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Everything posted by john

  1. From the album: John Moxey Studio 2023

    Combined recording studio and podcast studio. Looking awesome if I do say so myself!

    © John Moxey

  2. john

    Red Studio At Night…

    From the album: John Moxey Studio 2023

    Producers delight.

    © John Moxey

  3. From the album: John Moxey Studio 2023

    Producer’s been up all night making music!

    © John Moxey

  4. john

    Songstuff Podcast Studio

    From the album: John Moxey Studio 2023

    Studio set up for recording a podcast.

    © John Moxey

  5. Hi Slowburn, Welcome to our community! I look forward to reading your lyrics Cheers John
  6. Are you on the desktop or mobile version of the site? The desktop has a breadcrumb at the top of the page, below the main menu. The forum's home is marked as "home". Most pages on the Mobile and Desktop version have a "Useful Member Links" block. All key root pages, including "Forums" are listed there.
  7. Hi I am trying to get an idea of interest levels... In promoting your music, we need more than just your music to promote you. We want to interview you. We want to feature you. This means video. It means photos. It's made a lot easier with press kits and press releases. So, help us to help you... please reply to this poll! Cheers John
  8. I get a 502 Bad Gateway error With forums, activity breeds activity. The more active that you are in posting the kind of content you like, the more the community grows to have a stronger representation of that kind of content, the more members it attracts that are interested in what you are interested in, the more the forum is formed to give you what you are looking for. Not a sales pitch, just the way the world works!
  9. I used all of them and then some. I have changed my recording set up considerably since then. I loved the Creamware soundcards. There was nothing else like them on the market. I always thought it was a great shame that the company went under. Their gear was expensive, but not for what you were getting. They were based around Sharc FPGA processors. For most that might not mean much, but they were a game changer. FPGA (Field Programmable Gate Array) processors are underrated in music applications. They give you the advantage of hardware processing, effects etc, so ultra low latency.
  10. Nope. 3 real humans. There are some automated tools to help basic tasks, like sending email notifications, used to send a welcome message from me, but that is it. We are about to move our forum hosting and there is an option for a couple of AI based helpers.
  11. Hey there Auxiliary Chord, nice to meet you. Welcome to Songstuff! What do you want to do with your music?
  12. Grab your freebie from Native Instruments! Complete Start 100% Free
  13. I am in Scotland, Peggy is in the USA and Mahesh is in India.
  14. Hi and welcome to Songtuff As far as the public is concerned it is a good idea to strategically make people aware of what you are doing. Certainly, you create a bigger splash when there is an element of surprise. Nothing ruins that more than a drip, drip, drip slow release. Truth is, there is a way to use dripping info to your benefit, to build anticipation. The really important part of that is the type of info you are drip-releasing. As far as your peers are concerned, you don't need to create an element of surprise. If anything, you want people to buy into what you are doing and hopefully, you can recruit some help. Add to that, for some projects you will want collaborators. Then, of course, there is skills development. Practice does help, but so does critique (giving and getting).
  15. Hey, Sorry that you’ve been in a rut! You should try some of our challenges. They might help you.
  16. It is exactly that. Mostly it is ok, but if you get hit by a bot, they spray spam everywhere. This limits the damage they can do to community I would add, members posting with their common posting habits would rarely encounter this
  17. Interesting. I agree on the Stutter Editor. I haven’t spent any real time with the Sonible Smart Reverb. Their other plugins have been pretty good. I don’t remember it crashing much… I now need to give it a shot! What DAW & platform are you using it with?
  18. Hi What ambition do you have for your music? You can have plenty of ambitions without it being about fame and fortune. You might have very personal or immediate ambition. To play at your daughter’s wedding, to play at a festival, to record and release an album, to tour, to play with specific people, to have someone put music to your lyrics,…. Your ambitions for your music can be wide and varied. Write down your ambition as a useful step in making it happen. If you believe in making dreams manifest, you’ll know how writing it down is an important part in making it happen. So, what’s yours? Cheers John
  19. A simple term that could hide a lot of meaning!
  20. Why thank you! Sadly it has already happened. As for your suggestion, I will talk it over with staff. It seems a good idea on the surface but as you say it requires someone to find the deals and post them. That could be a challenge. Staff are already buried with important tasks. Still, where there is a will, there is a way! Thanks again!
  21. It’s a great movie. It reminded me just how much I loved their music and that their music had been there all through my life.
  22. I would argue (1)doing something with your music and (2)having passion for your music, are different things. Number 1 is about purpose, an endpoint. Number 2 is about feelings and motivation.
  23. lol, very good. There are busier times than now but quiet times do happen! Activity breeds activity Do you record just now?
  24. Hi Welcome to Songstuff! I’m glad you could join us! I’m now interested to know the subjects you feel you can’t engage on! I love creative expression, and love it when people are prepared to at least sometimes do everything. I am like you. I write the songs, play all the instruments, record, mix, produce, master and market and promote my own music, though it has been many years since I actually released anything. Most of my time has been focused on helping others. Now I have approaching 30 ready to record and I can’t wait. Hopefully starting recording on Friday. I think it’s perfectly healthy for a few people to be regularly questioning your sanity. That is common for creatives but especially for creatives who also excel at logic, problem solving and technical subjects. The combination is rare and while eccentric, creative thoughts scare sensible, grounded people, logic etc freaks out the creatives. Win, win! People say it about me too, so I get it. I’ll dive into your music, and swim around for a while
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