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I thought I'd solicit your predictions.... 6 months, 1 year and 3 years ahead. Feel free to use other time periods, just remember to accompany any prediction with the time period. With the aim that we can come back and see who gets close, and who gets miles away.


Predictions can be serious or purely for humorous reasons. :)


This is not a debate thread.... By that I don't mean avoid all conversation, just try not to drill down too far on a topic. If it is heading in that direction, please start a new topic. If it spawns a religious or political or similarly contentious or other grown up topic (lol) please start the topic in the mosh pit :)






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Guest Rob Ash

I agree with Rudi's prediction about paper money. I often can't pay the lawn boy because I never have any cash in my wallet. The poor guy is forced to do the lawn, then come back after my wife gets home (having stopped at the bank to retrieve the required cash) to get his money. This has happened so many times, he now expects it.


I predict the end of common usage of paper money within 10 years. Cash will be reserved for only certain kinds of transactions, from the illegal, to financial interactions with third world countries. Interestingly enough, their is some movement afoot to return the US to the gold standard. The main problem with this being that there isn't enough gold in all the world, dug or undug to cover the full financial interests, as they exist now, of The US. Moving to the gold standard would cause the greatest financial collapse in the history of the world, with the value of the US dollar dropping by 97% overnight. Will never happen, I am afraid, although it would be a healthy thing, in the long run, for the country.


I predict that 20% of cars on roads in America will be pilotless in 10 years. I predict that 50% of cars on the roads of The US will be pilotless in 20 years. Such a notion is so unheard of that my spell checker does not recognize the word "pilotless"...


I predict that a high speed data port, wired into the brain, will be as common a surgical procedure in the first three months of a human life in the US within 25 years as circumcision is now. CPU's will be external and remote, communicating with the data port via wifi. A new (one of many, likely) cottage industry will grow up out of this, with companies producing designer interfaces (necessary because the interface is permanent and visible on the side of the head) that accentuate the beauty or handsomeness of persons so hard wired. I also predict that this will increase the gap between the rich and the not rich even further, exacerbating the already existing tensions and conditions that lead to the 2nd American revolution before the year 2150.


I predict a 2nd American revolution by the year 2150. This revolution will, in many ways, resemble the French revolution of the late 1700's, with the notable exception that the American version will not last anywhere near 10 years. It will be marked however, by the systematic hunting and incarceration of the elite rich and their families across America. Rather than wholesale executions (there will be some, of course, war being what it is), the elite rich (as they will be so labeled, regardless of their actual financial status), will be required to sign documents transferring the sum total of their wealth to the "general fund" which will later be administered by the newly created government for the benefit of all the people. Joining them will be almost all lawyers, although lawyers will suffer from more widespread killings. Many people identified as among the elite rich will be so marked because of their cerebral implants. Politicians will be among those suffering the most deaths. Among any number of noteworthy factoids springing from the revolution will be that, by the end of the uprising, their will be not a single lobbyist alive in the country. All will either be dead, or claiming a different career.


The revolution will be spearheaded at the grassroots level, but in the end, the military will be asked to take over general control (so that other countries do not view the event as an invitation to invade the continental US) until a new government and constitution can be formed. One of the first acts of the new congress will be the enacting of laws that forever prevent lobbying of any kind. Political corruption will be classified a capitol crime carrying a possible death sentence. Politicians will be appointed from the civil population. Service will be for two years. Pay will be minimal and the cost of service high, making it a forever unattractive office to hold.


I predict I'm going to close out this post and go get my second cup of coffee in exactly three, two...

Edited by Rob Ash
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On July 18, 2016 at 10:18 AM, RobAsh15 said:



I predict that 20% of cars on roads in America will be pilotless in 10 years. I predict that 50% of cars on the roads of The US will be pilotless in 20 years. Such a notion is so unheard of that my spell checker does not recognize the word "pilotless"...


I predict that a high speed data port, wired into the brain, will be as common a surgical procedure in the first three months of a human life in the US within 25 years as circumcision is now. CPU's will be external and remote, communicating with the data port via wifi. A new (one of many, likely) cottage industry will grow up out of this, with companies producing designer interfaces (necessary because the interface is permanent and visible on the side of the head) that accentuate the beauty or handsomeness of persons so hard wired. I also predict that this will increase the gap between the rich and the not rich even further, exacerbating the already existing tensions and conditions that lead to the 2nd American revolution before the year 2150.


IMO 20% of cars on the road is less a prediction than an estimate - and I'm hoping for better than 20%; it's pretty clear that humans have no business driving cars ..especially these days with so many electronic distractions and the mounting proof that computer driven cars (preferably networked) can drive 99.9% safer, more efficiently, and are capable of putting more vehicles on the roads with much less traffic. I predict that "Pilotless" is and will not be recognized by spellcheck because "driverless" is what the word should be.  One could just as easily argue that the the computer is piloting as they could argue that it is driving.  Hell, I'm PLANNING on being able to get in my driverless car, go to a bar, drink a little too much and have the thing safely take me home.. Take a nap on the way home from work?  Sure.  When I'm retired, I'll get in the car and It'll say "Good morning, Mark. We're going to the RX to pick up your meds." I'll respond, "But I Don't take any meds, do I?" and it will reply, "Yes, you do Mark. Don't you worry about it. Just get in the car."


Now as for the chip in the brain: I've been predicting that for years.  Just 'think' and 'know.' Think and 'send.' Where are my children? Boom! (they're chipped). And I don't believe that it will necessarily be a class differentiator, because not unlike today's cell phones today, it will be affordable and ubiquitous. In fact, I predict the opposite: that brain chipping will be a societal equalizer. If anything, there might be a backlash of folks who refuse or don't need to participate in the chipping of humanity. Heck now that I think of it - they could actually end up being the elite 1% that get whacked in your predicted revolution.  Beware the Borgevent.  I'm not going to predict that - Way too scary.

