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Everything posted by musicthom

  1. What should i be looking to include in a press pack i really have no clue on these matters
  2. i don't mind paying up to £50 but above that seems to me to be too much i know there is a lot of cost in big shows but i tend to think there are too many people charging for non gig related stuff like all blue m an ms and stupid demands of some artists but again i have the ability to say no i don't think i will pay that besides i tend to go to local places to see local bands
  3. You hansome devil bet you were a lady killer
  4. This is the logo i came up with for my last band ant although its simple its identifiable fairly easy and most good logos are simple
  5. Ok i will start the ball rolling with this link Strangetouch live at cafe gramafon
  6. well just a wee update this is what am gonna go with for the ep
  7. shot it in the house of the guy who does the production with me on my songs
  8. A few pieces of mobile phone footage and windows movie maker and the result well i think not bad but i wouldnt do it too many times
  9. Afternoon guys a wee problem here one of my friends asked me to have a look at his computer and when i did i got this message now i have done som reasearch on this and went here Windows xp from A-Z and To resolve this issue, use one of the following methods. Use the Recovery Console Tool: now this is where the problems start he threw away all the dics he got with it and yes i have told him he is an idiot for doing that is there any way around this the computer is an Acer Aspire E500 Desktop a few years old and well out of warrenty
  10. No worrys bud it was ment to be 2nd and i am pleased on how it did
  11. Now there is a question and a half i tend to put my music up in various places radio stations sites like xfm and my space type sites you tube and other music forums as well as talking on general forums and music sections in football,gaming sites send off to radio stations entering competitions but as sure as hell i will be missing other ways trying to keep the momentum up without geting feedback i find is the hardest when the self doubt creeps in , live playing which for me can be the hardest as a lot of open mic nights can have little impact and of course on here having the members casting an eye over it is valuble to me as most of the guys on here are here for the same reason and tend to be honest but not cruel in there reviews
  12. After a short discussion with a good friend of mine last night, it set me thinking. I had asked him to listen to a track of mine and he pointed out that you can here an other band ’s sound in it and that’s what started it . How do we achieve our own sound and I suppose for me ,the bands I listen to have a major influence in what I do musically I have listened to loads of stuff from the police and the specials to kraftwork and Alex Harvey band ,bad company , Billy brags Spy versus spy album still remains one of my fav also I loves Spear of destiny and Sisters of mercy from Queen to loads of pop u2 ,the kooks ,razor light ,James so you can see I kind of crossed over loads of music genre’s I have to admit that dance music hip hop death metal don’t really do it for me but that’s just me they sell millions so who am I to say But to get back to my point most of the styles of music I have listened to I do not have the ability to play for now. But I try to learn every day , experimenting I think is always great to try You never know what you may write I like to think that there are loads of ingredients to how you develop a recognisable style Influences are there , quality of gear from your instrument to your effects and voice if you sing Other significant people that can join your playing on a permanent basis or as a one off can have a influence producers and quality recording for me can make you look at an overall arrangement and production of your music So for me there is no formula in writing music What do you think do you agree or disagree ?
