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Everything posted by john

  1. Hi Today's big news...found on the Songstufff news streams. http://cnews.canoe.ca/CNEWS/TechNews/TechI.../504650-ap.html Cheers John
  2. john


    Hi mooneyes The answer is...Yes! I sourced this shareware program for you. There are others out there, but this should get you started. http://perso.magic.fr/llebot/welcome.htm Cheers John
  3. Hey Nigel Just now everyone and there dog seems to be getting into it. Where there's money to be made.... Cheers John
  4. Hi I thought this was interesting. First Warner, now BMG. Looks like an overall artisi dump is starting.... http://www.dw-world.de/english/0,3367,1431...202_1_A,00.html Cheers John
  5. john


    Hey Has she found it yet Tom? There are so many celebs now. I'm guessing that at some point the public will grow tired of the plethora of talentless small stars, and hopefully they'll discover the thriving indie scene. Stars in one shape or form are always going to be about. Who and what they are might shift, but they'll still be there. We've come to expect that the Music industry is a particular entity (basically 5 or 6 Majors that own 99% of the rest), but the internet is levelling the playing field. Accessibility is the key. Indie Music needs to re-invent itself, as an alternative Music business. The way Music should be. In the hands of those who make the Music. There's few other careers in the world like this. How many hobby plumbers are there? How many of people spend years and years training, and investing for a career where making a living from your job is nearly impossible for 99% of the industry? there's a shed load wrong with things, but I'm hopeful that over the next 5 or so years things are radically going to change. Cheers John
  6. john


    Hi What sort of direction do you think the Music industry is going to go? What sort of role do you see for indie Music? Cheers John
  7. Great. I guess not having a working Carillon for a while will do that to you! I'm looking forward to hearing some finished tracks! Cheers John
  8. Hi Any users of Reason and Recycle? What do you use these programs for? By this I mean sketch pad songs or finished tracks? Of the two, which do you find most useful? Cheers John
  9. Hey come on! More votes needed! Marc, I believe Didier uses the predecessor to the abacus. Sticks! Although I believe they are the latest version... (Sorry Didier!) Cheers John
  10. Tom With all this male adulation you must be feeling... nervous! : Cheers John
  11. Hi David I use a variety of cables, but in general they are high quality leads and connectors. Good quality interconnects can make a massive difference, especially with analogue cables. Good cables are better for managing noise. the noise contributed by the cable itself is reduced, and a good cable will reduce crosstalk. Cheers John
  12. You still about dave? I haven't seen you on the boards much. I hope all is ok. Cheers John
  13. Hi Warner Music is dropping half of its artists... from the Songstuff Music Business news stream: http://feeds.bignewsnetwork.com/?sid=29ed7824d527f996 Cheers John
  14. Hi I attended a demo the other day for Logic Pro 6. I have to say overall that i am quite impressed, although I do have some concerns and one or two dislikes. The main view is pretty well what you would expect, and the system is very configurable. I liked the thumbnail video view with adjustable resolution and number of frames between the displayed frames. The mixer automation is very easy, and flexible. The mixer itself expands as features are added. All good. I didn't like the navigation of windows though. It wasn't very intuitive. In particular the ordering of effects and treatments as not immediately apparent and based on drag and drop text boxes. Personally I prefer the virtual patch bay available with some other recording packages. During the demo audio stopped (because the screensaver kicked in). This resulted in closing and re-starting Logic. Not exactly a good selling point. One good move...Emagic are now packaging all their plugins with Pro 6, which much reduces the cost! Pro 6 is mac only (PCs were just slowing them down apparently) Cheers John
  15. Steve Just coz it's popular doesn't make it good. Don't you remember 'Bros', or 'Sonia'? John
  16. Hey Didier Nice one! Does anyone know any good indie sites? Cheers John
  17. Hey Mr M I haven't seen you around much recently. Have you been recording some new tracks? Cheers John
  18. Hey Are you using Win 98 or Win 98 Second Edition? Win 98 SE is a lot more stable and doesn't really need any more resource. You might be better investing your cash in the new puter, and then using the prog you already like... Cheers John
  19. Come on you lot. I know you have PCs you use for Music (with the exception of Didier) Cheers John
  20. Hi Mestafool Welcome to Songstuff! I'm not sure if I understand what the problem is, but what Steve says is pretty accurate. You need to connect the Midi out of your Casio to the Midi In of your computer, and the Midi In form your Casio to the Midi Out of your computer. In Fruity Loops, make sure that your soundcard external Midi port is selected as the midi device. You need to make sure that your Casio is using the same Midi channel as Fruity Loops as the global Midi channel (usually channel 1) To ensure that your Casio is transmitting you can test it either using a Midi monitor program on your PC or, turn local off on the Casio (this stops the Midi signal information from the keyboard from going directly to the Casio sound generators) and then connect the Midi Out from the Casio to the Midi In on the Casio. When you press a key you should still get sound. You can test your PC Midi Out by playing an existing Midi file to be transmitted on your Soundcard external Midi port. If this doesn't help, post back and I'll see if I can help. Cheers John
  21. Hey What about a software drum machine, or a sequencer and sample library? Cheers John
  22. Hey D Sorry, I meant a kit of components including prefabricated circuit boards etc. You may save a little by self assembly, but I haven't seen a kit yet that beats the commercial packages. Add to that, if you are not that familiar with a soldering iron, and you don't have all the right tools, it's easy to make a mess of it. Cheers John
  23. Er nigel Going with the flow, you could do with working on your spelling Cheers John
  24. Hey Tom In my case it's 'Doh!' Cheers John
  25. Hi I guess the question is pretty straight forward. If the package you ues is not listed, please reply, mentioning the package! Cheers John
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