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Ha Ha! I got 9/8 too. then I looked at the answers I got wrong and went back to correct them...then I got 17/8!! I am awesome!! lol

I went to the discussion forum and everyone was in an uproar about it. The challenge with this weeks quiz was to know if you were in the major or minor part of the chords...really opened my eyes. I haven't finished this weeks assignment. I have a melody but none of the loops match it so far. I'm still trying.

This has made writing hard. Taking the tools (not rules) and making them all come together is going to make it well worth the hard work don't you think? When things come easy I am too likely to take it for granted but if I work hard for it and actually get something out of my hard work then, BAM! it is worth it.!

Well I got frustrated with it. But I do have an unstable verse and a stable chorus. I really didn't use a lot of the words on my work sheet in the end. I do have a bridge a beginning a middle and an end. I just expected to knock it off in a couple of hours but I got confused about the natural shape of the language, and started secon guessing the stresses. Like if someone saw me stomping around my garden saying "bogy man dreaming" over and over they may have called the little white van.

Still we will see how good it is when it's done. I guess that's what matters.



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Gary, do we have to have an unstable verse and stable chorus? I don't see that in the assignment! Did I miss something? Cause I just realized that I missed a quiz in week 4! I didn't see it! Geez!!! I need the best score I can get from the peers...Week 4 peer reviews only gave me a 14 (I didn't score anyone that low!) but had really positive comments. One even raving about the lyrics. I got another follower on Soundcloud from this week too. Sweet!



This is as final as I can get. I've had about 5 different versions. 1 on the Latin loop (really!) but this reggae loop suited the beat, melody, and key so I went with it.


Box 1: Daredelil son wants thrills he can't get at home. speed, skydiving - excitement

Box 2: Dad fails to get the bull riding championship and wants his son to follow in his footsteps. "Cover The Bull" is a rodeo term when you ride a bull for 8 seconds and win!

Box 3: As the son grows up he wants to respect his father's wishes and comes home to ride the bull named Destiny


"Cover the Bull"



any minor suggestions would be helpful but this assignment is due on Monday 8/26 so I won't be able to do any major rewrites...




Gary, do we have to have an unstable verse and stable chorus? I don't see that in the assignment! Did I miss something? Cause I just realized that I missed a quiz in week 4! I didn't see it! Geez!!! I need the best score I can get from the peers...Week 4 peer reviews only gave me a 14 (I didn't score anyone that low!) but had really positive comments. One even raving about the lyrics. I got another follower on Soundcloud from this week too. Sweet!


No just that when pat was doing his hobo wind he discussed if it should be stable or un stable and when he was doing the melody notes he talked about it again. So I just did the same thing.



Posted (edited)

Hey Lisa, 

Hearing a Rodeo song done in a reggae style certainly is different. I didn't know rodeo was big in Jamaica, but I'm a long way away from Kingston, I guess.


I don't know if one was available, but I think a more country feeling loop would have been appropriate, and I'm hoping you don't get marked down on "prosody" reasons, though the loop was in a major key and the melody was was too, and wasn't inappropriate.


I thought the phrase "To cover the bull" going into the chorus feels rushed, like you were squeezing 5 syllables into a four syllable space. If you have time, I suggest to knock the "To" off as I think that is the main offender, or start earlier in the preceding bar with a longer "To" so it doesn't feel rushed.




Edited by Kel

This is as final as I can get. I've had about 5 different versions. 1 on the Latin loop (really!) but this reggae loop suited the beat, melody, and key so I went with it.


Box 1: Daredelil son wants thrills he can't get at home. speed, skydiving - excitement

Box 2: Dad fails to get the bull riding championship and wants his son to follow in his footsteps. "Cover The Bull" is a rodeo term when you ride a bull for 8 seconds and win!

Box 3: As the son grows up he wants to respect his father's wishes and comes home to ride the bull named Destiny


"Cover the Bull"



any minor suggestions would be helpful but this assignment is due on Monday 8/26 so I won't be able to do any major rewrites...



There is not much time to do anything much now as it due in soon. Make sure you,ve done your key word list.

From listening I didn't hear any major wrong stresses which is the main deal here for this assignment. So it should be ok.

I got a crap score from mty last one too. Someone said my chorus was all over the place which it is I guess being unstable.

I didn't feel comfortable using unstable for a chorus. It feels wrong. I got a 2 for preserving the natural shape of the language.

