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Everything posted by john

  1. Hey http://www.mi2n.com/press.php3?press_nb=73220 Cheers John
  2. Hi Welcome to Songstuff! Ok, to have a PC based music system you'll need, or I would recommend: As powerful a PC as you can get with as much RAM as possible. A sequencer prog (Sonar, Cubase etc.) An audio sequencer (Sonar, Cubase etc.) A software sampler prog (there are lots) Software synthesiser progs (plugins for Sonar, Cubase, often called VST instruments, also stand alone progs like re-birth) An audio editing prog (Wavelab, Soundforge etc.) As good a soundcard as you can get. As you are starting out I would recommend an industry standard card, like Sound Blaster Live! or one of the newer Soundblaster cards. With this you get access to Vienna Sound Studio, a software sampler... I hope this helps. I'll drop back and give some advice on creating sounds, and using the progs, but I'm sure you'll get lots of good advice from the others here... Cheers John
  3. Quote * mixer and effects ready for live use ? no latency, for perfect monitoring!
  4. http://www.creamware.de/index.php?submenu=...roducts&lang=en
  5. Hey Chris On the lag, most sound cards quote latency figures. From your system spec, it shouldn't be a problem. I use creamware cards, and the configurable DSPs are really flexible with routing. Most sound cards (I believe) are not that flexible. They have fixed ins and outs and limited routing capability. Or at least they did last time I looked. Cards with configurable DSPs are expensive though. Creaware have an entry level card at about £350 called the "Power Sampler", which I think has 3 DSP chips on board. As I said before, there are other manufacturers out there. www.creamware.de Cheers John
  6. Hey Chris If you use a midi star network for your synths, your midi delay will be next to nothing. That said, the application audio routing will greatly depend on your Soundcard patching/routing capability. But at worst, route the PC generated sounds to a digital out, looped back to a digital in. Cheers John
  7. Hey Ho Using your sound card as a starting point, as Dave says, it depends on your budget. If you can get one that allows for a flexible set up (multi DSP are best for this). A decent sound card will take a hell of a lot of load off your main processor, which can be very handy! If you still want to create mixes using your external sources, or both external and software mixed get a soundcard that provides a break-out box for multi-channel IO (Creamware fits the bill, but there are others). I agree, why mix to DAT? I route the output of my software mixer to the input of Wavelab, and use that for my mastering.Of course, you may still want to record at CD quality to get the most amount of tracks/effects/instruments, but that's another matter... For a simple system, using no external sound sources at mixdown, mix and master internal to the PC. Just to illustrate another approach, I use a pretty complex set up, with a high degree of flexibility. My current system uses a mix of live instruments, synths and outboard effects, plus computer generated instruments and effects. Recording an instrument: I record through the mixer sub-mix bus when recording to PC (same for a vocal, any external instrument to be recorded), and into the stereo in of one of my Soundcards. If using a breakout box, I would use the individual channel outputs from the mixer to the BOB inputs. The recorded tracks are then mixed with any computer sounds in the PC mixer, and output through the same soundcard, back to the external mixer. The mixer then uses the main mix bus to blend the un-recorded external tracks (external synths etc) and output through the main desk output into the stereo in of my second soundcard (yet again this could be the same soundcard if you have enough IO ports). This signal is what is monitored. This all depends on a low latency system. Mix down: External and PC generated sounds are mixed through the main mix bus on my desk, through a stereo input on my soundcard, straight to Wavelab. Why such a complex system? It's very, very versatile. It make the most of the gear I already know and love, gives me the tactile experience of mixing using my desk. I also use an old VS880 as a midi controller for my PC mixer. Sure it leaves the digital domain, but to be honest, for most people the loss in sound quality is not appreciable. I also know that if I want, I can easily set my system up for 96kHz, and mix everything in the PC. Being versatile is definately worth consideration. Just some food for thought! Cheers John
  8. Hey BS I'm not sure about the UK (though I think PCworld sell it). Sony have a uk distributor, you could try them. Apart from that try German company Thomann, who regularly supply the uk market. http://www.netzmarkt.de/thomann/thoiw2_art...kel-172571.html Cheers John
  9. Hi http://www.timesonline.co.uk/newspaper/0,,...1336132,00.html Cheers John
  10. Hey Tom How are you getting on with the recording? Cheers John
  11. Hi cd_replication Thanks for the info, it is on topic and in reply to solicited info, so I'll leave the post here. Your post in recordingstuff has however been removed as the Songstuff forum does not accept unsolicited free adverts from commercial companies, advertising commercial services. If you take part in this forum as normal active member you can include your company url in your signature, but that is it. If your company offers a genuine free service or product, you can plug it, and only it, where the post is on topic. Please read board guidelines in Newbiestuff. If you want to advertise on Songstuff please use the contact link to enquire about rates. Cheers John
  12. Hi http://www.sundayherald.com/45489 Cheers John
  13. Hey intel Excellent nice one! Cheers John
  14. Leon I hope you understand, but as this is for a completely commercial service it has been edited. If you want an advert on Songstuff, contact songstuff using the contact Songstuff link. Please don't post commercial posts on the Songstuff boards. We are not a free advertising network. Meanwhile the link and name of your company / site has been removed from your post. If you want to take part in this community by discussing music and music related subjects, you can list your site in your signature. Blatant plugs (free adverts) from commercial services is not taking part in the community. Your company does not offer a free service or product, which could be acceptable. Free consultation (a sales pitch by any other name) is not regarded as a free service or product. Free sites offering free services and features can post plugs, as long as they are on topic and don't spam the boards with multiple posts. Cheers John
  15. Hey Thought you might be interested in this. http://www.theregister.co.uk/2004/10/21/ri...004_salesshock/ Cheers John
  16. Hey Does anyone have recommendations for using XP on your audio PC? For example: Turn off screensaver. Use simple themes. What about any optimisation to help squeeze the most from your system? Cheers John
  17. Hey eh, as the title says... http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=stor...ic_041013170430 Cheers John
  18. How's the studying going? Hopefully getting some time for music! Cheers John
  19. Olggu I couldn't agree more. They can be very passive from your opint of view nigel, by installing or running spyware, or a trojan. On the spyware, it could be something that echoes your key presses to a log and then sends them off to the abuser when you connect to the internet. They can then get all your password details, credit card details, in fact, anythnig you type in. I hope you have good virus protection! Cheers John
  20. As long as you only download the free stuff, you don't need to worry. As for file sharing, I've never gone near it. Too many shady goings on there for me. Never mind the legality of the music, there's so much spyware, viruses,and general security issues.
  21. john

