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New Members - What Do You Really Want From Songstuff?


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Hi Gang


We ask new members to come here and tell us what they really want Songstuff to help them with. I mean real, tangible stuff.


Often introduction answers are "To get help with my music" or something else fairly vague. I am hoping that you will use this space to tell us how you would like Songstuff and the Songstuff Community to help you. Solid, concrete things.


For example:


"I would love Songstuff to be able to help me to market and promote my next song release. Not just by doing things, but by helping me understand what is needed and how it all works so I can do it."




"My songs are stuck in a rut and i am having problems with writing them. I am hoping SOngstuff can help me identify what is going wrong and help me get writing again, but also get out the rut."




"I would love to do something with my songs. I write lyrics but my guitar playing and singing is a form of torture. I want to get someone playing my songs. If I can hear finished recordings that would be awesome... but then what? What do I do with them?"


The more detail the better.


Ask... and we can see what we can do to help you move forward.





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  • 2 weeks later...

I signed in on the forum so I can post some songs I've been working on. I don't care about promotion. It's just some rap I have written the last month since I'm going through a very hard period in my life. I'm not looking for fame or recognition. I just feel like expressing myself. Opinions are always welcome. Of course, I hope it's safe to share them and no one will steal them or copy them.

I've been busy and I haven't had the time to check the threads here, but I'll do more exploring soon.

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • Noob

Hello John! 

I am one of an aspiring musicians team ( I have a composer, and an arranger). We are looking to collaborate with a lyricist to make a pop-dance single for a label submission or independent distribution. The lyrics should have a catchy stick-in-your-head hook with a metaphor, think Sia's Titanium or Chandelier, Katy Perry’s I’m wide awake, Miley Cyrus' Wrecking ball, 30 seconds to Mars' Walk on water, Sex Love Water by Armin van Buuren etc.

We already have a melody, or we can also start with just a hook and then a composer would write a melody, on which a lyricist would put words. Don't mind my website and SoundCloud content, it's irrelevant to the current project. When we make a song my image will be different. 

Apart from this, as a singer, I am always open to any new collaboration, with a composer, arranger, DJ, etc.

Thank you!  

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • Noob

Thank you. I'm really not sure what I need exactly. Probably a lot. I know I want to be better on my instruments and a better singer. Right now I need more time to get some recording takes on some of my songs. I'm covered up taking care of a sick wife and on the edge of retirement. I just turned 62. My sons help me a lot so I'll be submitting some songs SOON! Believe me, I've got a good deal of material to submit. It is my main priority to get started SELLING songs(other than helping my wife heal). Cheers! 

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  • 4 months later...
  • Noob

Hi. I am Khalysha. I joined songstuff because I've been writing a lot of songs but I don't play any instruments and I am trying to find someone who I can collaborate with to make the songs come to life. If anyone is interested on read my lyrics, just let me know.


Thank you :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

First, thank you for having me. This site is great. I'm a drummer percussionist trying to expand my knowledge by learning how to arranged my work, reading music other than drum notation, and generally being a professional even if I don't make money doing what I'm passionate about - Music!

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  • 1 month later...

Honestly glad to hear any input whatsoever. I know that's broad and I'm sorry. Been writing a loooong time and only just now in my 30s starting to record. Never shown my stuff to anyone really and I get a thrill from any old comment. 

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I'm not here to critique but I'm trying. Sorry if its bland or redundant. Dont know much about recording, dont believe in rules of songwriting and I could never pick apart someone's lyrics. I know that's what people are here for but I cant do it too well. Can only really give broad tips. Trying... promise. I Respect those who are good at it, you help out a hell of a lot, thank you.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I’m 47 years old who all but hung up writing songs and performing to raise three kids and now it’s time to get back at it. I want to have a place to share my songs and seek advice. Talk to other songwriters  about using social media to share their tunes and maybe even just talk about writing songs. 

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

As I said in my intro, I'm really new to music. I've been loving it my whole life, but it was just recently when I start  getting involved in an active manner. 


I want to collaborate with other musicians and help to create nice songs that can reach others. I want to learn from people with more experience how the music world works, and I want to stablish relations with a lot of musicians to be able to put things out in different styles and give others something they can enjoy. I think that what I know, what I think and what I feel are great values that can be useful to create really nice things, with help from other people. I Iack A but have B, you lack B but have A. Getting together us the best way to become complete!


