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Everything posted by IKONE

  1. Sorry, my fault. I was wrong. And i agree with you. Cheers
  2. it already has been "killed" but for sure not the industry but the quality of music. Most musicians i know say that its easier to sell songs in quantity than quality. Why puttin so much afford in songs when no one really hear the diffence? ... and i mean the common listener. Having a heavy Single in rotation seems to be better.
  3. Sorry if i hijack this a bit. Just wanted to say "Thanks for explanations, TapperMike." And thanks for the hint on zoom r24. As you say "Distracting grafic uis". I know that. But until yesterday i was sure - if i hav the money i would buy me a focusrite (musical(?)-presamps) or a presonus box (very nice DAW) but now i am sure the i'll get rid of that pc interface idea. If those multitrack recorders safe it on SD card i guess these are better than a pc. I only have some question, Mike. I experienced that using the inbuild mic from a ipad sounds better than a rode m3. Means, not in recording 'quality' but in recording the voice as i think it should sounds like. Of course the voice is very distanced but i feel that i captures more than this rode m3 does in the same signal to noise ratio. Is it the warm room-verb of my not-so-treatend room which makes it sounds more naturally and musically than what i have when i sing a few inches aways from my rode? I think if i max gain this rode m3 i could archiev the same effect but with more resolution and with more captured noise. Anyway, thanks mike. Really appricate your knowledge. iko
  4. HI mahesh, honestly thats a big area. Why you want to EQ? Is there really something to EQ out? high mid low knobs and the way to adjust 'em to your like? Do you mean that? If you think your mixes sound better on headphones than on your speaker - Start mixing in mono! Hehe, no , but when you're satisfied on a stereo mix switch to mono and check proportions. Mostly the voice will be buried in the instrument or competing with the instrument. Or do you mean that? kind regards. iko
  5. really enjoyed it. Very expressive voice. I really like it!
  6. Agree that the singer needs time to breath! Even listeners need time to realize words. Even paintings need their distance/ space to be viewed as a whole. Great blog , Kel. i never miss an entry. thanks for that. Best regards Andre
  7. I am using garageband to work on songs. I play and test different instruments for a song and sing to it. Maybe soon i will try to record that directly with my DAW. I am curious if the samples of garagebands' instruments are doing good or not. Btw. did anyone found how the velocity sensor from the piano will do what i intend to do?... hehe. crap. I havnt tested how to record and mix with it alone yet. Guess i would need an extra audio interface for it or? Andre
  8. hi, step one: starting with 1 chord or better with !one tone step two: Hum a start of a melody depending on my mood. step three: add another chord or tone when i feel i have to "move" the melody. step three: I avoid intentionally a certain note or a chord when it sounds too well known or too expected. Most of the time i do best in looking for an emotional connection between the melody and me. 'cos then i dont mind if its well known or not. step five: if i found it i hold on to that melody and start changing the key/mood of it. step six: What comes out is a total different melody than it was at the start. These are the steps before i write a song! If the melody was good - it stucks in my head. A few days later or even on the same day i start with the steps what layneGreene mentioned... Andre
  9. thanks for your post. Thats a great stunning piece, serge. Inspiring! Sounds a bit like Twelve-tone technique? But the accompanion sounds stunning to it. Is how relative keys working? Hmm. i am not sooo deep into music theory; so forgive if i wrote something thats just wrong. But i get your point. For the most time i've got a melody(singing) with accompaniment which sounds very atmospheric (full) but without it the singing sounds on certain parts kinda "lousy" or flat. kind regards Andre
  10. just1l: thank you. it seems like i am not alone with this. Before i came to this board i always had melody first, so i tried it the other way around. It can help a lot when i just write/brainstorm about whats on my mind or what can be imagined. But there is this certain point where the structure, words & lines seems to be press-fit each section of a song. I think this would work if i write for someone else but not for my own. Lisa thanks lisa, but i m so impatient ... @write lyric first: Ya, this "faint" tune i also noticed when i wrote on a few lyrics. Its funny 'cos when i tried to sing it i was totally off-key and when i read it for a while i heard it again .. started again but still wrong key. Hehehe, i found out that when i hum the rhythmn-chords instead singing i was in key, well anyway. @changing lyric everyday: its more like a few ideas during the day .. and a few misleading "ah ha" effects .. next day i re-roll everything til i come up with other unsatifying ideas. The songs i am talking about is just 4 days old. Rudi totally, agree. Forcing it - is the killer. I always "try" to relax. But sometimes i am so impatient that i record the melody/song and listen excessively to it or think to hard about a "special" meaning (biggest killer ever). --------- Today, i took my headfones at work. During the whole day i listened to the song - i really dont know how often in a row but its a 8:20 minute raw recording. So the melody is branded inside my head now. I still can hear it ... this is how i worked before... And on this evening when i was humming the song to my son 'cos he couldnt fall asleep - i felt whats the song is about - i even heard some lines for it. Next thing i will do is to write a raw writing without melody and rhythmic in mind . Err.... i guess it will take some time til the song stopps playing in my head. ... Then, after that i will have a session with both raw elements. I will see. Thank you all for you input, it was/is very helpful . kind regards Andre
  11. hi there, From time to time i find heart-touching vocal melodies which instantly dies when i put lyrics on it. The lyrics seem to reduce the variations of the melody. Its very hard when music came first. If i just sing over it, it works pretty well. But the lines which come out make me think "what? huh?". But the more i define a meaning with words and the more i limit the song to a certain structure the less the song is taking me away. To describe the melody: i would say it sounds like its a state above the clouds , somewhere heaven(?). Its a flow which i cant repeat everytime in the same way. I even have to change stresses sometimes. Only just to come back to the original. P.S.: The thoughts about the meaning of songs are so many that its hard to decide which words to take - it nearly changes from day to day. And i cant throw them together cos i guess noone would understand it. You know what i mean? *Sigh, i am feeling kinda unable to put these emotions in words. Any help is appreciated. thanks Andre
  12. i cant stop writing

