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HIGHFLIER last won the day on July 31 2017

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  • Musical / Songwriting / Music Biz Skills
    writing, arranging

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  1. Yep, I am. And thank you for the welcome. Looking forward to hear what you've created.
  2. And so do you! Thank you. See you around the place
  3. Welcome LJ. I learned to post my rough works in progress in the Music Critique section and my more or less finished products into the Showcase area. Hope this helps and I look forward to hearing your work.
  4. Thank you, Peggy! Maybe it's 'cause I'm new but I just can't seem get enough of the place. So much to see hear and learn. See you around this great Forum!! As a writer performer I really do need a group of folks like all of you.
  5. Thank you. Did find this from: http://diymusician.cdbaby.com/musician-tips/5-things-every-musician-know-copyright/ "Pre-mastered is fine. And individual songs are still protected if registered as a collection. Lastly, I think what matters MOST is when you register the copyright with the LoC. As for what you put on your disc, I'd suggest putting the more current date, as some people in the media will see the 2013 date and decide to pass on your album because it's yesterday's news" Hope I didn't shake anyone up too badly. How embarrassing but at least the issue which hung over my head is settled. If I couldn't safely submit songs as a body of work it would cost $1400 in Library of Congress fees for 40 songs. I already had 10 individually copyrighted back in 1994 when the fee was only $10 a song. Hopefully now I can get the 40 song balance done in four stages at ten songs a whack for about $140. I think it's imminently worth the effort to do so and always have. Thanks again everyone. Sleeping at night has suddenly taken on a whole new dimension
  6. I would intuitively think so as well but intuition and law don't always jive. I'm pretty sure what you say is the correct interpretation. I'm still looking into this.
  7. Welcome! The bench is filling up fast too. I'm the one sitting on the end.......yeah, the one with the dunce cap on LOL.
  8. Welcome D! Man, there's a lot to see and learn here so you're in the right place. Hope to hear some of your stuff sometime too
  9. Nice to see you here. I'm new too but the reception was warm and the info around the Forum rich and very helpful. So welcome.
  10. Years ago I was under the understanding that registering several songs as one piece of work wasn't good enough to protect the author. My understanding was that if one did that then the BODY of work was protected but someone could remove one piece of it (one song) and place it into a compilation that included other artists without infringing on an author's copyright since they didn't steal the whole 'work'- just a part of it. I will research this but I was curious to know if anyone has heard or experienced this. The word years ago was that compiled "party albums' created from numerous artist's songs that were not individually copyrighted got around the copyright laws.
  11. Thank you Tom, we are actually doing just that as I speak. We have talked much about what avenues to pursue and that one is top of the list. We are currently waiting for a reply from owners of a renovated event Barn that seats about 100 or more. Since three of us are retired and more or less on a fixed income this is an initial investment in the process. Hopefully we can roll all of the monies after rent to continue on this path until the band gets better known and secures a reputation for having well-written, arranged, and performed material. And while the vocalist is relatively new the bassist and drummer now 'own' the songs as I like to say it and play them extremely well. The vocalist hasn't weaned herself off of reading while singing but on the several songs she has committed to memory her new-found freedom on them is like night and day regarding her performance . I have to honestly say, watching these people grow as musicians has been a large part of my enjoyment- and theirs as well. Thank you for the input and ideas and I am encouraged when I see that your suggestions are pretty much in line with where we want to go and how we are approaching it. The better clubs and venues around here are mostly ticketed shows and so without a following it would be difficult to fill a 2-300 person capacity. We know this and so are moving in the direction of setting up our own ticketed shows to see how things initially play out. We did do an afternoon 4-set performance last Mother's Day afternoon and brought in about thirty of our own people to add to the sixty that were there. We did all originals and no one left. In fact the compliments we received from everyone was very positive and we had a great time there. It helped encourage us to stay the course.
  12. I'll keep it short then. Back when I was 2.............Just kidding First off, I ve been a musician and songwriter for over 45 years. I have 50 songs all finished with intros, outros, breaks etc. and mostly performed as a 12 acoustic soloist with bands, duos, and trios in between- everything from high powered rock to blues to some jazz. I retired in the winter of 2014 and after a time decided that I didn't want my music to perish at the moment that I did. I got the idea to find a young band fronted by a female vocalist in my area and mentor them and then simply pass all of my songs to them to run with. Seriously, that's what I started out to do! Well after placing numerous ads to that effect there was no response from anyone, anywhere So I decided to start something of my own. I began placing ads on craigslist and Bandmix for my local area for these musicians: Female vocalist, bassist, drummer/percussionist, keyboardist, and a saxophonist. Anyone within a 50 mile radius. The rub of course was that I was NOT going to do any covers at all- only my own material. Even my spouse said it was a bit egotistical but I persisted anyway. I began the search in January of 2015, keeping the ads refreshed and up to date every three or four days. I had many, many responses to the point where I lost track of how many, over a hundred at least. They all wanted to hear samples of the music which immediately resulted in people just disappearing- most of them never even getting back to say they weren't interested. It took me many emails in my efforts to fill the slots- two of which are still open believe it or not. After a year of disappointments I finally found found a bassist. He's been on board for over a year and a half now. It took me close to two years to find a drummer. All during that time I corresponded with over 40 female vocalists, and after nearly giving up, one came on board just this past April. These musicians are still with me and are with me because they truly like the material. No commitments. They just see the potential and want to be a part of it. I'm STILL looking for a sax player and a keyboardist after over two and a half years of searching and still have the ads for them up and running. And that's the story. We're all in our 60's and the vocalist is in her 50's- and we have no gigs LOL. But we've been brainstorming on how to break into a very tight-knit music scene that has at least a hundred bands around vying for the same venues. We are not a bar band but instead are more of a concert, opening act kind of band and are not in it for the money. We just love playing this material and know our break will come. And when it does we all know that it will only be the beginning. Not much else to say here except thank you for asking and thank you for reading. Best, Dan P.S. And now I off to the Showcase/music section to listen to EVERYONE"S submissions- can't wait!
  13. Thank you. The music is an acoustic pop/rock that has influences like everyone else's but is still somewhat non-derivative. Folks have asked me that very question many times and when one of the band's members gets asked they respond like myself, "Well, it's kind of hard to describe". There may be a genre it fits just fine but I don't know what it would be TBH. I should post some music in the music section and see how it shakes out for you folks. Is there a proper place to tell give the boring band story details beyond this thread or is here OK?
  14. Been reading this thread. All I can say, Geraint, is terrific job and absolutely incredible focus and drive! Congratulations, my man, on a well deserved outcome. I'm just getting my feet wet here and you are an inspiration among others that let me know that it CAN be done. Yes, you still have work to do on the push side but you wouldn't BE able to push today without a product. Nice work indeed
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