When I joined my actual band (they are all way better musicians than me), and they took one melody/lyrics I wrote, and made such a nice song in the time of the rehearsal, I felt they just did magic and we together created something good and beautiful. It was so moving that I had to control my tears, OMG, one of the nicest moments of my entire life! I want to repeat that over, and over, and over, for the rest of my days, and for that I need a nice community like this one is! :)

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • Noob

We would like to learn how to find music artists to join a music contest on our site.


MusicPyre was built with the goal of creating the best music contest website on the internet. Every month we have a new music contest where music artists posts a link to their youtube music video on our site. Throughout the month the public votes on their favorite videos and whoever has the most votes at the end of the month wins.


Every month we are adding new features and changes from ideas within and suggestions from people who have used our site. Our goal is to be the definitive, best music contest website on the internet in 12 months/contests.


Our most pressing question is how can we reach out to the most artists possible to let them know about our new website and contests.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I'm having to think on this one.   I've explored some.  I'm old and have been involved with websites before and heard the questions and answers.  So not sure.   Though we all know what we all want as long range outcomes to some degree.   We might not say the words, but we know.

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  • 1 month later...

How about the vague "I'm not sure what I want."

I'm old, with a debilitating sense of stage fright. I can find joy playing at small gatherings of friends and neighbours, but the thought of open stage nights etc. is more inclined to make me stay at home than it is to spur me on. 

 I write songs and have for a long time. Some are better than others. Some are funny, some are sad. The one people seem to like the best is in reasonably poor taste, (though it was written with tongue firmly in cheek). I write them to let them out and because it feels good to create something I actually like. I get a rush from the act of creation and also enjoy the fine tuning of lyrics, melody and hooks. My skills are somewhat limited, but I'm content with my abilities. 

 Ultimately, I need to learn to self record better as I want to leave a copy of my songs (my musical diary, if you will) for my kids to ponder/ignore after I'm gone. Right now I am using Garage Band, but my production abilities are poor and the results suffer because of it. I am just not a knob twirler.

 I suppose what I want is some sort of validation that my songs have some merit. Since it's not likely I will travel the traditional route of playing my songs in front of an audience, I'm not getting the feedback that let's me know if they're actually any good.

I mean, I think they're good, but that and a buck will get me a cup of coffee.

Does that make any sense?

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Hello everyone.


I'm quite new here. Right now I'm trying to do different music covers so I would really love Songstuff to help me to promote my cover released.

I'm now using Logic Pro so I'm really happy to learn more about mixing!


I hope everyone will enjoy much here!

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I suppose my main reason for being here is collaboration.


I've been writing song lyrics for longer than I care to remember and it was slowly starting to dawn on me that I am not in fact going to live forever (I'm trying but I think I'm going to fail!) and I kept dwelling on what would happen to my work once I'm gone. It seems a shame for them to die with me (the lyrics themselves may not but the tunes that go with them - the ones I can remember at any rate - are all stuck in my head for the most part so unless I get them down in some physical format they're gonna die with me). I should just point out that I'm not planning on going any time soon. Though I do have type-1 diabetes and that's not making it easy for me!


Sorry for the sidetrack but it is kind of pertinent to my being here. Which, as I said, is mainly collaboration.


I'm more than happy to write lyrics for other people's music. I'm a member of another forum where I've managed to bag myself a few collabs, but not as much as I'd like. Or, at least, not in the way I'd like.


What I'd really, REALLY like is for someone willing to turn some of these tunes in my head and turn them into real songs. I can't play anywhere near well enough to produce anything myself and my singing voice is good when the karaoke machine is modding it to high hell but not when I'm sat at my computer. So I'm hoping that, once I start posting some lyrics, someone here will like one of them enough to want to hear the tune that goes with it and then say, "This needs to be recorded, mate. May I?" At which point I'll probably bite their hand off! "Uh, yeah!".

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I'm not really new anymore. Lol. But, I came looking for a sense of camaraderie, challenge and a bit of self promotion. I'm a mostly avant garde musician from a small city in Indiana. None of my friends are musicians. I mean, they like some of my songs, but there's no discussion about mixes, chord choices, etc. So... It gets kind of lonely you know. 

The fact that this forum is filled both amateurs and professionals in various stages of development is a bonus and gives me hope that I can take this hobby and turn it into something that generates a modest income. 

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