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Everything posted by john

  1. Hey Marc Sorry I haven't posted. Interesting stuff. I've never put together a 5:1 mix. Cheers John
  2. Hey KJ The u110 is reasonably old but still a good multi-timbral (8 part if I remember) synth with some pretty good sounds. I found this page which gives some info on the pcm cards: http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/Lak...76/pcmcards.htm This page on the patch layout: http://sawstudiouser.net/board/viewtopic.p...php?TopicID=103 I'll dig some more... Cheers John
  3. Hi You can deal with too much bass or a boader ranging bass in a number of ways, but you should do your homework on the monitors you are using. Find out the frequency range of the speakers, and if any figures are available for attenuation at the bass cut-off frequency, get them too. You can still take some steps to improve the situation without these figures. 1. Use a reference Hi Fi with an line input and run it from your mixer or line level stereo output. Adjust the bass boost on your normal studio amp until the sound is approximately the same. Now when you put a mix together you will mix the sound for how it sounds on a normal hi fi. This only approximates a solution. 2. Use a software app like wavelab to perform a spectrum analysis on your track. You can then apply an EQ treatment to compensate. Hope this helps. Cheers John
  4. Hi Urged on by Didier , I have to say the ones I tend to like are Tannoy. I currently have Tannoy M1, but hopefully in the New2 Year I'll pick up a set of Tannoy Reveals. I've used various tannoy monitors over the years and for a reaonable budget (usually £100 - £700 a pair) you can pick up a set of monitors which have a better performance than other in their price range. I tend to find that most monitors are a bit too trebly at the lower price range. If you use hifi speakers, like my M1, you will notice this more, although I have to say NS 10s are pucker monitors, but they colour the sound more than most hifi speakers! Tannoy reveals are about £200 a matched pair, and Tannoy Reveal Actives are about £400 a matched pair. Ultimately I'd recommend goig to a shop and listening to a known CD played through a known system (if you can be bothered) or take along the speakers/monitors you use too and play the CD through them first. Cheers John
  5. Hi To me it's why you look for critique. Firstly as an artist you have to be aware that people have different taste, that's why there are different musical styles. As long as you understand that, I think you can deal with those kind of comments. Secondly, for every song I write, when I play it, people will pass comment whether I want them or not. I have a different expectation from different people, this includes the opinion of those who are more informed on a technical level. On balance I'd rather get a reaction, than none! If I can convey my intent to reviewers, and get some feedback, ideas etc, I find it useful. The problem for me is when either reviewer or artist personalises any comment. That road leads to the dark side. I have an idea on improving the reviews. How about reviewers are open to review. Not all members can review. Only those approved by other members? Just a thought. Cheers John
  6. Hey Didier You old smoothie you . You say you don't like song reviews... I'm not so keen on "I loved it" or "I hated it" reviews, but cinstructive criticism is often useful. I pretty critcal of my own tracks, but sometimes the different perspective of other writers can give me food for thought. that's what I like about the reviews on this board, especially on the lyricstuff board. Lots of good stuff going on there. the only problem I can see with screened reviews is the overhead. I guess I would have to leave it to the individual members to allow review comments to show, though I don't think they should have the opportunity to remove bad review scores. Have a great Christmas! Cheers John
  7. Hi What's your preferred site for promoting your music and why? Is it posting to bulletin boards? Or getting song reviews? Cheers John btw. The Songstuff Artists area will soon be available, for free (of course). This will allow you to have an artists page, and list links to all your songs, which can be reviewed, a link to your homepage and main music page. We won't be hosting audio, but it will allow a central point for all your music. Whatcha think?
  8. john


    Hi Steve If you bend the string it eventually plays ok...
  9. EMU Esi 400 Sampler Ok, it's pretty easy to use, comes with some nice sound libraries, and the FX are good, if a little noisy. It's very flexible and at the same time reasonably intuitive. The least likeable part is setting up the FX. The method of assignment could be more useful. Sampling is also straightforward. It's features make it more suited to studio and home than live environments. One downside for me is the fact that a hard drive cannot be mounted inside. True it has a scsi bus as standard, but the ability to add an intenal hard disk would have saved yet another box and powersupply. Cheers John
  10. Hi So, what's your favourite piano piece? For me it has to be Daniel Barenboim playing Beethoven's 'Moonlight Sonata'. Fantastic. Cheers John
  11. john


