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Everything posted by john

  1. SSL To Intro V2 Software For C100 Console at NAB http://www.digitalprosound.com/articles/vi...le.jsp?id=30715
  2. Hey Al To you, or the audience? Cheers John
  3. Hey What Finn says is very true. Singing with a cold can be a really bad idea. I know of a semi-professional singer who once performed when she had a cold. She thought that she had warmed up and she was drinking lots of water, and pineapple juice which is generally the best fruit juice for your vocal cords. Anyway, she lost her voice mid-way through, including her speaking voice! What's worse is that although her speaking voice gradually returned, it was not right for a long time. Her singing voice? She lost it completely for 2 years! So, be warned! Cheers John
  4. What's wrong with C++ talk? It seems perfectly logical. Now combine C++ with OOA&D and it gets real fun!
  5. Funny that. When I talk to most people their eyes glaze over, they start to drool and make a low moaning sound. I seem to elicit a similar response when I type too....
  6. Steve I haven't downloaded the zip, but have you looked for an install.htm or txt file in the tutorial files? Assuming you know how to do the flash bit (it looks pretty straight forward and the instructions are step by step) you will upload your php file(s) to your web site, upload your swf file with the alterations, including the path to the sendmail.php file. For security reasons place the sendmail php files in an off web directory if you can. This means the send mail function cannot be accessed by anyone unless they go through your flash form. I say if you can, because it depends on several things. I'm guessing that this has to be in an on-web directory as the flash movie will probably use a url to access the sendmail (I don't know much about flash) as it is executed on the client machine, not the server. I'll look into it a bit more to makew sure the security aspect is ok. Cheers John
  7. Steve Do you understand what do do with the flash editing? Cheers John
  8. Hi Steve I'll mail you what you need. with some instructions. Cheers John
  9. Flash can't be spidered by search engines, for dial up users it makes the site really slow and unuseable, there are still lots of people who don't have a flash player installed, not all browsers like it, a lot of it is unecessary filler to cover a poor site, it's harder to produce a dynamic site, did I say lots of people really don't like it... should I go on? That said there are a few fun flash games, and it can be pretty good for tutorials etc. but a great deal depends on the reason flash is being used.
  10. Hey Steve I just found this. Are you still interested in php? Here's a little background info. Basically Didier has the right idea. The name seems to have a variety of meanings, one of the most common being Personal Hypertext Programming. Websites tend to want dynamic content. This means that instead of every element of a web page being decided upon when the programmer creates or edits the page, it is generated when a user browser requests the page. This can be anything from an individual image, such as a banner advert, to an entire website. Technologies are divided in several different ways, but there are only two you really need to be bothered about. 1. When the programme you write is interpreted: Is it script based (typed text is interpreted when the script is executed), or it is compiled code (typed text is interpreted at time of writing to create the file to execute) 2. Where it is executed (run): Client-side (on the computer where the browser is running) or Server-side (on the computer where the web site is hosted). Php is very like the programming language C++, in terms of syntax, but Php is a server-side scripting language. It is used to create and or manage dynamic content (i.e. changing content). It is not the only language that can do this however it is currently one of the main ones. In many ways it has replaced Perl for this purpose on web sites. If you open the php file with notepad there are often comments within the file that give you a clue on how to use it. I take it that your form is standard html, and your script is intended to interpret the form fields and maybe mail them to you? If so'll need to give me a bit more info. The main thing is whether it is a collection of functions which can be called from another php file or if the php file is intended to be called as a function itself. If you are unfamiliar with programming languages, send me the php file(s) in question and I'll let you know. If it is a file that can be called like a function, you will need to add the url to the file to the action statement in the form. If it is a file full of functions, you probably need to write a php file to call those functions. The url to the file you write would then be added to the form action field. As far as resources go for existing php scripts try www.hotscripts.com . What exactly are you trying to do? Cheers John
  11. If you are using a Midi click, why not change the instrument/sound that is used for the metronome? It might help. Cheers John
  12. Hi Tim I tend to use a drum beat if I am intending adding a Midi instrument of anykind. I have used a metronome and electronic metronome, but it is harder to work with in terms of feel. Cheers John
  13. Hi Welcome to Songstuff! You can enter details and download manuals here: http://www.emu.com/support/ The EPS and EPS +16 ar listed, with links to manuals etc to download. I hope this helps. Cheers John
  14. His voice was exactly right for the music Their Music and lyrics were cornerstones of a generation I liked them zat ok?
