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Everything posted by CaptObvious

  1. You have a point no doubt, much of the mental processing is made of course by the individual brain that hears the music. But consider that to our westernized ears in particular, we can manipulate the chord structures and effectively make a sad song or a happy one. Perhaps too simplistic, but we are trained from birth that minor keys are sad, major keys are happy, perhaps it's instinctual. To demonstrate, check out Hey Jude, modulated into a minor key. The tune takes on an entirely new flavor to our westernized ears. First the original in a major key... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t5c-LVYnafg Now in aminor key! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8dcfpH8oJoM&list=RDy6KmiIq2-m8&index=2
  2. Finally, some good press. The bass player community was reeling after this one... http://www.thescoopnews.com/news/briefs/339/groupie-accidentally-sleeps-with-bass-player LOUISVILLE, KY – The day after The Academy Is concert, Victoria Jorgensen, 22, was terrified to realize that she had accidentally slept with the band’s bass player – mistaking him for someone important in the band. “I can’t believe how stupid I was,†said Jorgensen. “I mean, I went up to the guy and was like ‘are you in the band’ and he was all like, ‘yeah, I’m in the band’ so I did him. Then this morning I was telling my friends and I realized he was just the bass player. This happens to me all the time.†Jorgensen plans to do more research before sleeping with another band member. “This won’t happen again,†said Jorgensen. “If I’m going to sleep with someone, they’d better be important. I mean, I could find someone here in town as important as a bass player.†Adam Siska, The Academy Is bass player, was unavailable for comment.
  3. I actually met Mr. Brown at an Idaho jazz festival master class maybe 15 years ago. He pulled me up on stage to demonstrate a walking blues line because I was in high school back then and had long hair and a Fu Manchu goatee, must have looked like a complete idiot and he wanted to say if I could play. I did ok and he was generous before showing us how it's really done. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6bJu2owDM2E
  4. Good! I'd never recommend a student player to start using the pick and only the pick. It's a great tool in the bag for certain songs or genre's of music but that's about it. I've seen bass played very tastefully with a pick, but I believe you're losing nuance and versatility. Why replace 5 perfectly good plucking or picking appendages with one made of plastic or rubber?
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