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Dawn Robertson

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Dawn Robertson last won the day on April 17 2017

Dawn Robertson had the most liked content!

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  • Getting Critique
    Give It To Me Both Barrels

Music Background

  • Songwriting Collaboration
    Interested With Written Agreement
  • Musical / Songwriting / Music Biz Skills
    I am a published songwriter. I write the lyrics and use a collaboration method for music.
  • Musical Influences
    I love music and I'm sure it pumps through my veins. I grew up on the oldies and country and then my affinity for Celine Dion, Mariah Carey and Whitney Houston took hold. Later rock and alternative added to the mix that has become my soul. I live and breathe music.

Profile Information

  • Interests
    Writing lyrics and finding joy in the little things. Working behind the scenes in the studio is a passion. The long hours and late nights is where the magic happens.
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  1. Cut Her Some Slack

    By Dawn Robertson



    From a beautiful land 

    Way before time

    A vision was had

    That a woman was right


    For eternity following 

    Men would truly try

    To tear down that woman

    And make her cry


    Men always thinking

    A woman's easier to control

    Without self confidence 

    Without friends or her goals


    But the contrary realism

    Is far distant from that

    They just want their man

    To love them back


    Woman sacrifice and go without

    And not say a word

    They keep things inside

    And bury their hurt


    Until one day she just lets it out

    Often years in the making 

    She purges the pain

    Often crying and shaking


    Then she is good again

    And just carries on

    Creating a better life for others

    With her wings on


    So the next time you feel

    That your woman is crazy

    You must think again

    She is far from lazy


    Just take five minutes

    And cut her some slack

    Let her know you see her struggles

    And that you have her back


    You will become even closer

    And she will love you even more

    There's nothing better to have

    Then a woman you adore


    She will glow like the heavens

    And make you feel complete

    Because she is born to love

    And you are born to receive

    1. Peggy

      Almost missed this..being a status update.  Lovely.

    2. Dawn Robertson

      Awe thank you Peggy🦋 


  2. Listen just writing lyrics is a good way to make money in the music business. I know from experience. Give yourself a chance. It just means you have to think outside the box. You can do anything you want, there is always a way. I am doing a requested submission for Sony as we speak and I only write lyrics, not kidding. There is always a way. Don't give up if you love what you do. I believe in you.🦋
  3. Sing Your Song


    This angel has no cloudy bed

    No pillow on which to lay my head

    What did I do so wrong


    I'll pack my wings and try again

    Do it over and over again

    Until I can sing your song


    With the words you once wrote 

    Upon my heart it's true

    I'll carry the message home to you


    The melody will fly like you do

    In and out the words ring through

    I will get my wings to fly soon


    To again be by your side 

    But until then I wait 

    To see you at Heaven's gate


    I hope one day to make you proud

    And have a bed in the clouds

    To be where you now fly


    One day I will be by your side

    With my wings open wide

    You will say I did it right, I did it right

  4. Will You Shine Today?


    Do you ever listen to the voice inside

    It's telling you not to hide instead

    Shine your beauty upon me 


    You see I've been hurt before it's true

    But I see the beauty that is you

    Don't let them erase your essence 


    All the talent that you have inside

    Well if not used will surely die

    Stand up and show them your presence 


    Take a stand for what you believe 

    Every dream you can conceive 

    Dont be afraid of what they say


    Steadfast and true is the way

    They won't ever forget you name 

    Change your life today


    Listen to the voice inside

    Telling you not to hide

    They will try to say it's wrong


    But don't listen to a single word they say

    Haters be throwing swords all day

    Just walk away, shake it off


    Do you ever listen to the voice inside 

    Don't you ever run and hide

    Be who you are with pleasure and pride


    Open up to a better day

    No matter what may come your way

    You are a gift light to treasure 


    Take it from me I've seen somethings it's true

    But I still see the beauty in you

    Do you ever listen to the voice inside

    Telling you it's your time to shine...so shine


    Will you shine today?




  5. Wishing everyone a beautiful and productive day! 🦋

  6. They are fun I enjoy pushing myself. I continue to learn as well. If you ever need a lyric message me.....
  7. Lol you're fun.......I like that....Hear Ye! Hear Ye! you are officially invited to view any of my work I post here....lol.....read away Lisa! 🤗
  8. Well thank you Lisa...I am enjoying it immensely. Hope to see you too! Have a good night.🙂
  9. I am a published lyricist and may be able to help....just let me know what you need at this time. Generally I write a lyric and then collaborate with a musician to complete a song. I find that is my preference. If this system works for you let me know. Have a great day, Dawn Robertson

  10. Hello All, my name is Dawn Robertson and I have been in the music business most of my life. I live and breathe music and ride the lyrics to other people's songs with great pleasure. I am looking forward to getting to know you all and would love to have you critique my work. I am open to helping others build their careers as I have never wanted to be the star of the show. I generally write lyrics as I am not a musician but I often have the melody for a lyric that I have written and will use that to work with a collaborator to bring the songs to fruition. Although I have been on the inside of a music label I tried to learn my own way of doing things and followed my instincts to achieve the goals I set for myself. I tend to make my own path and with experience I have come to learn that there are several ways to make it in the industry if you so choose. I have worked with many people in the industry and have utilized what I have learned over the years into a better product and experience. I come to Songstuff with great respect for all of you who are willing to put yourself and your work out there. I have worked in film and radio industries as well as music so I have had a little taste of everything. I even turned down a singer/songwriter deal with a Nashville label as I wanted to perfect my craft before doing so. There is a time and place for everything and it was just not the right time for me. The owner of the label said he understood my decision as a singer/sonwriter of my caliber. His words still remain with me to this day and they have allowed me to grow and have a career that I completely control. I was never in it to be famous or rich. I just love what I do.
  11. Welcome to the forums Dawn Robertson :)

    1. Dawn Robertson

      Thank you for having me. I do love a challenge and the latest no rhyming lyric challenge was difficult but rewarding as it forced me to go out of my comfort zone. I enjoyed it immensely. Have a great day fellow writers!

    2. john

      Nice one Dawn :)

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