Hello everyone, 😄😃
I wrote this song during a very tough moment in my life, and although I'm no longer feeling that way the song is one of my favorite due to its deep and real lyrics. I used a lot of metaphors just like the word ''ghost'' I hope you can decode the actual meaning of that song.
It's a lyric video Below I'll write the lyrics again with further details but I'd love for you to listen and read it first and try to understand what am I talking about in the song.
I've found a ghost, it lives into my soul, crawls to every pore
It came along, some scars from my past, those that were meant to last.
(the ghost and the rest of the lines refer to a past trauma that's haunting him in the present as a ghost,taking control of him very often)
But if you, want me closer, darling won't be me if you force me to come over (depression is something hard to understand unless you've been through the same, some people think its something silly that can be overcomed easily)
I'll be good, I'll recover, I'll be just fine I'll probably see you tomorrow (at this point the protagonist is used to feeling this way)
And hold your head if we stumble in between
I'll recover from the sting and settle back in
I just need some time to fix me up, love is not enough until I
I shake this off, out of my head
The ghost that chains me up and keeps my heart cold.
(the protagonist advises his loved one not to worry if he ''falls'' back again into depression, he just needs some time to eventually re-settle, he explains by saying ''love is not enough'' that it is not her fault it is just something deeply inside that he needs to get rid off)
*Verse 2*
I've found some gold,
He was given to me time ago, he looks like my own
My own (talks about his own son as a treasure life gave him)
She's so sweet, she gives me all I need,
From wake up to sleep
(talks about his wife and basically saying that he has been blessed with a beautiful family but there's still that dark site that won't let him enjoy his new life)
Chorus again.
The long solos were just needed, I couldnt force the lyrics any further and the guitar solos were what the song needed for reflection.
I name the song GHXST with an X in order for it to be easier to find and at the same time deniying that we are actualy talking about a real ghost but a metaphor
Hope you liked it, thank you for your time