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Steve Mueske

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Everything posted by Steve Mueske

  1. Okay, here's the thing. I'm a bit cynical, so there's that. First, I despise Joe Rogan, Alex Jones, Carlson Tucker, and the like, but we're never going to be rid of them. We're living in a time when people would rather believe in what feels right to them because it's more difficult to think about the quality of their sources. On a surface level, I admire what Neil Young has done, but he's made similar moves before, and I'm really starting to dislike these attention seeking forays. The problem is so much deeper, and I don't have an answer. Media companies want to make money. That's it. If Noam Chomsky had Joe Rogan's draw, they'd be all over him. Until we can teach people how to think critically, to trust science, and seek accurate knowledge, we're not solving anything. Alex Jones's and Carlson Tucker's defense in court has been, essentially, "I'm playing a character, no one believes what I say is true." But they do, they absolutely do.
  2. I'm hearing a slow melody develop that I'd like to pursue. I'm trying to keep this minimal, but with developing motifs that surface and become part of the material.
  3. I adore this! I sooo love your voice and the surprising way the chorus arrives is quite nice!
  4. So, reelcrafter, after a year and a half of talking about this, decided to migrate from version 1 to version 2 overnight. I think I have migrated everything properly. Anyway, here's the same track after three more hours worth of work. I hope I have everything updated properly on my end. It's the top piece and should have today's date. https://play.reelcrafter.com/whoisthemuesk/nmfsketches
  5. Sorry. I do work hot initially. I do this for mood and texture. I will definitely be working on dynamics and development. This is just an initial idea.
  6. Oh, it will be longer. That's just what I could squeeze in with two hours of work. Usually a test drive for an idea or sound pallet is around 30 seconds to a minute for me. If I like the idea, I'll come back to it. If not, it goes into one of my 10,000 folders to be forgotten about for a few years. I plan to give this at least two more sessions and see how I feel about it.
  7. Now that took courage! There is something deep and honest and real here. Thank you for sharing.
  8. I appreciate you, brother! I'll listen to anything you have, ever. Message me to let me know.
  9. I got 1 listen from all this. I don't want to be a cheerleader, and I'm not going to continue investing time in this. I'm sorry. My gut instinct is to withdraw, so that's what I'm going to do. If people care enough for this to continue, it will. I'll check back, but I'm not going to continue driving this unless something changes.
  10. @Popthree I listened to all of these. Dig all of them!
  11. Lot of activity since I crashed last night. I have to work today (another 11.5 hr shift), but am liking forward to checking in later. @Popthree I will listen to your pieces tonight. Sorry, I had the sads yesterday.
  12. https://rcrft.co/reel/whoisthemuesk/nmfsketches
  13. I'm going to post something in two hours. We'll see what happens. I'm riddled with doubt too. I want this to be both a safe space and motivation.
  14. I will watch for three days, will engage all conversation.
  15. @Popthree @john @Mahesh I need your input. I'm loving the increased activity in the forum. What do I do? @VoiceEx
  16. Okay, so here's the deal. I really don't want to anger anybody. I feel a strong need TO WOODSHED. But, I feel like I committed to this. You know. & this is the argument. I am willing to go either way. I love this space. Do you? If not, I'm going to hole up for a year. Just throwing this out there.
  17. I sort of feel like this is a waste of time. If you have ideas, let me know. I'm listening.
  18. I have read people use reference tracks. Since I started producing and mastering my own music, I have never used them. What I do instead is extensive metering and a common set of tools to achieve my sound. In the old days, when I recorded at recording studios, it was common for engineers to use reference tracks because we hadn't worked together extensively and it was easier for them to ask "are there any bands or tracks you want this to sound like?" If I were mixing and mastering other people's music, I'd probably do this more. I'm more concerned with levels, clarity, etc., and I depend on my ears and metering. Not that reference tracks are wrong, it's just that I know what I want my work to sound like and have never found them useful producing my own work.
  19. Hi, it's that time of the week again. This is the thread for posting anything in progress, at any stage of development, a supportive salon for everyone to listen to each other's work. Loops, snippets, beats, ideas, refrains, solo instruments, sketches whatever you feel like. Looking forward to hearing what you've been up to! I'll be back later to post and listen. Happy Friday!
  20. I think this is extremely reductionist, but whatever. Concept albums only do well over the course of time. The average listener just wants to be entertained. It's still capitalism, it's still a business. All business desires is to maximize profits on minimal investment. Rap and hip hop have very little to do with the "downfall" of music. It's a form of expression, one you may not care for, but unique and legitimate. It gives a voice to underrepresented segments of society. The problem, like anything else in business, is looking for a cheap formula for success (which quite often involves mimicry), and finding role players who fit the desired criteria. I'm too heartsick and exhausted to argue about this. Nor do I particularly care. I just couldn't let this slide without a comment. Watch the documentary on NAS's seminal influence on hip hop. It will help. Netflix, I think.
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