Edited by M57
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I predict that on 20th October 2020, at 8:20pm predictive text will actually predict the end of the world


I predict that predictions will become predictable at some point during 2017


I predict that iPhone autocorrect will finally work connection at some timbre in 2022. Probbingly

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  • 2 weeks later...

I predict that by 2020 vinyl will once again be the preferred form of music listening.


I predict by 2030 Miley Cyrus will have 3 gold records


I predict in 2035 Keith Richards will still be alive


I predict by 2040 there will be no more internet


I predict by 2040 all of my above stated predictions will be proven wrong (I have to get something right)

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Guest Rob Ash
On 7/19/2016 at 2:32 AM, Rudi said:

Wow Rob,

You certainly rise to the occasion


You know, my wife says the same thing....

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  • 2 weeks later...

Disclaimer- I don't claim to base this on anything but an attempted educated hunch. Though I am convinced much of it will happen, I'm not sure when it will happen.


I believe there are things that exist that are being hidden and these will be revealed in the future...I'm guessing in 20 years  or less.

The general population will find out we have robotoids, clones and synthetic humans, that places like Dulce base have been tampering with human genetics for decades and that we have had these lab grown humans with us as clones for years. The program has been so convincing that it is happening right under our noses. You might have passed one of these creations on the street and not known it.  This was the whole reason behind cattle mutilations. An egg is aquired and the DNA is removed. New DNA from the host is added. The egg is grown in a lab using  parts from the bovines. This makes a lab human, but it isn't totally human.


It will be revealed that we have had antigravity aircraft and interplanetary bases for years and that nasa is a cover. These technologies were transferred by Germans who claimed to have communicated with other beings ( check out the Vril). The "force" in Star Wars is likely based on the Vril.These technologies came to the states from Germans who came here after WW2. The beginnings of all of this are heavily occult based. Some elements of the black Nazi SS have been inside of our secret programs ever since and carried their projects with them. Only the "elite" have access to any of this. The rest of us use oil to get around and that's how they want to keep it. Many don't realize that even our older generations of cloaked bombers use some form of anti gravity tech in the wings.


These events could all be part of an elaborate hoax to eventually make us think we are being invaded by aliens....if Hollywood sci fi films are an indication  we are being conditioned to accept this. I'm not really sure how all of this will come into play, but I think we're building up to something. We have holographic technology now that is far above anything you could  imagine. We can generate almost anything holographic in the sky and make it look real. It wouldn't take much to dupe the public...a few synthetic humans or semi humans made to look like aliens along with anti gravity craft and there you have your invasion.


So I believe that things are going to get really weird in the future. Things are much weirder than we know even now. I predict the fall of the USA. Not a total fall, but we'll be like a 3rd world country after we're invaded. Only a shell of what it once was. This might be 20 years out or more...or maybe less. Our own leaders are making sure we do ourselves in.


There will be food shortages and riots. Some targeted groups and people will be captured and led to places where they will be confined and killed. Just like Nazi germany only worse than that.There will be a further effort toward a consolidation and control of world resources by the "elites". The world government will control all agriculture through large corporate entities. There will be some kind of a mandatory chip program. If you don't take the chip you won't be able to buy anything. The other problem is that when they chip you it gives them control of you. The chip itself is a control device. People who don't take the chip will be shipped off and eliminated. Incidently the new  Obamacare program that was passed gives the government the right to chip you. It's in the fine print.


Many of the things that have happened within the last 10 years have been staged to bring about these changes. 9-11 was one of them. 





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On 10 August 2016 at 5:07 PM, starise said:

The general population will find out we have robotoids, clones and synthetic humans, that places like Dulce base have been tampering with human genetics for decades and that we have had these lab grown humans with us as clones for years. The program has been so convincing that it is happening right under our noses. You might have passed one of these creations on the street and not known it.  This was the whole reason behind cattle mutilations. An egg is aquired and the DNA is removed. New DNA from the host is added. The egg is grown in a lab using  parts from the bovines. This makes a lab human, but it isn't totally human


You're at it again!  How do you know all this? And why are they having to sneak around farms for animal tissue for this apparently hugely well funded and organised operation? You've stated it as fact. Or is this just part of the very long joke you're writing? 


On 10 August 2016 at 5:07 PM, starise said:

The beginnings of all of this are heavily occult based


Damn demons at it again!


On 10 August 2016 at 5:07 PM, starise said:

These events could all be part of an elaborate hoax to eventually make us think we are being invaded by aliens....if Hollywood sci fi films are an indication  we are being conditioned to accept this


So films about aliens are made to condition us to think that aliens are real in order to cover up something else? Is anyone NOT in on these conspiracy theories of yours... or don't the film makers know that's why they're making the films or getting funding for those films? 


On 10 August 2016 at 5:07 PM, starise said:

Many of the things that have happened within the last 10 years have been staged to bring about these changes. 9-11 was one of them.


That's a big one to state as fact... sheesh...


Are there any conspiracy theories you don't believe?  









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I predict in 30-50 years the internet as we know it will be a failed business. As we "advance" people will figure out more ways to build their own devices. Those collecting electronic scraps will see a major boom in the re-sale business. People will figure out ways to tap into satellites to use at their will as well as create their own internets where they can control and regulate it in ways that will always be one step ahead of the jailer. Millions of sub-internets. Not sure if this will be a good or bad thing.

Edited by Just1L
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