    Encore Guitars

    Hey Steve I have to agree. Get old Squire, or even better an old fender. As long as the neck is ok, almost anything else can be pretty easily fixed. Of course, gig or no gig, a nice new one is tempting...go on, treat yourself, yout wife is bound to understand. Cheers John
  22. Hey New anti-piracy measures? http://p2pnet.net/story/2682 Then again, how long till someone finds a hack.... Cheers John
  23. Hey I thought our UK board members might be interested in this... http://www.dvd-recordable.org/modules.php?...order=0&thold=0 Cheers John
  24. Lazz I agree, but I was meaning music competitions in general, not just the online ones. The ones that tend to be better for artists are normally where the competition isn't the main money making vehical, and the main purpose is the sponsors visibility. These can be run by organisations, but more commonly by the media (radio, tv, newspapers, music magazines etc.) but I have to admit many of them now want an entrance fee too. Sad but there you have it. A tangible benefit for an entrant could simply be to be heard by a suitable panel. i.e. not just the drones. As far as ambition goes, I'm not really interested in running a song comp. It was one of many ideas I looked at, but ruled it out for several reasons. I am thinking about Songstuff awards though. To be honest there are lots of ways Songstuff could help artists, and a Song comp takes a lot of effort to do fairly, and as you pointed, only really gives the full benefit to the winner. As for salutory, more a resigned "typical!". I'll re-check the ones I thought were reasonable and post back the list (probably 3...). The main purpose of a song contest is, as you say, to make money. Either directly from the contest (almost all on-line contests, possibly all), or from improved brand awareness and indirect sales like advertising. The typical online contest makes money anyway it can. As do most businesses. As I said, I've never entered anything, apart from a few "battle of the bands" in my youth, and they were free. The one thing the net has that brings out the greed, big style, is the apparent anonymity. I'm depressed now... That is of course why Songstuff is so essential to re-dress the balance! Onwards and upwards! Cheers John
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