  13. With all the things that are going on in my life at the moment i find it quite strange that i feel so comfortable in my life and i tell you what if you had friends like mine then you would be rich I am sure you all are aware that I am playing a gig on friday 30th may at The ferry in glasgow and i have a responsability to sell some of the tickets otherwise i wont get payed and thats no good when you are trying to raise some cash for the ep project and by the way its gonna be a good night some of the acts on i have played with before paul duncan interesting fellow with a great talent , and the apsherons and if there acoustic set is anything to go by then they should blow the roof of must remember my water wings just incase they do i intend to go into the studio end of june or begining of july to record the 4 track ep but again that depends on how well the tickets go for the ferry gig only time will tell . this is a big step up for me after playing my first gig to a crowd of 40 ish to play a venue that has the room for 650 is i big step but i will do my best and take it from there last bit of news is some button badges on the way so there will be some freebies given out on the night you only have to ask so take care and se ya all soon Keep on keeping on thom xx
  14. musicthom


    I personally wouldnt be without my capo i bought a marin one at £14.99 its a great wee spring clamp one easy to move
  15. i find google a great tool and a wee bit of reaserch on the subject i am sure you will find a price to suit good luck
  16. well said Alistair se these pre madonnas canny go them lol
  17. what a great bit of advice this had dogged me for years but now its lots better
  18. To say this week has been an interesting one well lets just say thats an understatment now i look at my life as a fairly uncomplicated one but that was untill 2 weeks last thursday There i was lounging in the tub wee bit of lynx shower gel and the usual array of bath toys (keep it clean) few rubber ducks and some nice floating candles watch out for them it dont half sting and as you do going throug my washing routine . shock dismay what the hell is that oh yes a lump bloody hell i thought that cant be natural but i knew it wasnt i tell you i felt like someone had dropped an anvil on my head i went brain dead so what do i do no choice i went as usual to work the next morning trying to keep it together made an appointment for that afternoon home wash clean pants well my mum would have had my guts for garters if i had forgot God it seemed like ages sitting in the waiting room but my name was called and with that knotted feeling i went in The conversation with the doc went somthing like this who was young enough to be my daughter DOC: goodafter noon how can i help ME: well i have found this lump DOC: ok where ME: on my testicle DOC:which one Me: left ( i thought dis it matter i found a lump) DOC: ok are you sexually active ME:(i was gonna say well i can do a few moves but thought it unwise) well if once in the last 10 year counts then yes ( she did not find this amusing) DOC: ok i do have to have a look please go behind that curtain and............................................... so i did what i was told first of all she said i can't find it well that was a dent to the old ego right away so i repositioned myself so she could and after much squeezing( and im sure if she had them then she may have been more gentle ) she proclaimed oh yes you do have a lump (NO SHTT!!! i thought) ok you can get dressed now so what now, well i cant be sure what it is so i will make an appointment for you for the urology dept and in the meentime take these antibiotics which i did try not to touch it too much as you may cause more damage (what a statment that was ) ok i said and as i walked to the dore she uttered those imortal words TRY NOT TO WORRY ok doc i wont give it another thought so that was that to be honest i did keep it in perspective and did try not to worry but it aint easy but i do have good friends and the help they were i can only hope to repay someday but to detract from subject matter not all was well at home either i had a sick computer too it was infected by some sort of msn virus which was sent to my daughter so i had to fork out a wad to get some good antivirus so sorted it was well no i came in next day and it was dead as a do do only thing on the monitor was NTLDR file missing please press Ctrl+Alt+Del to restart which i did for several hours before i gave up Action plan rescue disc this was fairly straightfoward but i had added extra hard drive and better sound card which i could not find discs for so it took me several days to sort out and re load with help from the boss my new antivirus so be aware of this virus and dont accept files through msn its not worth it anyhow meenwhile back to impending doom i duly receved a letter of appointment for the hospital on the friday so it was 2 weeks from finding lump to hospital now thats not bad now i had been through this once before but the lump was located in a diffirent area and turned out to be a syst but somthing wasnt right bout this and i was lets say a big bit scared but what choice did i have so with a mate in tow went off to meet my new friend Now it didn't take long this guy knew his job and with great care had a feel of the offending growth (and i think he had a bit of empathy for my plight as there was no pain involved in the check this time ) ok take a seat he said well you do have a growth and i am posative its not going to kill you as you prob thought ( mind reader too such talent) well words cannot express how i felt i really felt in limbo for 2 weeks and i could have cryed but i just grinned like a cheshire cat instead so what happens now i said well we will do an ultra sound and if its not causing any problems leave it alone wel there is a moral to this story isnt there i personally check myself once a month due to the last lump it made me aware of how impotrtant this is and if it had went the other way well it may still have been a happy ending for the fact that i found it early could have just saved my life so if yer a bit shy guys well judst dont tell anyone your doing it but GET IT CHECKED it may save your life you would be nuts not to (pardon the punn) ok se ya all next week and remember be good Thom
  19. Good topic well i have a set of 3 mic's and no effects as im still in the begining stages of singing after a brake of 15 year what effects are available ? how would they help me in development ? i think i have the basics of a good voice althou finding the techy stuff to aid is not as easy as it looks some of the exersises depend on having time and good niebours i know through experience this is a difficult one so how do ya help anyone got info
  20. Thanks rudi a very good review i have to agree on the manual and the guitar effects and yes the psi is far too expensive at £25 but he thing that really amazed me is when my memory card went it wasnt covered by the warrenty and without it it wont store any data but for carrying around in your gig bag and being portable its great
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