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Anybody planning an EP or album? Gigs or tours? What do you plan for 2018?


I don’t tend to think about “success” so much as I think of progress. I would like to be playing live more, and I do intend recording a collection of tracks that I would bundle as an album, this year and next. Touring is not realistic,  though one or two more far flung gigs is certainly possible.


I haven’t prioritised my own music for years, so 2018 should see me being much more active in engaging listeners. It is great to be back recording, but it feels strange too. Something I used to do on a daily basis, but then time just seemed to evaporate.


Onwards and upwards. I have a few draft recordings on the go, and a load more to do.


Studio this afternoon!





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The EP release is on the top of my list of goals which is in process. By the looks of how the recording process has gone by, I feel quite confident of its quality. Just got to match the same in all levels of its release. We finish keys for all the songs and essentially the entire recording process next week. The artwork is also being worked on. Leslie, my producer has said he intends to finish by the end of Jan at max. (He's mixing the record and we send the mastering abroad) 


In the mean time, I've got to figure out the music video by the end of January. I'd like to have the first single out by Feb and do a release by the end of Feb or early March. Based on when I get to decide on the exact release date, I'm planning a tour across the country. 



Apart from this, I'd love to be able to travel abroad and tour for a couple of gigs. Let's see what's in store. 

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You can always do live EPs and live albums. Horses for courses. I know a studio album can be over processed, clinical... so I get it... but it then becomes about the songs. Are they just left to fade and be forgotten? Or do you record and preserve them... for friends and family, for yourself for when the day comes when you cant remember the words, or can no longer play... because both are likely to happen. It’s just a matter of when.

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I’m not really “planning” anything.  I’m learning what I can and perhaps one day I can.  Stages in life—right now it’s family focused and with singer-songwriting, it meets an expressive need within. I love it! I’m also exploring for my niche and when that stage in life hits when I’m an empty-nester, I hope to be ready to use what I’ve learned to pursue a more defined direction.  I’ll need it.

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2 minutes ago, HoboSage said:

My plan for at least the first part of the upcoming year is to not do any new stuff, but get all the stuff I already have up on a website I'm working on.  I've also bought my stepson a complete setup for x-mas - Reason 10, a Focusrite interface, an M-Audio keyboard controller, headphones, and a mic - basically, the same gear I use so I can show him how to use it.  I expect I"ll be spending some time doing that as well.  :)




Did you you say you were tempted to do a bunch of tutorials! What for Songstuff too? ;):P

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3 minutes ago, HoboSage said:

My plan for at least the first part of the upcoming year is to not do any new stuff, but get all the stuff I already have up on a website I'm working on.  I've also bought my stepson a complete setup for x-mas - Reason 10, a Focusrite interface, an M-Audio keyboard controller, headphones, and a mic - basically, the same gear I use so I can show him how to use it.  I expect I"ll be spending some time doing that as well.  :)

Lucky stepson.  Nothing better tha hands-on training!

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Plans... they always go to sh1t


Goals... Well you wouldn't want to pick me for a penalty shootout


Promises... hmmmm


I have some publisher interest at the moment, I'm supposed to be completing a few new songs for them, so I plan to get them/that done.


I also plan to make some music videos. 

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Well, my very unrealistic plan is to get a lot of songs recorded, and that they sound the way I want them to, which means I also have to become a lot better at recording and mixing, and a better lyricist, musician (guitar, harmonica, banjo, bass, vocalist...) blah blah blah...


See, there's no end really to my plans, and especially, there's no time. I also love hanging out with my family so that does not help!!! ;)


BUT when all this is done and done, I do have something new planned. I need something to look forward to. So I've recently talked to some 'ol friends of mine in the music biz and asked them to help me out a bit, give me suggestions and pointers, as in how I could distribute my songs in the best way possible. No goal really, just for the fun of it I suppose.


Oh and I'm going to be honest with you, I have an old goal I never got to fulfil, I would love to someday have just one copy of a possible album made, on VINYL. Now that would be cool.



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Hoping to get copyrights for 12-15 songs next week, purchase a mechanical license for one, and finally send 2 songs off to be mastered. Starting with 2, hope to get 5 or 6 for EP. Then shot that around until I can get a full 10-12 song CD or Vinyl. Something really makes me want to do vinyl.


Fingers crossed ... also gotta rake leaves and stuff.

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