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About this blog

General thoughts and viewpoints amassed being around professional Music and Entertainment [See Profile].

Entries in this blog

Luck Education Opportunity

I view life as a combination of luck and education combined with opportunity .  I will give you a classic example of good luck.   I was born into a rural backwater and married a woman who grew up in Beverly Hills whom I met at an online dating site.  High odds, not a good match at first sight.   My original college education was Theater not Music.  Her entire family is composed of artists, writers, and producers.  Check the Box √   She has a Gay brother, which is a

Blog Writing

What is life?  What matters?  What is its meaning?   These are questions which mankind has pondered for thousands of years.  I am fortunate in that I follow a once well known philosophy called Stoicism which answers these questions. Life is temporal and fleeting.  It is a moment in time and space to be savored as much as possible as it will never reoccur. It is what you leave behind which matters not what you acquire.  What is your legacy? The meaning of Life is Dea

Learning = Earning

Anyone who has followed any of my activities should know if nothing else I am eager to learn.  Whatever success I have had, which may not be Earthshaking but has kept me from otherwise working, is due to something I have learned from other people.  Those who have mentored me, those I have taken classes from, and those whom I have never met but read their book or taken their online course.   There is a world of relevant information available to help you boost your career(s), much of whi

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