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Hey , I'm The Moderator For This Board , Looking For Input On How To Get More Activity On This Board , Any Input ,


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So as above i'm looking to get a lot more talking going on here , So any input as to how to do this hit me up here or PM . We  (songstuff) is wanting to get these boards a lot more active , so any and all input would help, this site is all about members , so please let us here from you !!


rock on !!

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  • 2 weeks later...

well that one got me !! explain woman tone , rudi , if it is on your equipment , what does it do exactly, never heard of it , or that I can remember , because it does sound like a joke , well hells bells I would bet money on that , anyway explain ??

thanks lol

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Women are complex it's not as easy to get a desired response from the,,,that's the joke.



Back in the Early 60's before Hendrix crossed the pond, Clapton reigned supreme.  He was able to carve up a wide variety (for the time) of different guitar tones with what I would call a "Primitive" setup.  The most sought after sound that separated him from guitarists was his famous "Woman Tone"

Jump to the 1:45 marker



Since then all sorts of names for various tone settings have come along.  I recall back in the 70's when I was looking for a guitar amp.  The sales man pluged a guitar into the amp and handed me the guitar. I looked at him with disgust. "Is that the way it's supposed to sound?"  He reached over and adjusted all the knobs and said try it now.  The heavens opened up as far as I was concerned. It was a magical tone to my ears.  He then gave me a very long lecture about why different amps sound different ahd what I could do to carve out a "closer to" tone for songs.  Needless to say I bought the amp and the salesman became a lifelong friend. Through the years I've become a connoisseur of guitar tone.




Edited by TapperMike
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im not sure what your looking for here but i ll  tell you what ive found here

you seem to get a lot of people joining & then  they quickly disappear so somethings not keeping them here ...me included!


i joined & my first post was censored bcos i mentioned the forum i came here from which i thought was petty & that wasnt a good start


then i posted a few times in the instruments & musicians boards & no one responded ...again not good bcos i was trying to fit in here & it seemed like no one wanted to know


also it seems evrything here happens in the introductions board  & the lyrics board & the new songs board... tbh i think you have far to many sections here & subsections ......& posts get missed in a lot in these lower down sections


i also think being able to post a song a day  pushes things much to fast ...& much to  quickly your brilliant song your so proud of is gone of of the first page to where no one sees it


tbh i soon left ....& i only came back bcos after 6 weeks i got a email saying 2 people had responded to a thread i started but sadly i found they were more taking the mick than actual interest in what id said......im sorry but my experience so far of songstuff was not ideal but i am willing to stick around :)




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i joined & my first post was censored bcos i mentioned the forum i came here from which i thought was petty & that wasnt a good start

Perhaps a miscommunication with mods as that shouldn't happen. We have rules to stop other site owners or staff from spamming our community, not stopping unaffiliated members from mentioning other sites or forums, or articles found there. True it isn't always straight forward to spot all spam, but we have loads of members sharing their experiences elsewhere without censure. I am sorry that was your experience.

then i posted a few times in the instruments & musicians boards & no one responded ...again not good bcos i was trying to fit in here & it seemed like no one wanted to know


also it seems evrything here happens in the introductions board  & the lyrics board & the new songs board... tbh i think you have far to many sections here & subsections ......& posts get missed in a lot in these lower down sections

Fair points. Partly a changing demographic, but we are really focusing on getting a lot more musicians active on the boards plus things going on that they will be interested in.


i also think being able to post a song a day  pushes things much to fast ...& much to  quickly your brilliant song your so proud of is gone of of the first page to where no one sees it

Do you think it should be a song a week? What changes would you make?


tbh i soon left ....& i only came back bcos after 6 weeks i got a email saying 2 people had responded to a thread i started but sadly i found they were more taking the mick than actual interest in what id said......im sorry but my experience so far of songstuff was not ideal but i am willing to stick around :)

We are trying hard to make big changes. Some of those have been big infrastructure changes which unfortunately meant focusing on them while we sorted them out. They are now, so over the next while we should see some big site improvements happen in terms of participation and much more.