  15. Aaaahhhhhh...... groupies. I remember them well. nuff said.
  16. Hey I'm a big soul vocal fan, but let me qualify that. I mean older soul, not the modern "pop dressed as soul". Some of my selection is more based on vocal, some on the lyrics, fewer on both! So here they are in no particular order... Otis Redding Smokey Robinson David Crosby Sandy Denny Roy Harper Alison Krauss Kate Bush Thom Yorke Beth Gibbons Paul Rogers Robert Plant Roger Daltrey Rod Stewart and just to fly in the face of expectation: John Lydon (In his early days with the Sex Pistols) Cheers John
  17. Google PagerRank in Google's own words: "PageRank relies on the uniquely democratic nature of the web by using its vast link structure as an indicator of an individual page's value. In essence, Google interprets a link from page A to page B as a vote, by page A, for page B. But, Google looks at more than the sheer volume of votes, or links a page receives; it also analyzes the page that casts the vote. Votes cast by pages that are themselves "important" weigh more heavily and help to make other pages "important." Important, high-quality sites receive a higher PageRank, which Google remembers each time it conducts a search. Of course, important pages mean nothing to you if they don't match your query. So, Google combines PageRank with sophisticated text-matching techniques to find pages that are both important and relevant to your search. Google goes far beyond the number of times a term appears on a page and examines all aspects of the page's content (and the content of the pages linking to it) to determine if it's a good match for your query." Cheers John
  18. Hey BS When did you convert from Cubase to Cakewalk? Welcome to the 21st century dude.... Cheers John
  19. john


    Hey I wonder how many people signed up.... It's scams like these that give the web a bad name. Cheers John
  20. Hey They're all so busy being virtuosos, as if that will make stardom. It's not all about virtuoso playing. In fact it's very little to with that. For every band with a virtuoso player, there are hundreds or even thousands of bands with a great and popular sound, that are made up of all kinds of musicians with a great deal of variety in their playing ability. Most people are more interested in a good melody, a good rhythm, and the undefinable "something different". Strangely, these are the elements that bands tend to work on least. The vocalist strains trying to be heard, singing their meaningful lyrics, the bass player stands off to the side of the drummer, intent on holding down a beat playing on the eighth notes, or playing so many notes that the beat is undiscernable. The drummer plays another splashy beat, waiting for his chance to play the killer fill. The keyboard player want to play with every sound he has on his mega-expensive techno-synth. Meanwhile the guitarist poses and preens, playing some inappropriatly busy riff that sounds sort of ok because of the fantastastic preset patches on his Zoom. All the while he lurks waiting for a pause by the vocalist, then he strikes with a lightning solo to impress the friends and family who turned up to "support them". Towards the end of the track all the musicians are keen to impress the audience standing at the back of the room. Rushing towards chaos, they build to the crashing end to hear 5 people clap and a lot of people talking. If there are more friends, they might get a cheer and a shout or two. I learnt to play several instruments partly because of experience for arranging, and partly because it's fun to try something new, and for me, to at least learn the basics that allow me to express myself with that instrument. Most aspiring Musos seem to focus on achieving a technical Nirvana on one instrument, but techniques, and skills are primarily there to achieve something. To make something. To create, to express and to communicate. A crappy analogy: Imagine a carpenter turning up at your house. You asked for a beautiful new kitchen. Instead they proceed to demonstrate all the joints, carving sanding and finishing until every surface demonstrates their undoubted skill, with swirls, and notches, inlays etc it's not what most people want in their kitchen. While you may be impressed with their amazing skill at using tools and understanding wood. But if you saw there work somewhere else, would you buy from them? Music is a bit like that. It has to be functional. You can only