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I appreciate many different styles of music but let’s face it, just because you can hold a note and the producer can coach you through a session doesn't mean that you are the next Golden child of the music business. Being able to disguise moderate talent and propel a single to the top of the charts is also somewhat of a talent, but that is all it is, a well thought out disguise.


Coming from a family of natural born singers I was constantly around mind blowing harmonies and an impressive archive of music. So naturally I kind of miss the days when singing was special and not everyone thought they could do it, before the karaoke era. Tha is why I try to help my students or artist realize their true singing voice and potential. You don’t have to be the best, just really great in your space, and that’s why some of these competition shows are not completely fair. What business does a country singer have singing a Marvin Gay or Motown production?

The Voice Pro.

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Singing does seem to be an afterthought in some of today's music. I'm blessed to be in a band with two other talented singers and our harmonies are pretty damn good. I've always tried to stay open to new ideas and possibilities and there have been some great payoffs. I joined a Barbershop Harmony mixed chorus last summer and was asked to join a quartet in October and we sang our first gig a month later and we'll be competing this February in a novice competition in Northern California. The idea of acapella singing has always intrigued me, no instruments save your own voice and the crafting of matching timbre, tone and pitch to a sparkling harmony - so sweet.

Jimmy Webb in his book "Tunesmith" talks about the necessity of getting out there and performing your songs - I've committed myself this year to at least four open mic's a month, should be fun.


Edited by Marty Dolciamore
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One of my favorite things in a song is well placed harmonies. A Barbershop quartet is the perfect place to display that. I am a fan of older music and current music topping the charts today. Being exposed to many long studio sessions and live performances, I have come to realize that a large part of the music business is not singing.

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There are many people who are not "great" singers, but who I really enjoy watching and hearing. Some of the best singers are opera singers, but I do NOT enjoy listening to that.

Most of my favorites can carry a tune just fine, but would never be considered fantastic vocal geniuses....

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Opera is not one of my first choices for listening pleasure either, but we know exactly what we are getting. I don't believe you have to be the best singer on the block,

but when I listen to a album I would like the live performance to be just as good as the CD.

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