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3 Things that would really make a difference to you?


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Hi gang!


I am planning on some new development, but there are many things we could put our effort into.... and I want to know what you would like to see. What would make a real difference to you?


If you were to name 3 things, in order of importance, that would make a real difference to you and your music right now, what would they be?


Can I ask one other thing? If you were to buy such a thing... how much do you realistically think it would cost you?


I ask, because we do a lot here on Songstuff for free. In fact everything! Lol While you may well value Songstuff overall, you may not have thought how valuable the different elements are to you. The trouble is, people do not always value what they get for free. Members often say they had no idea how extensive what we offer is. They may not always agree on how they value something.


We we may not currently offer these things, though we may offer components. Some may already be planned for, in development or simply conceived.


So, in addition to what would make a difference to you, I thought it would be interesting for you to also have in mind how valuable that would be to you.


Because we don't want to waste time developing or creating something you dont want or need, or that you wouldn't value when you got it! 


A short list as an example: 


Learning about :

  • Song writing
  • Recording
  • Production
  • Music marketing and promotion
  • Self-Publishing
  • Setting up a label for your music
  • Strategies to make money from your music
  • How to build a website for your music
  • Fan engagement
  • Building and leveraging contacts
  • Record launches
  • Playing an instrument



  • Recording, Production and Mastering Services
  • Music marketing and promotion services
  • Music Publishing and Music publishing support services
  • Tour support (marketing and promotion)
  • Getting reviews
  • Launch promo
  • PRO guidance (getting you and your songs registered with PROs)
  • Workshops



  • Promo automation tools and training
  • Social engagement tools
  • Promo collaboration tools
  • Music gear (hardware or software)



  • Music Industry contact database
  • Discount coupons for products and services
  • More money
  • 20 staff


Just to give some suggestions.


Please answer honestly. While we could do many on this directly, others we might be able to arrange... others things you might say may well not be possible (make me a multi-millionaire by tomorrow lunchtime!).., but I want to know what would help you. Feel free to expand and give details, explain your reasons and your reasoning, or be brief.






Remember, rank them in order of importance. If you want to give a longer list, great! Just as long as you genuinely consider them as something you would want, to make a real difference to YOU.

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The only things that would interest me would be opportunity to have songs used... so sync opportunities, songs pitched to pro artists needing songs and all of that kind of stuff. Value - I dunno, whatever the going rate is... there are a few sites around which claim to offer this, but I found them to be either saturated or fibbers...


I think genuine A&R would be interesting too...maybe not for me as a 'performer', but I can imagine it being appealing to many and maybe appealing to me from other angles. 


Basically the only thing songwriters have a hard time with is 'being discovered'... 'being placed'.... etc. And I don't write for that purpose, but yeah...since you ask...it'd be nice to know there were genuinely influential people knocking about here, having a look in... just in case any one of us happens to do something that takes their fancy.  And I imagine that won't ever happen but... you asked what we'd like :)  and it doesn't take money to make that happen, just contacts.


I'm not at all interested in any of the other stuff mentioned, it either doesn't apply to me or just doesn't interest me that much.


I suppose I might be interested in a master class from a true master... like a mixing and production workshop with Trevor Horn kinda thing. Maybe... although I'd probably still not agree with him.





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2 minutes ago, MonoStone said:

I suppose I might be interested in a master class from a true master... like a mixing and production workshop with Trevor Horn kinda thing. Maybe... although I'd probably still not agree with him.


'That's funny, when I was looking online at producers, I actually looked at Trevor Horn and SARM studios. Unfortunately I couldn't find a price list, but can only assume it would be a lot....

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1 minute ago, Richard Tracey said:


'That's funny, when I was looking online at producers, I actually looked at Trevor Horn and SARM studios. Unfortunately I couldn't find a price list, but can only assume it would be a lot....


Trevor Horn was known for working with almost unknown artists back in the 80s.... so the cost upfront might be nothing... it'd be a deal rather than a rate...but that would require him to think you had big hit potential...and .... I doubt he still does that anyway ;)  


For a day rate it'd be a fortune to hire him, and he'd likely only do something that either A) he loved or B ) he thought might make him another million... ;)  

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As pertaining to anything related to the music business, I think it would be selling dreams to infer outcomes based on actions as the result of any provided information. These are just the facts. 


Having how to articles would be helpful to those who like to make music at home. I am willing to help in that regard so long as my work doesn't get lost on someones laptop :D I am still learning too, so I like to read these types of things as well.


On the services aspect. I don't know, it seems like you're attempting to wear a lot of hats. I could see this either getting  bogged down and coming up short on resources. Unless you sub these things out, and in that case, they can go find it themselves. Services that are extensive will require a lot more than volunteers.If you're making a record company out of SS, you'll need to pay overhead.


Music gear and software I find interesting. I would likely follow any stories like that.Once again though, that's putting on another hat. Information is an intangible, yet it's valuable to the right person.As an intangible the value can be all over the place. Charging for information is tough because it can usually be found for free somewhere else.


I like the site as it is, my only minor gripe is it has too many categories. Some posts get buried or lost as a result.