    Hi Ok. What am I doing (madman that I am ). My main electric is in need of an overhaul. The action is set at just the right level for feel. There are two frets that create a light buzz, but this is really because the nut needs replaced. Two other frets however create flat/dead notes on the High E and B strings at the 14th and 15th fret. Not light enough to create an intermittent buzz. More that when the notes behind the fret are played, the fret completely damps the string. As the action feels right I am reluctant to raise the action. I have checked the neck for warping, and it is fine. The torsion bar is adjusted correctly. A few of the frets have reasonably bad string marks that are ok, except on some bends they catch a little. The guitar was bought in 1980. It's a Yoshi, not an expensive guitar, but I still love the sound and feel of the instrument. I have worked on guitars many times, but before I started this I thought it was worth consulting the guru's of the BBS! I could put it into a shop, but hey... at least I'm not trying to re-glue the neck on one of my favourite 12 strings (bloody roadies>). A shop for that I think... Cheers John
  12. Hi thanks for the replies. Interesting stuff. I have the files you mention Rudi. I guess the main concern is damaging the fret board. Steve, Rudi might understand, but I'm not really sure I get what you mean. Is this a tool that you can buy? Cheers John
  13. Hi I thought I'd canvas opinion on amps. I have had two very different amps I would recommend: 1970 Marshall 100w Head and 4 x 12 angle cab, and 4 x 12 normal cab. It was a wonderfully warm amp, without the gain conversion. Very loud, very heavy for gigs and it took up a lot of room. Peavy Renown 400, 200w amp. Easy to use, great sound, especially for a transistor amp (at the time that took a lot of therapy for me to admit;)). The range of sounds the amp could create were fantastic. I could even get a decent acoustic sound, although I'm sure the ovation helped! Just my thoughts... Cheers John
  14. john


    Hi Like my post on dressing frets, I am looking for tips, or a set method, for setting up the intonation on a guitar. So, whatcha say? Cheers John
  15. Hi all I've got a few string marks in my frets. I have a fret stone and some fine files. Before I set out and wreck my guitar, does anyone have any suggestions for how I would achieve the best results? Cheers John
  16. john


    Hey Nightwolf Thanks for posting back. I'm glad to hear you're doing well! As ever let me know if I can help in any way. I seem to spend most of mine time working on Songstuff! I've a fair backlog of songs to get recorded. Anyway, good to hear all is well...and hopefully not too busy that you can't enjoy yourself. Cheers John
  17. john


    Hey Where you at these days? Any progress with two and a half weeks? Cheers John
  18. Hi Didier To be honest the ones I have had experience of are either gone, very bad, or both! Vitaminic - complete crap Ampcast - no free service, very little artist support Recently I've been bombarded by OMD spam. So far the only decent one I've found is IC, thanks for the recommendation. There are a couple of support sites, non-OMD, but I'll hold on any comment just yet... Cheers John
  19. The sites, and forums compliment each other quite well...
  20. Hey Didier Just to let you know I also signed up, for an artist account and for the forum. Cheers John
  21. Hi Guys Yep, please continue to post here! Although if you feel you must tell others about Songstuff, please feel free to post on other boards! Cheers John
  22. Mr Meat I bought the Carillon with 2 Creamware cards, Pulsar 2 and a PowerSampler. The cards are excellent. No problems there. I bought Sonar from them 2, also no real problems. To be honest I haven't been on their site for ages, but I'll swing by an check it out. Cheers John
  23. Hey I bought a Carillon about two years ago. I had some intial problems with the fan and a few other bits, and the system ended up being returned to base. The system was fixed and has remained stable ever since. I have to say honestly that the system is really good, but as to how much of that is due to Carillon, I have my doubts. I expected a bit more after sales service too. I've received one update on the sample library (6 cds), but that's it. I also expected to be contacted about a viable upgrade path, but yet again, nothing. Most of the good features I am happy with are down to me doing my homework when I ordered the system. On a good note, it's good to have people who know about sound and computers on the end of a phone. It's good that they run audio diagnostics. They present a nice tidy pack with all your software, and all the software is installed and working. One other point, this system, running windows 98 2nd edition has crashed twice in those 2 years, and that's pretty good for windows 98. It does look nice though... Cheers John
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