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How Much Casual Listening Do You Do?


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I'm listening to the radio right now which is extremely rare for me. I'll often cue into posts in the Song Association thread but as a matter of daily listening I rarely do for the sake of listening. Usually I'm trying to figure out a cover or improvise over something.

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Anywhere from zero - 30 minutes a week. I have a very short commute, normally I can get about 1 song in if I'm lucky. If I'm actually working on a song, I usually listen to that. It's kind of sad. Probably why I'm always pissed off at something.


OK, I have to add that I do have to listen to the top pop music station at work on Fridays. Not by choice. I don't consider it casual listening as much as I do non-casual hell.

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When I worked in restaurants unless they had an open kitchen I'd be listening as much as humanly possible. In larger kitchens with 4 to 7 cooks on the line it's just not feasible. But during down time the radio would always be on or someone would bring in CD's or tapes to listen to.

In the 70's and 80's there was no shortage of musicians / singers working in restaurants. We'd often bring our instruments to work and have impromptu jams before and after work. When the local Kroger (supermarket) first opened they were open 24/7 After midnight it was hilarious as they would crank out the classic rock and the stock boys would be singing and dancing in the isles as they loaded up the shelves.

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Not enough.


I learned something last week though. I will be working with a young drummer Saturday morning who has booked a practice room at a nearby studio.

I learned some (his choice)* songs to do, which I now find I actually like. My usual quick listen is not enough. I need repeat listens to appreciate.


Whatever I listen to encroaches into whatever I work on. Anything from a new song to a solo. I have never used this on purpose.


* Lonely Boy – Black Keys, Steady As She Goes – Raconteur , Mr Brightside – The Killers

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Depends on what you mean by "casual listening" really. If I'm conscious, I generally have some kind of music playing if I can help it. The few exceptions being when watching a movie, playing/composing, or otherwise needing to focus my aural attention on something else. Even when I don't have music playing, there's usually a song running through my head so, yeah-- 24/7.

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if the radio is on at work - but in construction world UK . most sites do not allow radios as we builders are so slow  we can't walk and chew gum . so music and working will lead to accidents . in the car on the way to work try all different stations see if there is anything interesting being played . but most just play the same old/new rubbish PO


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if the radio is on at work - but in construction world UK . most sites do not allow radios as we builders are so slow  we can't walk and chew gum . so music and working will lead to accidents . in the car on the way to work try all different stations see if there is anything interesting being played . but most just play the same old/new rubbish PO


no music on building sites?


Thats intolerable. This is why we have trade unions ;)

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most trade unions will not allow music on job sites , a safety issue , that i happen to agree with , now i do have one ear bub in on  very low, and think thats cool , when im not working most times that gives me my time for music , but i do listen to it , a wee bit behind on some new stuff but try to keep up , so 24/7  would describe music i listen to , either others or mine , for me listening to others music inspires me , and find myself scrambling for a pen and paper to write down notes of lines to work on later , which drives ones close to me insane because i have scraps of paper every where and books of lyrics half done , got to love writing , if not it drives ya insane !!

rock on  

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  • 2 weeks later...

I thought I was the only one who didn't listen to a lot of music.  I do listen to CD's, but can hardly stand anything on the radio anymore.  The classic rock statons are what I like but after so many years of the some songs, i can never get comfortable with them anymore.  I want to listen to newer music but I really hate the pop crap, I have since the mid 80's. 


I'm also very afraid of unintentionally stealing a melody.  I know I struggle with melodies, and I easily sing my lyrics to the melody of a song I'm listening to, trying to get an up-to-date sound.  I also have about a commercial to commercial attention span, and really resent people trying to sell me stuff when I don't initiate the interaction, I can't watch tv that long etiher.


I can sit and pick and pluck for hours tho.  No real structure, just looking for chords that sound good together.  Even that is going away since I have begun to learn a few progressions and the names of them.  Soemtime I wonder how enjoyable music is for those of you who hear a G chord, and know it as such when listening and then hear where the music goes after that.  I wonder if the predictability deadens the enjoyment or adds to frustration. 


I have enjoyed Listening to Alabama Shakers lately.  I love how the singer throws herself at the music and vocal delivery, but I haven't gone out and bought a CD yet.  Maybe I will.

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My lovely wife brought one of these home from pre-school that we can keep for the summer. We listened to our old records all day on Saturday. It was really great. One odd thing that happened I found fascinating. When the record would start, it was pretty easy to tell it didn't sound all that great. But, by song 2, I didn't even notice and it sounded great.



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They still make CD's?


Re Turntable.... They do make better turntables ..with higher quality and you can even get a used one for pretty cheap that works amazingly well.  Also it doesn't hurt to clean the disc before playing songs (cleaning the stylus may help as well)


I'm already back in my "not listening mode" with the exception of a few postings here.

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I'm having enough fun listening to this. Unfortunately, I did get rid of a lot of my albums eventually after replacing them with cassettes and CDs. I do have my first 5 I ever got and a couple others. I need to go to my old house to pick up 2 missing ones that are my favorites. Bootsy Collins - Bootsy's Rubber Band and the Over The Edge soundtrack. Sure, I could listen to those tunes on YouTube I suppose, but it was pretty cool hearing the albums without a doubt. "Perfect" sounding music is slightly over-rated IMO.



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Have you ever been to a thrift shop and browsed the record collection?  I couldn't stop giggling when I went into the local Salvation Army store a few years back.


Not solely for that reason but yeah, I actually went to one a few weeks back and saw quite a lot of albums. Some of those covers are priceless. We have a really close store Euclid Records which has a huge about of albums. Probably going to have to go buy a few. 

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What's casual listening?


I listen to my favourite music and new music everyday, and listen deeply...in headphones usually... have done pretty much everyday all my life (starting when I could get a pair of headphones on). Love the headphones zone.


I don't often have music just 'on'... like in the background. I don't really get why people do that, but I'm probably weird.


Don't listen to much radio... rarely anything good on where I am these days.... I find new music elsewhere.

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I listen to music all the time when I am not working on my own. I listen to CDs and vinyl records (Yes, I still have one!) but I do most of my listening on Soundcloud, etc. There is some really amazing music out there from artists and songwriters most people have never heard of; beats the hell out of most music on the radio nowadays.

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