Here's an idea, How about a suggested yearly contribution? Give an amount that you think would help to float SS over the long term. A suggested amount, not a mandatory amount. Those who give could be recognized by something attached to their name. It could be as simple as "SS Contributor", or as complicated as 25.00 member, 50.00 member a large donor would be a "lifetime member". If you need say 30.00 from 100 people start there. Too high though and no one will do it.Make clear that lesser amounts are acceptable. I would be on board with this all depending on the numbers. 


This system wouldnt push away those who can't pay, but it would allow a means to help for those that can.Many services send the friendly email reminder every 3 or 6 months. You could do this. Look at it like a magazine subscription.  JMOP.


If you ever want to get out of it, I might be interested. I'm not in any way shape or form made of money, but I would hate to see SS drop away due to financial reasons.

Edited by starise
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Since I didn't mention it, I will now. The 3 items I listed above, in my mind, wouldn't be offered to "the next person that creates an account." I think to receive those kinds of services there should be some sort of monetary figure attached to it. Like Star mentioned, this shit ain't free to do. I can see what I mentioned and the other services being for the people ready to take it to the next level. Still having the lower, or beginner-like level, that currently exists. 

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3 hours ago, starise said:

As pertaining to anything related to the music business, I think it would be selling dreams to infer outcomes based on actions as the result of any provided information. These are just the facts. 


Having how to articles would be helpful to those who like to make music at home. I am willing to help in that regard so long as my work doesn't get lost on someones laptop :D I am still learning too, so I like to read these types of things as well.


On the services aspect. I don't know, it seems like you're attempting to wear a lot of hats. I could see this either getting  bogged down and coming up short on resources. Unless you sub these things out, and in that case, they can go find it themselves. Services that are extensive will require a lot more than volunteers.If you're making a record company out of SS, you'll need to pay overhead.


Music gear and software I find interesting. I would likely follow any stories like that.Once again though, that's putting on another hat. Information is an intangible, yet it's valuable to the right person.As an intangible the value can be all over the place. Charging for information is tough because it can usually be found for free somewhere else.


I like the site as it is, my only minor gripe is it has too many categories. Some posts get buried or lost as a result.


Here's an idea, How about a suggested yearly contribution? Give an amount that you think would help to float SS over the long term. A suggested amount, not a mandatory amount. Those who give could be recognized by something attached to their name. It could be as simple as "SS Contributor", or as complicated as 25.00 member, 50.00 member a large donor would be a "lifetime member". If you need say 30.00 from 100 people start there. Too high though and no one will do it.Make clear that lesser amounts are acceptable. I would be on board with this all depending on the numbers. 


This system wouldnt push away those who can't pay, but it would allow a means to help for those that can.Many services send the friendly email reminder every 3 or 6 months. You could do this. Look at it like a magazine subscription.  JMOP.


If you ever want to get out of it, I might be interested. I'm not in any way shape or form made of money, but I would hate to see SS drop away due to financial reasons.


Hi Tim


Thanks for that. Some good suggestions worth considering!


Lose an article on their laptop? Now who would do that? *whistles*.


If anything, asking the question is about not spreading ourselves too thin, but finding the best ways of providing value to our members. My giving suggestions was merely that. 


Something's we might be able to provide something at no cost to members, but at a cost we can absorb, or cover with donations. The consequence of other choices may involve costs we cannot cover by those means. Some may be completely beyond our abilities or budget.The truth is, as I know you know, some things we just cannot do, no matter how much our members want it.


Other things, we might find a way. That way might mean charging for it in one way or another. Take publishing or label services. There are standard percentages and models. There are other possibilities too. I have some plans on how we can achieve some of those ideas. Others not yet other than sketchy ideas. I, we, are creative. We can come up with ideas. Perhaps we can provide elements of something to aid members, complimenting what they do themselves?


I would love it if we could make a real difference. I believe we already do make some sort of difference. Maybe even a lot of difference to some people. Perhaps that is deluding myself.


I am certainly against selling people dreams. What I am pro, is giving people a realistic expectation of what can be achieved. We can't be about making promises. We can give knowledge and understanding. Even some tools and services are possible. I have a concept in mind. I have mentioned it to a few who think it a novel, and creative way of achieving some of these whilst not compromising the integrity of the site or individuals. 


It is important to at least ask. It helps us focus effort.


Like your suggestion for funding, I have a similar idea. Not exactly the same, but related.


I will PM you. :)







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2 hours ago, john said:

I would love it if we could make a real difference. I believe we already do make some sort of difference.


Songstuff has made a difference to me, but that difference has come via the members...which I absolutely realise couldn't be the case if you didn't set up and maintain SS... so you made a difference. Thank you. But still.... you know...I come here for some feedback and/or banter with certain individuals.... and I stuck here because from the day I joined I was knocked out by the brilliance of some members.