Most of the ones I marked were almost perfect mostly 5 with the occasional 4. I had a look at my stresses for which I got a 3 and as far as I can tell they are exactly right. I mean I used that understanding to do my peer reviews and gave nearly all fives. So this must mean it's their understanding and mine is te same. I think you needed to take a bit of time grading this one and if we got lazy reviewers then they would just whizz through ticking the half way mark.

I mean the work load this week has been fairly heavy so I suppose you are going to spend your time doing your own stuff first and just flick through your marking so you can get a score. Did you get any individual comments on the sections. I found if I gave someone less than a perfect score I did a comment like "I is a personal pronoun and you have it marked as stressed or whatever" I didn't get any comments like that. So if it is wrong I don't know why.

I think doing the peer reviews is usefull because it reinforces your understanding of the topic and gives you practice at whatever the task is. What you get back is less useful because whoever s marking it sometimes has less clues than you do. So it's not really all that helpful.

Good on you for getting the assignment done with two days to spare.




There is not much time to do anything much now as it due in soon. Make sure you,ve done your key word list.

From listening I didn't hear any major wrong stresses which is the main deal here for this assignment. So it should be ok.

I got a crap score from mty last one too. Someone said my chorus was all over the place which it is I guess being unstable.

I didn't feel comfortable using unstable for a chorus. It feels wrong. I got a 2 for preserving the natural shape of the language.

Most of the ones I marked were almost perfect mostly 5 with the occasional 4. I had a look at my stresses for which I got a 3 and as far as I can tell they are exactly right. I mean I used that understanding to do my peer reviews and gave nearly all fives. So this must mean it's their understanding and mine is te same. I think you needed to take a bit of time grading this one and if we got lazy reviewers then they would just whizz through ticking the half way mark.

I mean the work load this week has been fairly heavy so I suppose you are going to spend your time doing your own stuff first and just flick through your marking so you can get a score. Did you get any individual comments on the sections. I found if I gave someone less than a perfect score I did a comment like "I is a personal pronoun and you have it marked as stressed or whatever" I didn't get any comments like that. So if it is wrong I don't know why.

I think doing the peer reviews is usefull because it reinforces your understanding of the topic and gives you practice at whatever the task is. What you get back is less useful because whoever s marking it sometimes has less clues than you do. So it's not really all that helpful.

Good on you for getting the assignment done with two days to spare.



Gary, I'm going to try one or two more recordings and take Kel's advice and take the "To" out. It may or may not make it to Soundcloud though. I am not very good at cut and pasting in Audacity. Ummm let me re-word that: I DON"T KNOW HOW! LOL so I'll be recording the whole song.

I did what you did on the peer reviews I added comments like crazy too. Like here on Songstuff, you can't post without critiquing.




Hey Lisa, 

Hearing a Rodeo song done in a reggae style certainly is different. I didn't know rodeo was big in Jamaica, but I'm a long way away from Kingston, I guess.


I don't know if one was available, but I think a more country feeling loop would have been appropriate, and I'm hoping you don't get marked down on "prosody" reasons, though the loop was in a major key and the melody was was too, and wasn't inappropriate.


I thought the phrase "To cover the bull" going into the chorus feels rushed, like you were squeezing 5 syllables into a four syllable space. If you have time, I suggest to knock the "To" off as I think that is the main offender, or start earlier in the preceding bar with a longer "To" so it doesn't feel rushed.




wellll, there was only one country loop and it did not match my tempo at all! Its just I have a melody for this one so there wasn't a lot of wiggle room! I'm going to try a couple more recordings and see how taking the "To" out sounds. I see your point and it is worth trying to record again with out it. I've really slimmed this song down lots and lots to meet the courses requirements. I've learned a lot and didn't realize. Awesome!



Hi Lisa

It must be difficult trying to fit something into a loop your quite constrained.

The chorus sits in there well. The verses have the occasional place where it's not quite sitting in the rythem.

I have the same issue and it has now dawned on me to edit the lyric in that spot to smooth it out.

So I will try that this morning. You know how we talked about single word nouns all being stressed I think I've found an exception.

That is where you have two words together which are quite often paired like an adjective and a noun. For example "scraped knee" going by the theory both should be stressed, but because they are like a common saying. They sort of become a defacto multi syllable word. With scraped being stressed but the noun knee being unstressed. I am hoping to do my edit this morning upload to sound cloud and submit. With about 20 hours to spare.

