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What do I thik? Jesus you could stop writing songs and make covers for the rest of your life :). What a voice! I knew you were a good singer but I'm too focused on the song itself when it is an original. You would have made Chris Cornell proud of this version. I also love the solo. Intense and meaningful.


Why don't you make a video James? Even a simple one? I know youtube is crowded with videos but I think you will be immediately noticed. 

....and I could tell my friends "hey, I know that guy!" :)


Roberto (chief of James Gilmartin Italian Fan Club) :)

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@robertolabruna  Haha, well, I want people to appreciate my music, not my pretty face!  But seriously, I understand what you mean about the videos.  I think songs do get much more attention on video.  I might consider doing that in the future. 


But back to the song - thank you very much, my friend!  I can always depend on you for a happy word!  Glad you liked the vocals!  I really appreciate the comment on the solo.  With the solo, I was trying to capture the journey of a stone sinking in the water and then being taken by the currents as it descends deeper and deeper.  Can you hear that or am I nuts?  lol


And, thanks for saying Cornell would have been proud of it.  That's a nice thought... May he rest in peace...  

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@Sreyashi Mukherjee I also love covers!  It's fun to do, plus I find I get better as a performer and songwriter when I work on them.


Thanks very much for your comments!  I'm happy to read you like it.  It's a long and slow song, so thanks for sticking with it, haha.


Yes, it is very sad... Cornell's death hit me hard.  It's one thing when an artist you admire goes by natural causes (like Bowie).  Quite another when it's something like this.  You ask a very good question... And, there is no simple answer. 


Artists and musicians tend to be very sensitive people; and, sometimes pretty intense, moody and unconventional.   It's something about their natural temperament and disposition.  Also, they spend much of their time creating stories.  They invest a great deal in them, which is a double-edged sword.  The more you believe in stories, the more likely you will suffer them.  I know it's a cliche, but I think there is some truth to the idea of the suffering artist.  Then, when you add the pressures and aberrancy of fame to the mix... It can be a recipe for disaster.  I think the ones who survive in a relatively healthy way are able to discern Reality from illusion (like you alluded to).  They can detach and transcend the programming enough to hang on and hopefully prosper.    

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19 hours ago, Sreyashi Mukherjee said:

It's sad, though. Why is there so much sadness among musicians and artists? Maybe they're unable to distinguish reality from the entrapment of the mind...


Maybe sadness is not there all the time, but music can be a good medicine when there is. Many songwriters only write when they feel bad even if they do not always feel bad.

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@nicetalkintoya I'm working on a 6-plus minute song, myself.. so it's interesting for me at this stage to see if I can maintain that kind of attention span for others' songs :D


It's truly sad when some people are not able to control our emotions better, to face life's different facets. And then there are some on the other end of the spectrum who churn out huge inspiring stories from their struggles. I recently discovered a jazz singer named Melody Gardot the other day. While reading about her background, I felt I was transported to movie land.




Sorry, don't mean to hijack your thread. But I thought it might be an example of how someone's story can impact us positively, too. @robertolabruna, also tagging you here. :)




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