  13. nothing on my mind

  14. time to get back to work

  15. Wisdom Teeth. Getting rid of it today. ARG!

  16. Merry Christmas

    1. Janeva

      Merry Christmas and Best Wishes for 2013 :)

  17. ya. i did said to him - just the rhythm guitar and the drums! I know by now it was the microphone type too. The AKG stage mic worked out fine for the loud singing parts. There are more mids and more "power" than a condensator microphone which we tried first. That was why i strained my voice when i heard the first attempts which were sounding so "thin".... Thanks to all
  18. Here an unusual but stunning example of harmonies and disharmonies. The whole concert is a way to much (to much opera-like) but listen to the first part 'til 4:30. Its painful i know! But its something even a modern singer can learn something i guess.
  19. WOW this is GREAT! Singer/songwriter music, vocal-lead-music - type of classical/musical . If you re not looking forward to play mainstream stuff or in a band - stay with it for the first. You can sing freely as you like and thats what your music is made of. If you put even more change in tempo and add some modified melody interludes to it then it would be genius. You even do storytelling! But, please, dont put it into song-schemes, not now. Make your own structure. This is how music develops forward. And hear classical music if you already havnt. Finish a album with this - i will buy it! Hope in somehow this is still in topic. Pre-Black Widow is cool.
  20. its been a long time since 2011, triode. ... Anyways... Agree with triode . Presonus audiointerface + studio one is what my friend ist working with. usb and firewire versions are available. If you buy an audiointerface, "studio one artist" comes with it. Artist means that you cant use external plugins and has not internal mastering but you can upgrade to "producer" to get it working. Not to mention that he still uses Artist version. its more than enough if your not a plugin freak. here are the audiointerfaces http://www.presonus....cording-Systems and these are the versions of the DAW http://studioone.presonus.com/shop/ P.S. the devs were working for steinberg.
  21. i will give it a try. maybe its becos i keep myself from singing out loud cos afraid that my voice pitches away so i sing more more more relaxed and hold it mostly back when louder parts are on. hmmm. i will try it out with guitar . i will try each trick to mind. and thank to you both, really appreciate it.
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