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  • john

    Songstuff Writer and Artist Development Challenges

    By john

    Independent writers and artists face several large disadvantages when they are compared to signed, mainstream writers and artists.  Disadvantages that add up to making it a competition that indies can’t win. Hell they can’t even compete.   Lack of budget and poor contacts are fairly obvious disadvantages. Lack of experience and a lack of knowledge restricts songwriters and artists alike. Lack of an overall strategy, and a limited set of incomplete tactics, makes for a critical problem

Four Busy Days Ahead...

Music Friday; Burlesque Show rehearsals Saturday and Sunday; the Urban Grind show Saturday night; band recording Sunday morning; job interviews Monday and Tuesday. I feel like a four-day hole is being ripped out of my generally empty life. That means today and part of tomorrow is the only time I’ve got left to do Empty Life things in. I have the rest of the recording equipment to move out into the garage studio (which is clean, now), the thongs to print, more jobs to apply for, two of Apr



Nightmare (And Job Interviews)...

I had a nightmare last night. I dreamed the band was going on stage for the “Rocktoberfest,” and I hadn’t done a setlist—and hadn’t the faintest idea what we were going to play (and the band didn’t, either). I decided to take care of that as soon as I woke up. We’ve got 40 minutes, which is 8 songs. I think we’ll do: Dead Things in the Shower (fast two-step) Armadillo on the Interstate (slow & sleazy) Bluebird on My Windshield (fast bluegrass) For Their Own Ends (folk-rock)



Weekend Update...

I have a script (finally) for the Burlesque Show—and it’s pretty good. I’ve scripted out one of the Fool’s scenes, and have one more to do. The show will include three of my songs: “Electronic Love,” “The Termite Song” (both in response to Ann Landers-type advice questions), and “Can I Have Your Car When the Rapture Comes” (after a presentation by the Snake-oil Salesman). Rehearsals Saturday and Sunday next weekend; I’ll miss the music session at the Tillamook Library Saturday, but would like



I Am One And Other Songs

I finished mixing I Am One yesterday. Hopefully that's it completed at long last! Now I get to turn my attention towards a queue of other songs in various stages of development. Always On my Mind is almost finished and Hit and Run is ready for recording. Another few very near to being ready for recording and a stack really needing some lyrics finished. I love writing lyrics but I don't devote enough time to it of late. Something I really need to get on with!



(Sigh) Latin Mass Choir Rehearsal

Dr. K I have missed! He wore both suspenders (and socks) this eve, sitting close by us playing only the piano. The 6 youngest dwarves and I went to choir rehearsal...Anna the eldest will be a shoo-in as far as interest and ability but we shall see how this plays out. We came home w/ two copies of The Mass of the Guardian Angels. There was present only one other female adult singer; and since this was the first intro to my girls, I sang soprano that they'd be sure to hear



Attacking Portland...

Here’s the details on the Sept. 19 gig. I’ll be part of something called the “Favorite Show”—a monthly (I think) showcase hosted by Whitney Hampson, one of the ringleaders in and for Life’s SubtleTease, the burlesque troupe. It’s at Urban Grind East, a coffeehouse at 2214 NE Oregon (just north of Sandy Blvd.) in Portland. Saturday, 19 September, when the doors open at 8 p.m., I’ll be playing. When the Official Show starts at 8:30, I’ll be the first act on. It’ll be just a couple of song



The Bottom Line: Butts In Chairs

I bought a book at a yard sale Saturday. I thought I’d add it to my Music Business Library (it’d be Book #3), but now I’m not so sure. Hight “The Mansion on the Hill,” it purports to be a history of how rock ‘n’ roll lost its soul to the record companies. What I’ve read of it is a history of the marketing guys who seized on rock music as a potentially salable commodity, and proceeded to sell it. I’m not sure “soul” had anything to do with it. It is true that the music business has since



A Sudden Death--And Plans...

I got word today that Sharma Kay—dear friend, fellow writer, inveterate encourager, and bass player in our brief Portland band—died, with her dad, in a car accident in California. She was, like, 37. Right now, her Website, www.musesk.com, is being maintained by friends—which she has a lot of. I’m sure it’ll take a little time to sink in; right now, it just feels weird, realizing that no matter what happens, she won’t be around any more. Labor Day weekend is here, but for the unemployed,



'no' From Gold Hill..

A firm “no” from Gold Hill—they do not want me as their city manager. I had figured after the interview (which was a short one) they’d already made their minds up, and it wasn’t me, and I was right. (Sometimes I hate being right.) It’s disappointing in part because so many friends in southern Oregon were hoping I would get the job, and be moving back. Oh, well… I’ll send Gold Hill The Letter (haven’t sent it to anyone else thus far), thanking them for interviewing me and wishing them luck w



Larry W. Jones Completes 6,000 Song Lyrics

News from the Texas Music Journal. Larry W. Jones completes 6,000 song lyrics 01 Sep 09 Larry W. Jones completes 6,000 song lyrics Larry W. Jones, aka Kingwood Kowboy, has completed his writing of 6,000 song lyrics. Two collections of songs are currently available. Real Country Lyrics is a collection of 2,000 classic and vintage country, cowboy and western songs, published in eight volumes of 250 song lyrics each. Island Song Lyrics is a collection of 4,000 island-themed songs wr



King Of The Swingers

You know sometimes this world for me can be a very daunting place, in the past I have had my fair share of troubles but then again haven't we all On a daily basis I deal with whatever I come across in whatever way I can and that is ok Tonight this being Saturday I was invited along to Mr Kincaid's pre 40, 40th birthday party and sure he asked me to play a few song The only regret is my partner wasn't there to share it with me , I love you honey you are an inspiration to me With



And The Cd Heads For England...