Then I can look at this weeks stuff. There seems to be a lot less videos this week.

I wonder how many of the sixty five thousand are left after this week.




Hi Gary,


I was saying "scraped knee" to myself and for me the stress is on the knee. How we each talk in conversation will affect stressed syllables a lot. And this is where maybe you are both being marked down by peers who don't speak English as a first language, or perhaps just differently to how you guys speak. I've heard Lisa but I haven't heard you speak. I always mention the local accent variations when I talk about stressed syllables.


Not a criticism, simply an observation.





Done with 20 hours to spare.


Assignment five


In this assignment, you will create a new song, based on the process outlined in the week 5 video lectures, including developing your song idea using boxes, creating a worksheet of rhyming words that can support your idea, writing the various song sections, creating melodic rhythm for the lyric lines, and generating melody for the sections. 

Fellow students will evaluate your assignment based on the criteria below. Use them as a checklist in reviewing your own work. 

  • The title moves well through the boxes and gains more meaning each time.
  • The most important idea (the why of the song) appears in the last box.
  • Each box contributes a further development of the title clearly. 
  • The worksheet uses several rhyme types for each key word.
  • The rhyme schemes of each verse are the same.
  • The number of lines in each verse is the same.
  • The rhythms of the verse lines match from verse to verse (line 1 of verse one with line 1 of verse 2, etc.).
  • The lyric rhythm and melodic rhythms match.
  • The melodic rhythm places the most important ideas in the strongest positions.
  • The melody creates contrast between different sections, e.g., verse/chorus, verse/bridge, etc.
  • The melody uses stable and unstable tones to create prosody.






The song title is "All in the way you fall" The development engine is timeline. The point of view is direct address.


Box one: The past. When you were small I could fix all your problems easily. You wont hurt yourself so much when you fall rollerblading etc. if you know how to fall properly.

It’s all in the way you fall.


Box two: The present. Your first love and first heartbreak is not as easy to fix as a scraped knee. But you won’t hurt so badly if you know how to fall out of love.

It’s all in the way you fall.


Box: Three: The future. You will not have to worry about taking risks with your heart. Because you know you can pick yourself up and dust yourself off. The most important idea the why of the song: If you know how to fall you can take more chances and succeed more, you will have less fear of Failing, because you will know.

It’s all in the way you fall.



All in the way you fall

© Gary Yeomans2013



It lays me low to see you weep

I can recall when to hold you could fix anything  -

From a scraped knee to bogyman dreaming

I know it’s not the time for lessons to keep, or making a speech

But there’s something I want you to know



It’s all

It’s all

It’s all in the way you fall

All in the way you fall



Now love has come and cut you deep

I know that words at this time cannot heal everything

It’s all right crawling fallings hard going

You know that your life with lessons to teach, is sharing what’s real

And there’s something it wants you to know



It’s all

It’s all

It’s all in the way you fall

All in the way you fall



Never stop taking chances

Don’t let this stop you making plans

Never start building fences

Don’t let this chain or tie your hands



It’s all

It’s all

It’s all in the way you fall

All in the way you fall


Hi Gary,


I was saying "scraped knee" to myself and for me the stress is on the knee. How we each talk in conversation will affect stressed syllables a lot. And this is where maybe you are both being marked down by peers who don't speak English as a first language, or perhaps just differently to how you guys speak. I've heard Lisa but I haven't heard you speak. I always mention the local accent variations when I talk about stressed syllables.


Not a criticism, simply an observation.




When I sang it scraped Knee it sounded weird. I wrote it like that then changed it to Scraped Knee.

I think it's because there is a rush of words it sort of "Knee-and"

Anyway have a listen and see what you think.

I think all the ESL's have gone by now. So the marking issue is just middle of the road ticking without really bothering to read the work.






Hi Gary,


Yes I agree, the way you sang it the emphasis is on Scraped, but it is barely imperceptible.


I like the song by the way. You could really do something with this if you have the inclination.


Hi Gary,


Yes I agree, the way you sang it the emphasis is on Scraped, but it is barely imperceptible.


I like the song by the way. You could really do something with this if you have the inclination.

I like the chorus and the middle eight but there are parts of the verse I'm not fussed about.





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