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Everything posted by Rudi

  1. Not Fade Away - Buddy Holly & the Crickets https://video.search.yahoo.com/video/play;_ylt=A2KLqIW2Ps9WHRoAfAQsnIlQ;_ylu=X3oDMTByMjBzZmhtBHNlYwNzcgRzbGsDdmlkBHZ0aWQDBGdwb3MDNg--?p=buddy+holly+%26+the+crickets&vid=2619b1bc4f263949a1212d92c6e0bcd3&turl=http%3A%2F%2Ftse1.mm.bing.net%2Fth%3Fid%3DOVP.Vccb702503833ef36f4b1da854672e1d9%26pid%3D15.1%26h%3D360%26w%3D480%26c%3D7%26rs%3D1&rurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3Dm7iPbqNla6Q&tit=Buddy+Holly+and+The+Crickets+-+Not+Fade+Away&c=5&h=360&w=480&l=145&sigr=11b7n6il8&sigt=11c6cfjli&sigi=131fivlee&age=1296330863&fr2=p%3As%2Cv%3Av&fr=yhs-mozilla-004&hsimp=yhs-004&hspart=mozilla&tt=b
  2. The Weaver's Answer - Family https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lYCUQ81vJYw
  3. Yes delivery standards have all gone daft. Glad to hear you are happy with the computer. Connectivity certainly sounds great. That'll keep you busy for a while
  4. huh? what happened to my Tears for Fears post?! for *%$@'s sake....
  5. Nice discovery there Moz, Hey they make a half decent band between ‘em don’t they? Come to think of it. I recall someone saying they thought the BeeGees were a bit AC/DC.
  6. I have had last minute messages from Amazon saying 'you package will be delivered today' during Sunday evening (when no one works!?), and then some fellow without a uniform knocks the door with my package. Is this Uber? Be sure to let us know when that computer arrives Mike.
  7. Poor customer treatment. I had a similar issue last week. I had ordered goods on condition they would arrive on Monday. The vendor accepted this and assured me the delivery day would be Monday. UPS were the couriers. The package shipped to Southampton (near me) over the weekend. After that tracking just said 'out for delivery'. I stayed in all Monday and at 17.20 this tracking message changed to 'reschedule & deliver following day'. I called the shop and they seemed angrier than I was. I had to work the following day. I suggested the package was returned to the shop & sent out again the following Monday. The shop agreed. Next day I tried to contact UPS but didnt have all the (seller) information needed, so the shop had to take this over. So back & forth was all this e-traffic between me, the shop & UPS. At 14.20 Tuesday I get an e-mail from UPS that 'Your package has been delivered'. Now, a signature is supposed to be required on receipt. No one is there. SO it has either been delivered to a similar address (there is one a couple of miles away) or left unattended at my door. I report this to the shop who are now kakking themselves because the value of the item is quite high. When I reach home, there it is in my porch. UPS are at fault, but it seems today that all carriers are overstretched & cutting corners. I've had a couple of similar experiences last year, where it has only been a matter of luck that I got my deliveries at all. An unscrupulous person, in my place, could easily have claimed that the package was missing; presumed stolen from the premises and claimed recompense. Mike. I hope you get your computer soon. I hope it works and that you finally get your Linnstrument fully functional. Good Luck.
  8. The Last DJ - Tom Petty & Heartbreakers
  9. Rudi

    video test

    Thanks Tom and David too. I learned quite a bit of ragtime in my youth. I can remember most of them. This is encouraging! I'll try some more out in due course.
  10. Standing On the Moon - Grateful Dead
  11. Rudi

    video test

    ok I joined vimeo. I hope this is quicker!
  12. Rudi

    video test

    Thanks Tom. I put it up on Photobucket. I wondered if the resolution might be too high? Ive not head of Vimeo before. I'll take a look. Cheers.
  13. Rudi

    video test

    this is a test to see if I can post a home made vid. http://vid1382.photobucket.com/albums/ah271/unwise1/Ric 2_zpsbw8khmdf.mp4 I wanted to see the image. No luck there but at least it works. The tune is Dallas Rag BTW.
  14. Tom, did you try pressing return after pasting the link? anyhow... White Freightliner Blues - Slack Family Bluegrass Band
  15. ouch ! At least you understand the nature of the problem. I wouldn't have the first clue
  16. When I read the title I thought it was going to be just another silly novelty, but shes great. She's using just 4 strings. Losing the A helps her to isolate that bass line on the low E. Some of that fretting technique is nice to look at too.
  17. Just read your blog review & left a comment. Excellent review!
  18. Mike, your enthusiasm is shining bright. I glad it's this good. At some point in the future it would be great to hear a demo from you.
  19. At this rate, I predict that before long, we'll all find our own obscure links that never occurred to anyone else. You can make clever links by using language imaginatively. When you burrow down into lyrics & album names etc. its becomes a bit pony IMO.
  20. It cant be long now before an account appears...!
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