer

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. happy birthday man!

  2. some of our lyrics can be candid, some not. But most reflect what we went through in life
  3. I agree wholeheartedly with everything you said. Some music "professionals" aren;t even the termage. I've had the same behaviour occur with fellow musicians as well............let's just not get me to go off on that one. And some indie labels are just as guilty.
  4. thanks for all the feedback, and I saw that I uploaded the wrong version. When I redid the font, I realized, you could barely see the name. here is the new version.
  5. I used to do alot of graphic work, and I did my band's album cover. Is it okay?
  6. I agree, we manage ourselves..and everything is okay.
  7. From my experience, we started out with a publisher and copyrighting BEFORE putting anything up or out. In otherwords, BMI invited us.*which was good, since they heard some of our songs almost a year ago, hence* I wouldn't go directly with Harry Fox, I've heard not too many good things about them...and supposedly they're kinda slow with the payments. Alot of people will advise you to either join BMI,ASCAP, orSESAC, but alot of times, your work has to be up-to-par, with alot of caliber artists and songwriters. Some people will just tell you to self-publish* in my opinion, do whatever feels right* Trademarking is relatively easy, you can do it two ways, *actually alot more*, The most important thing is registering your name,second which is called the "poor man's trademark", is simply getting your name enough recognition, in as many places as you can, **ie, myspace, gigs, the internet** Trust me, there are craploads of hoops to go through,but don't let it discourage you. I'm doing fine and you will as well. Good Luck.
  8. yeah, Bono is apart of the handful of celebs who do good things with their money. Bono has done alot for the 3rd world.
  9. I agree, oh shit. And what makes it worse, is that major labels waste so much money. T_T *but they have the funds for it* and the artists should get paid more, *the good ones* Most of the music major labels put out now has been "recycled" over and over , sounds the same, looks the same, but with a different face to it, and to sum it up, lacks originality. And there goes the artists hard work.
  10. this is really helpful, we did some of those steps before deciding to become a record label,though. But your info is helpful nonetheless. Thank You!
  11. Normally, I'd write about 33 a year, and compose music for 2 of them. This year its different because I've written 27 songs and composed 35.
  12. this is my band's myspace: http://www.myspace.com/dnarcorevolution
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