Many thanks for giving the site another chance. We really are working hard to deliver the site we can all be proud to take part in.

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John, I'm glad you chimed in here and responded to Tina's post, especially involving that mention of another forum. In fact, a friend of mine - to whom I'd recommended Songstuff - was also chastised for having mentioned the FAWM songwriting challenge in one of his posts. That made me feel badly, because I've often recommended Songstuff on both the FAWM and the 50-90 site, plus during Pat Pattison's songwriting course last year. 


Anyway, I'm delighted it was simply a case of the moderator having misjudged. ;) I also understand about the time needed to streamline the site. I agree with Tina that there's perhaps too much happening, and too quickly. It must be confusing for newcomers. I've been a member for years, and still get frustrated trying to navigate the site. :D So much 'drilling down' is necessary. Sometimes less is more. ;) it's a tremendous site, and it would be a shame to lose potential keen participants.


But to the original topic: Tom, just thinking back to the songwriting challenge forums, it seems to me there's always a topic on what kinds of guitars folks have, along with a suggestion to post pics of their 'music rooms'. Some are quite amusing, and always interesting. That might be an idea.


Maybe favourite guitars, and favourite artists who play them (or played them). 


Maybe a topic about building one's own guitar (e.g. a cigar box guitar).


Hope some of the above is useful. I'm a lyricist, not a musician. ;)



Edited by DonnaMarilyn
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Well I can't blame our moderators, who in general do an excellent job. They know what we are trying to achieve and volunteer their time to help make it happen. It was up to me to outline policies to them effectively, and to give required training, so the buck stops with me.

Ok, mistakes can happen. We are human and not infallible. Still, I know the mods very well, and I know that they genuinely only want to do the right thing for our community, for the right reasons. I know that in carrying out such censoring that they will have thought they were carrying out my wishes. Unfortunately there are many spammers and they use elaborate schemes etc to spam our boards. It can take some time to get good at spotting them. Indeed that is why about 3 months ago we introduce a new role of trainee moderator and started a moderator mentoring scheme where more experienced moderators would mentor trainees.

Tina, many thanks for highlighting this. Donna, perhaps you would be so kind as to pass on my apologies to your friend? I realise it is a bit late, however it is heartfelt, and more importantly, the right thing to do.

Onwards and upwards!

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how about those guitars ??

think I will chime in here , for a bit .

firstly  , thank you for the reply and speaking your mind Tina , As far as the boards , I'm glad you mentioned that , We have been working with john on getting more action to the other boards , because we also noticed that they are slow and could really use a boost . That is why I posted here , not always an easy task , for many reasons . A lot of our members come here for one or two specific thing and scoot out . So as a team ,we been talking of how to keep members more active in other areas that they might not normally visit . And also trying to streamline and get to better platform that would make visits here more enjoyable and informational. And I also agree with you that at times it is hard to find things here , that you know are here, .This is another issue we have been trying to get streamlined, This site has a vast wealth of information and I agree it needs to be easier to reach , so your comments mean that we are on the right path .

As a moderator , I know of the spams and such that people try to push threw on a site like this , We take great measures to try to get to them before members see it , I would have to say if it was a mod or any other crew member that did that it was for this reason . For the fact we even talk of and visit other sites . We all strive hard to make your visit here what you are looking for in a site like this .In fact , I think that for the fact we volunteer here ,it means even that much more to us . So really thanks for your comments  We can't improve if we don't know , I am happy to say the issues that you have brought up , as I said ,we are working on them  

Know we can never make everyone happy all the time , but we all (the whole staff) want this to be the best it can be !!

As far as getting responses , Tina , I have many that have only one or two . I don't know why it happens but it does, but I have been here for years , so it is not a new guy thing , just happens . And like David said , add a comment and it will go to the top. This I have done and my work got a lot more replies, again ,just happens.

