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Everything posted by thelevellers

  1. Might just have to add, we have an entire board full of the music that people from here have produced... And it's mostly pretty damn good!
  2. You could always upgrade to Fedora 8 in the mean time
  3. Wow! There's scousers on the moon!! (Sorry to any real life liverpuddlians, no offence intended, just havign a laugh... ) Rohan
  4. Oh, and on update, it sounds like ISPs are going to be legally FORCED to do something about it, so that story may end up somewhat redundant :S
  5. And surely that was MacOS that died?!? Also, since my last post I found a list of around 1-2 hundred reasons why people hate and loathe Vista... It was a fun read for me! The best bits were all the Microsoft fanboys actually saying they hated it! WOO! Rohan
  6. I just stumbled upon this website... What do you think?! I'd love the ease of use, and not having to remember to take a tuner everywhere with me... But I think my ear would suffer! Loi... Also there's no prices on the website (that I could see) so I can happily assume they'll break my (very fragile) bank and forget about them.... What do you lot think? Rohan
  7. It's that key 'practice' bit at the end that's my main stumbling block... :s But I'll look into the Musicians Union, sounds like it should be helpful Though I might do that with next (academic) year in mind... Thanks for the tip off Lazz! Rohan
  8. I have to say that I would be immediately suspicious of such things, even if that is mostly because of the depth to which I'm in to the whole open source community... But like Lazz says, laws like this have to be carefully thought through, because there is a very real danger of this not affecting small time musicians (such as the people on here) much at all, and just adding to the enormous amount of money already in the famous/big time musicians pockets... I'm guessing that the 'recorded performances' means both record sales things like live DVDs etc?! Cause then there's even more ambiguitis in there and my brain starts to leak out of my ears... I think I'll stop here, I'm nopt sure if I've made any point, let alone my own, but my brain is telling me to stop as I think I might be getting ill *cough, splutter* Rohan
  9. I think I can safely say that I care not one jot! I don't use that stuff (anymore) and don't forsee starting to anytime soon - as long as Fedora (Linux) doesn't become purely P2P distributed! I'm not sure I agree completely, as there's a lot of open source software that is distributed via these networks, sometimes exclusively I believe, and it would suck for them to have to switch to paying for/arranging severs to distribute their software... Especially as some of these programmes aren't used enough to really warrant it, so that the makers probably wouldn't even bother... But at the same time there is one HELL of a lot of copyright infrin.. No, copyright ignoring on these networks which I don't see the 'industry(s)' involved letting go, so this is the simplest method of dealing with that... Having said which, it wont stop anything really, as the P2P prgrammes will just start hiding themselves, maybe by using different lines of communication or something (I'm fuzzy on the detail,s not being a interweb geek, but I read something about it somewhere...), so it's just the industry doing SOMETHING so that they're not NOT doing anything I guess... Wow, that was a lot to say about something I don't really care about!! Lol... Rohan
  10. Yeah, the sleep factor is important, i was kept up last night with 'Skeletons' going round in my head... :S Looks like I'm buying one then... I guess that also means finding a bloody job... *sigh*... Maybe I'll mix it up and apply to Sainsbury's this time! Lol, I've done Co-op and Morrisons, and Asda offends my morals, as does Tesco, but Tesco wins slighty by not being owned by Walmart... Ahem, And, indeed, back to eBay for me! Rohan
  11. Lol, I was hoping someone would say either 'YES! Do it!' Or 'NO WAY!' as I'm in two (or four) minds... My bank account will barely take it (I really have to pull my finger out and get a job...) but I want it bad... :s We'll see... Rohan
  12. I think I would like to find the right teacher... But I don't know where to start :S I don't even really know what the right teacher would be, so to speak... :S This advice looks good though Thanks people! I'm trying to build on confidence, but there's nowhere private enough (for me) to build it without others listening in at the mo :S (crap excuse I know, but there we are, that's me! ) Cheers, Rohan
  13. I went to see the almighty legends of Hawaiian psycadelic jazz that are Flipron last Wednesday with a friend, and ever since then the background urge I've had to get and learn lap steel has been huge... And since my mate got hold of an electric Organ (apparently same model as Flipron use!) The pressure is on for cool jamness... So, should I get one?! If so is it worth saving for a while (£300) and getting a brand name one, or get one now for £70 that has good reviews?! Or beg my parents for a pedal steel for my 21st?! tho at around £1000 I think that's pushing it... Or do you lot hate them?! Not that that'll affect me, I love them, just listen to Skeletons on holiday for why... (Or for a video try here Cheers, Rohan
  14. Possibly the cutest thing i've seen in a while... http://i29.tinypic.com/o7j7f6.jpg joy
  15. neither of them needed to be made...
  16. Lol... Classic... I'm really gonna miss having him in office... He's been such a deep seem of comedy gold for the past years it will be odd when it goes...
  17. Lol, I'm off to Prague for a few days with my girlfriend during the Easter break... Should be fun, if poor making... though the final installment of this years student loan should come in just after it, so hopefully I can stay at my parents until I can afford food again! lol...
  18. Excellent work Rudi! Nice and in-depth, almost as good as going and trying one out in a shop! Rohan
  19. Ok, it's not a pic, but very funny... WARNING! Strong language... Rohan
  20. thelevellers


    It depends for me, either I make a quick note of the chords and a bit of a rhythm in a tab (only really works for guitar) or I get the meat of it down in Guitar Pro 5 so I can come back and remember it properly in the morning... However, I have learnt from experience to ALWAYS make a note of it in some way or I lose it So yeah, basically I NEVER or very rarely finish a song in one sitting ,but I do get the neat of it down so Ican come back later and add to it... How did it go in the end?! Rohan
  21. WOO! That's awesome... I love South Park... Hard... YOU SUCK!
  22. I think the combo of short hair and t-shirt make him look far too chav to be taken seriously... It's almost a shame he can play!
  23. I'm sorry... I screwed up again... I'm sure I checked I was on the last page tho..? I think I might give up on this game now... I mess it up too often Songs We Sing - Matt Costa
  24. thelevellers


    Personally I find it varies a lot... Sometimes I just start writing lyrics with no idea what they're about and suddenly the meaning of the song appears before me, other times I have a theme I want to write about and go from there... And then musically it varies too, I have lots of riffs I've come up with over the years and sometimes get around to writing some lyrics to go with some of them. Other wise it's a case of finishing the lyrics completely then fiddling about with my guitar until something sticks... I think it's best to have a vague idea of what the music will be like when you write the lyrics, but it's not essential, just helps with structure and stuff... Rohan
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