break so many of the design rules at a time before it's no longer what your fans want. There are Music genres that are very busy all the time (Rush springs to mind, or Hendrix) but they are the exceptions to the rule. I've several guitarists almost as good as Hendrix, Steve Vai etc. and none of them are famous. Why? They could never work in a band , as part of a team They focused on what turned them on, not what was right for the song Every song was a vehicle for showing off their ability They never understood tasteful, or melodic, when it came to their or any other Music genre. Sure you may get away with a well arranged, technique saturated song at the top, but Musicians forget: Hendrix started as a session man, learnt the biz, made contacts and developed a reputation. So did Jimmy Page, Jeff Beck etc. They learned to be part of a band, before they took their unadulterated art to the world. I'm knackered after all that typing. Sorry if I droned on! I'm off to bed! Cheers John
  21. As a twentyone year old I can wholeheartedly agree. Al, you're bang on the money. The thing that confuses me is, If you make fantastic claims you'll be found out pretty soon. Making claims that aren't true seems really stupid though, so why would someone make such rediculous claims if they aren't true? So I guess it's either true, they're naive and stupid, they're bad and stupid or..... maybe we just don't know the facts. Another bit I'm puzzled about is the mention of Sony etc. If this is legitimate, I'd have expected to see Sony everywhere etc. The fact that they are not reporting news, but using Sony's name as promotion leverage, means if it is being used falsely they'll get sued rotten. If Sony took an "interest" in Songstuff, I'm sure it would be visible in several areas, and there would be an article on it. If Sony took an "interest" and we got excited and used their name before a deal was signed and sealed, the deal would very likely be off, and we may face a law suit. If Sony taking an "interest" meant "I read the word Sony in a magazine while I was editing my site", they may well get sued. To corporations, defending the brand is almost everything. I'll reserve my judgement, but I'm sceptical. My guess is it's an over eager webmaster trying to get some people in. If you are a member or prospective member I'd ask the simple question: "What exactly is your relationship with Sony and the other companies you mention?" Following that you could contact Sony if you're really bothered. They're quite good at answering these types of questions. ****** If any of you remember a certain songwriting competition, based in Canada, that tried to plug on these boards? We sussed that it was being run by a guy with a rehearsal studio. Well that thread started a bit of a snowball resulting in a number of angry sites, and magazines etc. asking for their logo to be removed and there are some pending actions (I believe). All because someone working at one of the sites spotted the thread and reported it to the managing director. ******* Cheers John
  22. I had a look a couple of weeks ago, and the place was pretty well dead. There was about 70 members. As this is completely forum and portal based, the only issues I can see for the delay in membership approval are that its either not fully maintained, or they do not want to launch until the features are all there. I wonder if Sony know that they are using their name? Maybe the guy that owns the site knows a Sony rep. From the point of the Sony A&R guy, exactly what does he get out of a forum with 5 threads and 6 posts, and songs by 3 artists? Comeg has been around a while, so giving the benefit of the doubt maybe it's an idea in the making or wishful thinking but the claims are unlikely with the current popularity of the site and the lack of active features. It hasn't changed a bit since Comeg posted this. Is there an update on this? Cheers John
  23. Good points Tom. A list maybe, but I didn't say I was any good at them! Playing a large number of instruments shouldn't be that impressive. Anyone with a Musical ear, and time, can learn an instrument. Learning the next one is easier, and so on, although mastering almost any instrument does take work and dedication. Cheers John
  24. Thanks Finn. So what sort of things do you do as a webmaster? It means different roles and responsibilities with different companies. Cheers John
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