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  • john

    Songstuff Writer and Artist Development Challenges

    By john

    Independent writers and artists face several large disadvantages when they are compared to signed, mainstream writers and artists.  Disadvantages that add up to making it a competition that indies can’t win. Hell they can’t even compete.   Lack of budget and poor contacts are fairly obvious disadvantages. Lack of experience and a lack of knowledge restricts songwriters and artists alike. Lack of an overall strategy, and a limited set of incomplete tactics, makes for a critical problem

Garibaldi Days Brochure (and The New Song)...

The Garibaldi Days program is done. I can’t say “finally,” because a lot of the delay is my own fault—I waited until the last minute to do anything. Of course, I didn’t get the last ads until 11 p.m. yesterday, and had to design one from scratch today from an e-mail, but it was fun nonetheless. I stayed up until 3 a.m. working on it, and was up bright-eyed and bushy-tailed at 7, anxious to finish the job. I do love this kind of work. It goes to the printer—that part is not my job—tonight.



The Relations With Fans...

I have tried a couple of times to devote an issue of the blog to exploring what I think is the changing relationship between fans and performers—something Lorelei Loveridge, founder of Performing Songwriters (United Worldwide) devoted a legal paper to recently. The legal paper, though, raised questions, and I want answers. And I thought of some. But I haven’t been able thus far to express them in the space I allot myself for issues of the blog. I treat these “bloggies” like songs—I have



Completed Lyrics Board & Changes To Guidelines

Completed Lyrics In addition to the Song and Recording Critique boards, Lyrics Critique board and the Completed Works board we have now added a board for Completed Lyrics. This board is not for works in development but instead it is intended for showing off your completed lyrics and/or posting works in the hope of finding a composer to work with as a co-writer on the track. Musicians take note.... we have many talented lyrics writers looking for composers! this board should be an ideal




Dick, Carol and I will be in the talent show (tentatively dubbed “Garibldi’s Got Talent!”)—I really hadn’t expected otherwise, but today’s audition made it official. The music store in Tillamook called; they want to sell my CDs ($15 per, of which I get $10)—I may need to get more pressed. (Handing the things out like business cards does help. That’s how the music store got one.) Rowan (the Craigslist banjo player) is interested in the banjo—we’ll try to connect while I’m in Portland.



It Just Got Busy...

I think it just got busy. I was going to devote a blog to how I could get more gigs, and am going to be listing a schedule of gigs instead. Most of those happened all at once. This THURSDAY, 9 JULY is the auditions for the Garibaldi Days Talent Show (we figured we’d have one, since the county fair won’t be—the Fair Board claimed there was no point, since there is no local talent, and we are of course going to prove them wrong). I’ll play ‘em my two “local color” songs, with Dick backing



Found It!

I found the score! My keyboard...the children forgot about it, it's been put away a looong time but this eve I will dust it off and set UP, sons and daughters! Otherwise I've been Paul Bunyon today, a-choppin and a-pruning. Lotsa fodder for the firepit. Ain't it funny...last night I had decided that this eve I was going to re-score the bass, no matter how long or time 'n energy costly an endeavor. Woo-hoo!



Thoughts While Waiting...

As this is written, the Myrtle Point City Council is meeting to decide which of three city manager wannabes to hire. If it’s me, I’ll hear about it tomorrow. I shouldn’t be anxious—I have been disappointed an awful lot—but it was so exciting to be wanted by somebody that I hate to be dismissive of the idea. Some good and some bad news on the music front. The guitar teacher from the music store isn’t interested in playing with the band—he wants to be paid. So the band still doesn’t ha



Series Of Unfortunate Events

such a pathetic day yesterday was !! early in the morning, dad wasnt feeling well..so i was sent to my granma's home..when coming back..some guy coming from wrong side hit me..and i hurt my leg.. day was boring and painful. i went to hostel in the noon and slept over there..and room-mate didnt see my spects and he broke them..so it was hard for me to come back home on my own.. i asked him to drop me of home on my scooter..he was riding too fast..he couldnt manage to hit the breaks



Finished The Funk.

Have learned the independence beat. Exciting, ain't used to laying off the kick drum and leading w/ left hand. Stage 4 I broke down into 3 sections. You'd never know it's the same person drumming when first begun a few days back. I am playing quiet enough to hear the metronome. Studio This weekend just Scott and I, Jeff F if he can make it. Worked on Storm intro, abotu 80% of a whole other guitar line came back to memory. Broke everything down into tiny stages and looped pr



Independence Day...

Independence Day. Being unemployed and penniless, I don’t feel particularly independent, but it’s the principle of the thing, I guess. Here in Garibaldi, Oregon, we are also celebrating Giuseppe Garibaldi’s birthday (he was born on July 4); there won’t be fireworks—we save that for Garibaldi Days, late in July (I started that, while I was city manager here)—but we will be going to a goat roast, and there will be music. There has been, or is, or will be music all of this three-day weekend



6-month Goal Review...