 Guess what I'm really trying to say is , how about those guitars !!!!

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Tom, to add to the suggestions in my previous post, a couple of other thoughts have sprung to mind. ;)


How about articles on different topics, like guitar care?


Or ideas for setting up an effective recording space at home (simple ideas that work, etc.).


In my other post, I mentioned people posting pics of their recording space. There could be some fun involved, with kudos for the most creative/the most disorganised/the most organised, etc. 


Or folks posting videos of favourite artists playing their guitar. This kind of thing usually generates discussion/comments.



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hey donna , thanks , the how to care for , is good , and I also thought of a few , like I said it is hard for when you cruse back into older posts , a lot of things have been don e, so I was thinking of adding a bit of a twist to it , lord knows I cant be "normal" . but will use your thoughts and see if I can get something rolling , and thanks for the input !!! and please if ever you think of something you can always chime in or PM me , for I am on a few boards ,

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hhmm , I could do that , but geesh , what if they didn't like the guitar ? then I would feel so guilty !!! plus she is in the spa getting a make over right now, so would have to wait till she is done with all that stuff!!lol . and I don't have an amp yet so it wouldn't be a complete gift , so I guess I will just have to put that idea on hold , but after she gets out of the spa with her make over I wouldn't be against putting her up for a type of charity thing on the site ,which could be a cool thing . Some type of contest that would be open to all  who joins the site , cool idea David !! Have any Ideas on this ? Seeing as it was pretty close to free, When she comes back from the spa she will be looking brand new !! So maybe a contest for a small fee , to pay for her spa visit ,and the rest goes to a charity the site decides upon .??

I'm going out garage saling later today ,lol, now I have the bug to find new toys or the amp from that same era. or use  an amp like you suggested and put that with the guitar and make it a complete package

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first of all i dont seem to now be getting emails that people have replied to a thread ive posted in otherwise i wouldve come back quicker here

but anyway i realy thought people would get defensive & attack me for criticising so im glad that hasnt happened! :)

ive been on quite  a few forums so i have a bit of experience & nothing i said was sour grapes or meant nasty


the last forum i was on was a song evry 2 weeks!! & they started that bcos of the songs board was going so fast people were getting pushed of in 1 day!!

now i dont like to bump my songs & on a lot of forums that is not tolerated so david i wouldnt do it here either :)


but tbh i came here not to post songs but for a place to chat about things & i felt i tried that with my first few posts .... im not just taklking about threads i started i m talking about posting on threads that were already going aswell....it was realy important to me to make friends & have people respond to me but it didnt happen & i was disapointed cos thats what i was looking  for


now david the intro board im sorry but on most forums you get people who will  always say hello but then they never speak to you again probly bcos they dont feel experienced enuff to review a song or talk tech stuff so they say welcome to evryone which is fine... so i dont count that as making friends i can chat with

anyway in the end i decided to try posting  a song... i didnt need feedback(it was a old song) i just wanted make friends i had no problem with the feedback i got or the time it stayed on the front page i only posted it to try to start a rappor with people but i dont know why but i didnt feel it happening ? so i sort of faded away

my comments were not critcising they were meant in reply to toms question as what i found here & why i just drifted away :)


i still say you have to many sections /subsections & the site is very hard to find your way around so peoples posts get easily lost & its harder to interact it s surely better to have just a few places where evryone hangs out & evrything is in front of you than loads of bits that easily get missed

Edited by tinam
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tina , we are working hard to make this the best site for every level of artist, We know we will not meet everyone's expectations  , but we will try , again , I thank you for your input. And hope you ( we) can move forward and make some sweet music !! as that is why I am here !!! for the music , thanks !!!!

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well thankyou tom... & john aswell... that all makes me want to stay here

like i said i didnt join to post music just to chat so i will see how things go & i realy  hope you can improve things a bit in these boards where not a lot happens :)

by the way tom how on earth did you get that picture of my bum in your avatar!! :D

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