Other stuff, for a change… My regular column for the newspaper is starting to get some attention; I hear from people telling me they read it. Folks are starting to get used to my insistence on the Wednesday deadline, and I have subjects for about two columns ahead now. No job yet, but getting lots of interviews does generate feelings that I’m doing something right. In addition to the Gold Hill city manager interview 8/31, I have one for a state planner job 9/10, and I got a letter saying



Forum Upgraded And New Skin

Software Songstuff forum software has been upgraded. There's a stack of new features including: Associate your account with your Facebook profile and pull in your avatar, photo, about text and status updates. Improved user profile options and tools Reputation system Boards, blogs, members and gallery new content view Coming soon - Blog themes, a choice of look and feel for your blog. Skin We have a new skin across the whole site. It's based roughly



Burgerville Gig Post-Mortem...

The Burgerville gig went pretty good. Sparse crowd (Burgerville advertised, but I hadn’t), but people listened, and virtually every person left tips. Even got a nickel from a little girl who had listened raptly to “When They Die, I Put Them in the Cookies” (I had to help her drop it in the Yellow Bucket because she couldn’t reach it). A couple of the people who said they’d visit actually did (thank you). And the staff wants me back (I thought they weren’t listening until they sent somebody o



The Making Of Episode Two...

This just in—another job interview! This one’s in Gold Hill, down in southern Oregon again, and it’s to be their first-ever city manager. Next Monday night; I’ll tentatively go down early and play music while I’m there. (Good time to get new strings again for the guitar. I’ve been playing a lot.) Episode Two of the “Joe Show” is uploaded to YouTube, with links at Facebook and Just Plain Folks. (Still have to add MySpace. There may be other places I can do this, too.) URL is . I



The Joe Show Episode #2 Is Coming...

I learned something about the Tascam I didn’t know. If I’m going to record a long 4-track piece all at once—like the soundtrack to the “Joe Show”—it better be less than 7-1/2 minutes. That’s all the Tascam can hold. The first draft of “The Joe Show, Episode Two” was 8-1/2 minutes long, and I couldn’t mix it—and I have to mix it before I transfer it to the computer, because the computer can’t read the unmixed files. (There is probably a way around this problem, but I don’t know what it is.)



The First Video Show...

Finished the first episode of the ”Joe Show,” and it’s posted on YouTube and MySpace with links to Facebook and Just Plain Folks. The YouTube link is http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8HttdPnrZO8. It was about a 6-hour job, for less than five minutes of video—and I’m not sure future episodes will take any less time, at least until I have better technology. I did it “French style,” ignoring the webcam (since it wasn’t working, and I was tired of investing time to find out why) and instead doi



Recording & Southern Pigfish...

John says Dick’s harmonica parts on both “No Good Songs About the War” and “For Their own Ends” are perfect. One part down. Still need to record the lead guitar, for which I think I’ll use the Strat—gives the sound engineer (John) better control. He’d like to record the lead guitar four times and then mix and match pieces from the four leads. Him da boss. He said he’ll make sure we have “No Good Songs About the War” done in time to send to England for the Dylan-wannabe contest. (Deadline i



More Updates...

TWO COMPUTERS running simultaneously! I feel positively 21st century… The laptop (which doesn’t have a name yet) now has the webcam installed, and it appears to be working; I need to do a test before taking it to band practice. I’ve had two computer experts (John here, and Al David in Chicago) tell me the video file from the laptop is transferrable to and useable by “Alice” the desktop. I’ll use the little flash drive for the transferring. The goal is to get some footage of the band—especia



New Site Skin

New skin has been rolled out to the Songstuff main site.. The forum skin has not been updated as it is awaiting an upgrade to the forums themselves before the new skin is launched. The new skin takes 33% of the time the old one did to load. When available the new forum skin takes 60% of the time the old skin took to load. All in faster browsing, and add to that it looks better!



Songstuff Portals

Songstuff has 4 off-site portals where you can follow site and industry news: Twitter https://twitter.com/Songstuff Facebook http://www.facebook.com/pages/Songstuff YouTube http://www.youtube.com/user/Songstuff MySpace http://www.myspace.com/songstuff_club In addition you can follow the site blog: http://forums.songstuff.com/blog/music_site or subscribe to the blog rss stream: http://forums.songstuff.com/blog/music_sit...p?req=syndicate



Night Out With The Swampkings

~ Donna Dahl Links ~ listen originals An unusual and lovely birthday! Highlights of the fam ~ Damien gave me many toys of his; Gen, a soft nightgown; Mary will be treating me to a slurpee or ice cream cone; Melanie made 2 cards (one while in a cast from broken finger) and earlier this week gave chocolates and a tiny candle; Leah gave also multiple gifts, the 2nd of which are vintage earrings; Anna astounded me in making a necklace - it is 7 squares o



I Have A Webcam...

I have a webcam—cute li’l thing, looks like a miniature R2D2 on a tripod. (For the same $15 price, I could’ve got a “Hello Kitty” one, but I decided there were limits to how much cuteness I could tolerate.) I have installed the software, but not—yet—the camera itself. For a computer programmer, I am awfully paranoid about technology. I have scripted out the first episode of “The Joe Show,” and we’ll see how the recording comes out. I don’t know how much time the “speech” part will take;



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