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i wrote this as a harder metal song its a fictional song i wrote about pain inside of my birth father molesting and raping me at 2 years old and i out of my siblings got it the worst and i was the baby so here goes it is a metal track like slipknot i guess but here goes 


Father dear father abandon me I'm the fallen bastard son of a martyr ,

If only christ saw this i wonder how many of these wounds he'd fix ,

because i got stab wound running up and down my back ,

At first you say your my biggest hope , but i hope the maggots crawl through your slit throat ,

You cannot hurt anyone again , I , i bleed until i just cant take , The slices on my soul began to wake , There screaming out inside , I cant be your answer !

I give you all my hatred my rage leaves me intact , I took apart all the pieces just to tear and rip to see what snaps , Some say heartache is something i cant pull through ,

But with this baseball bat to your adams apple i want you to swallow truth , You broke me with your selfish choice thinking i wouldn't get you back ,

That boy you made has come a gain to leave your dreams in a blood filled bath , The fake shit isn't happening you cant say it wasn't you ,

Cuz till this day the name Johnny Rae hits my ears like a trigger song in world war 2 , You gave me natural violence , you made me your mistake ,

Leaving me left standing will be your final wake , They will never find your body contrary to belief ,

But whats in the soul they will never know , cuz i will die with what lies beneath -Joe Petree - All Thats Left

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Hi James

After reading what you wrote- I am not sure what to say, - (you state this is a fictional account of true events?) there is a time and place for the kind of experiences you are wanting to write and share- for some it will be too oft putting- as we live in such a violent world right now- and to showcase the gratuitous violence- when there are so many topics you can choose to write about- even if this is taken from personal experience, and although writing can be a catharsis, helping you with the healing process- you need to change your approach- one of the artists you mentioned in your bio- is Emimem even though with some of the things he writes about- they are so abhorrent- yet, he has found a way to make it commercial- so I would say, study his style very thoroughly to see if you can emulate it, to make your words ready for the general audience, I would not choose to be "so in the readers face"- I think subtlety would be a better avenue for the writer who wants to write about this topic without being -purely in it,  for the shock value?  do you know what I mean?  I think if you want to write song lyrics or poetry- you will want to find a broader audience to reach- not turn them away...Please don't take what I wrote the wrong way, there is a place for every writer, and you have a place in it, as much or more than I do!....regards Mike 


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i was raped by my dad when i was being potty trained at 2 , that was real , what was fake was the story in the song of the son coming back towards the father like it was a horror movie , like real fiction idk how to say it 


like i was raped by my dad when i was young 


i took all the anger pain and instead of doing something bad i put my hurt in the song u can tell its angry why cuz imagine that level of pain its inflicted on u by your own father no less its disgusting its terrible , sorry i wrote something off putting 


but at least i was as a writer honest and both creative and visionary about this , i just it took 25 years to say or do anything bout it so i wrote a song to release pain , i cried the next 3 days n i didnt worry bout it anymore like that pain faded . 


thats what i needed weight lifted and music is both entertainment and therapy so is it not better i had expressed my pain in a healthy beneficial way or should i had done somethin grotesqe 


i handled what happned i think maturely 


stepehn king doesnt get ridicule for his books or films but a musican for writing dark lyrics does ? 

i took a real life event and said ok well what can i do what do i feel i feel hurt and angry to a high degree n to find my other siblings had this done but i got it the worst 

i'm not using slander or attacking anyone if anything im defending myself for what i used as a healthy form of release and therapy as expressionism .

hope i didnt turn you away with a dark song i apologize 


but in all honesty the world aint all sunshine n roses , but even in the dark u can find light under the moon and lay like an angel in the freezing snow.

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i also forgot to mention theres no direct violence its all implied for ur own imagination , like how in the first halloween there was no blood the second blood gore every where , i took what john carpenter said to heart .


if u show em blood violence it isnt as scary as when u in ur mind go oh no where is he whats he doing oh no am i next , because the mind reacts and creates suspense .


i never said i did anything in this song directly its a song i didnt go n do something to my dad for god sakes im in iowa n hes in michigan kinda a 14 hr drive , n me i cant afford that kind of gas . nor would i be so stupid to throw my life away because what he did .


in the song i gave an outline of violent ideas or violent nature i never had 1 act that was me saing i stabbed shot beat him , i said i had a bat , but never said what i did its all implied to create a reaction based on my own paind and understanding psychology and how the normal human mind work.


thank you sir i could read and comprehend collage level psych books in my freshman / sohphmore years of high school so yeah i have a greater level of both understanding and comprehension . 


also said could read and comprehend didnt say i was spelling be champ lol

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also sorry to comment again lol 


the world always has been to a degree violent and dangerous look at all of history theres always been war , not getting religuous but god and religioun are responseable for millions of dead people , he crusades do u believe in god no bam do u believe in god , yes , do you belive in my god , no , bam 


its knit picking and dishonest , theres war since our time began how can isreal and pakistan or other countries been at war continiously for 2,000 years it never ended 


i do beleive in peace but at the same token , anger will always arise with jelousy and greed at the fore front of those in power , i am an american i believe in things but i dont think we are always right 


i stay well informed n educate myself heavily . also wasnt World war 1 said by our own president in the early 1900's this is the war to end all war then ww2 then korea then vietnam 


war is always accompanied by lies , greed , and deception , im not saying whose the bad guy anywhere i just was defending what i wrote and being honest without attacking anyone or starting trouble . 


i hope what im saying isnt percieved as well instigating or trouble cuz hey im calm i just wanted to explain myself in a reasonable inteligent healthy way. 

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