It’s July—six months since we set those 2009 goals. How are we doing? At the beginning of the year, I said 2009 would be the Year of Exposure. By the beginning of 2010, I wanted to (1) be better known, (2) be a music publisher with somebody besides myself as a client, (3) have another CD out, for sale in stores and on.line, (4) have played some writers’ nights in Nashville, (5) have more sophisticated recording equipment, and (6) be doing video. And I had a work list intended to achieve



Anotha Music Pal

Well, wwll, I found the old Lynn-ster, running George Benson's former recording studio in Maui! Lynn Peterson is the guy who WAIT! This is the most important part: Remember Finn giving vocal excersizes in that thread, saying you should tape your main vocal, then add 3rds (vocally), like sixteen times? Lynn kind of did this! In some of his songs I heard recordings of! These drummers! You just don't know what you're going to get. They can be a lot of trouble - but u



The Road Trip...

The Southern Oregon Road Trip was a good adventure—the job interview went well (I think—I’ll find out for sure in a week), I got to see a lot of the people I know, both in city government and in music, got to play music, and got a good new set of strings for the guitar (finally). Even the bartender at the Wild Goose in Ashland remembered me, after my whole year’s absence (and apparently there had been rumors circulating that I’d be coming by). The Wild Goose crowd got 4 songs—“The Taboo Song,”



Update/ Pic Of Me '85 / Music Pals

Cool! Got this photo today from Arlo Hennings (who is Shawn Phillips' manager 16 years now!!). Arlo self-described poet had a project called Left As Is (writer/guitarist). Double album (I didn't appear on), but played some gigs (roto toms/cymbals standing up and vocals). Cool album. One fav was the long song at the end where Arlo recited his poetry (low deep voice) to the electronic/wave music, called Victims of the Glitch. During the out, he kept repeating "victims of the gli



A Youtube Mother's Day Present

-originally posted May-something or other '09 doh Mother's Day Go down to the end for the newest youtube if ya don't wanto read all this first OK, this Mother's Day is so far v. nice...here's a secret tho that every Mother's Day the mom usually has extra mom's duties. Normally I have some crisis, children sick and so on. An extra edge to get thyself in M's Day finery w/ all the drudge going on. So some yelling in the morn! (When I must yell, or call to the children, I u



Ready To Go...

Like Joni Mitchell once said (in a song), “All my bags are packed, and I’m ready to go.” Only item not packed and waiting by the door is the Tascam; first thing tomorrow, I pick up the CD with the Failed Economy Show songs from John, listen to them, pick one and copy it to the Tascam to take to southern Oregon. I have, I think, everything else. Cell phone’s on the charger; cookies are baked and cooling. Even the alarm clock is packed. En route, I’ll stop by a computer repair place I’d p



Two Days...

TWO DAYS till the trip to Myrtle Point. My bag is packed, but everything doesn’t fit; some of it’s going to have to go in another container. I’m packing for five days; I don’t know if I’ll get to stay that long. The job front actually looks hopeful for a change (it’s probably illusory, but I’ll ride the hope as long as I can). Not only is Myrtle Point interviewing me, but I found out Gold Beach, where I’d also applied to be city manager, is checking my background—and one usually doesn’t



The Live Recording (and A New Song)...

The live recording of “Me and Rufus, and Burnin’ Down the House” at the Tillamook Library didn’t come out too bad; I posted it unedited online on the “Wrabek’s Works in Progress” page (http://soundclick.com/bands/page_songinfo.cfm?bandID=681142&songID=7735760). It’ll do until I have something better (which I may never—that’s happened a lot). I had to use my singing mike for the recording (the instrument mike I’d brought had stopped working), so I had to position it pretty close to me to pi



Countdown (and Video Thoughts)...

Is writing things down an excuse for doing them? Sometimes I think so (like now). Lots of things to do before the Road Trip: get haircut, shine shoes, assemble books (I will visit one of my favorite bookstores while in Medford), pack (I’ll do it early, so I have plenty of time to worry about what I’m forgetting), get the van tuned up, apply for more jobs. I ran across an article about some city-manager jobs in Midwestern states going vacant for over a year, because nobody’s applying (the



Lovestruck !

Dear Diary, it feels great to be in love, they say "love at first sight"..true, but i call it just an affection or attraction. Love can't be at first sight, its about knowing each other, its not about how many times you say I LOVE YOU to your partner or how many times you KISS her..neither it need to be said-done. It's all about feeling/understanding what ur mate want to say without words, its all about without a speaking a single word, holding her hand warmly..coz that warmth speaks



The Rvtv Setlist...

The Rogue Valley Television (RVTV) taping on Saturday, 18 July will be two sets, half an hour each, before a live audience. Southern Oregon Songwriters Assn. (SOSA) will be doing the taping. The shows will air separately on RVTV, the public-television station in Medford-Ashland, so each set (5 songs each) has got to hang together as a separate entity. I thought about doing one set with Darrin playing blues harp lead, and one with Dan doing mandolin, but really, everything I do sounds all righ



Road Trip!

Haven’t done a Road Trip in a long time. It’s exciting. I’ll be in a motel Friday and Saturday nights (June 26-27) in Myrtle Point for Interview Days. I have a place to stay down south, got a couple Alan Dean Foster books to bring George that he hasn’t read, a couple of new songs to play at the Wild Goose Sunday night (I probably ought to limit it to a couple—I expect they’ll want to hear some old standards, too). I think I can take daughter Kimberly’s old laptop with me (it needs a powe



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