For me this place is all about community. And we learn from and help each other. Some of the more experienced members have taught me plenty, not in lessons but in comments over time etc... and some less experienced members still tell me when I'm doing good or bad to their ears, as everyone's opinion counts and I personally appreciate the opinions of less experienced and non-musicians as much as musos when it comes to simply 'do you like it?'.  The quality of members here is a HUGE HUGE factor in the appeal. I have tried other forums too (SOZ! lol) but I hang around here for the type of feedback I know I'll get ...no offence to members of other forums but the standard here can be SO high, and that drove me... and because I get the feeling that people here are extremely committed and it's such a strong community. Such members are hugely, hugely valuable!! 


Being 100% honest I am not likely to use SS for tutorials...not likely to use it for contact lists... not likely to use it for anything more than hanging out with musical mates to be honest... that's what it's all about...hanging out with music mates and picking up opinions and tips from those mates...distant mates but still... that's it for me. Anything more would probably put me off or at least wouldn't interest me... and I think Tim hit it with -


6 hours ago, starise said:

As pertaining to anything related to the music business, I think it would be selling dreams to infer outcomes based on actions as the result of any provided information


The minute you charge for a service that even suggests a path to success... it's a rocky road I think. Because success of any really measurable level is for the few in this industry... and that's a fact even without considering what the quality of info/service is like in return for payment.


In my mind, the best forums are forums... and some grow into HUGE forums and networks...and some grow into magazine type sites with forums etc... and the revenue comes from the opportunity brought by sheer volume of active membership and traffic. Although... I'm not expert... but I mean outside of Songwriting for example I enjoy playing poker (actually given up for a bit ;) )  and I don't know how some of those forums make money exactly but the sheer numbers must have huge value. As with any 'social network' it's all a numbers game...  The best thing SS could do is raise its profile. How about a few hundred thousand viewing your latest songwriting tips on a regular YouTube broadcast...  that kinda thing.... hmmm maybe I'm going against myself there...not sure... but I think traffic and active membership is key and you have to get them somehow. Maybe this forum should be just a forum but attached to whatever kind of 'Music Biz How To' site you want.. together but separate.


Sadly... that volume could potentially kill community, but likely so will subscription for 'how to make it in the biz' type services, if enough people take it up.


So SongStuff is a community to me, and making it into a whole load of other things could be exremely difficult... but best of luck with it.


..... thinkin out loud...and just an opinion... and genuinely hopefully helpful as one opinion. 







Edited by MonoStone
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Interesting how this topic has evolved. Selling products was not why I posted.


I appreciate it, but I honestly wasn't fishing for thanks. Sure it is nice when people spontaneously recognise your efforts and express their gratitude, but I don't go looking for it.


What started as a simple question about what Songstuff could do to help you, the site members, has turned into a discussion about Songstuff selling you something you don't want or need, including the inescapable: Songstuff selling people pipe dreams. I didn't  mention dreams. I didn't mention Songstuff selling a road to success. I didn't even mention Songstuff selling anything until Tim mentioned paid memberships. Lol


So the local "all you can eat buffet" is free. It has a few regulars. You notice someone puts a donations box at the door. A poster for a nearby store goes up. You know the building has rents, and the food itself costs money. Then you are asked what things you would like on the menu, but are also asked to think how much it costs, because depending what you ask for will effect if they can provide it or not. They give a bunch of suggestions, but ask you to come up with your own too.


Of course they haven't said anything about selling anything to anyone. They have just asked for some menu suggestions.


Yet some of the regulars still say  "Whatever you would be selling, I don't want it.", or even  "It sounds like you want to sell us something dodgy, maybe even magic mushrooms.".


It is saddening in some ways. It's a cynical industry full of sharks and hopeful dreamers.


ok, I know in response to Tim I did mention some cost might be necessary depending on what people wanted, if we couldn't find another way, but I also don't know how that automatically amounts to selling people dreams.


For example, with publishing, administration deals are much more common, as is self-publishing. I have several friends who self-publish, although none do it well. Even within self-publishing there are a number of services, such as dealing with licensing, song pitching etc that a self-publisher might want to take advantage of? At this stage it is not about if Songstuff can find a way to do it. Members may come back and say they want guidelines, or templates. They might say they would love some boilerplate contracts. They might say they want bums in seat help to actually do some of it. They might say they have no interest in any of it.


In the reams of the record company, there are those who want to set up their own label. They may or may not be realistic. They maybe already act in that way but don't even realise it. Maybe we can help them, maybe not. Maybe we give them a stack of info, templates, biz plans, release plans, contracts, launch party kits, press release templates, press kits, site templates or training? Does it make a difference to it's usefulness or accuracy if it is free? Paid? Maybe they want help getting reviews, promoting effectively, getting tour slots, getting publicity, and maybe we can help? Maybe not.


Maybe we just write free articles and reviews. Maybe we realise no one wants any of that crap, and I can stop pushing myself to help people who do not want helped. Maybe I just help those who do want help. Maybe I sell the site and live happily ever after on the 50 cents it sells for. Lol


Maybe we can give production advice workshops? Free, sure, we know people who have experience and are willing. What, you want Mark Ronson? I think we might have to charge tickets to be able to afford him. Are you still be interested?


Out of interest, no money need change hands in order to get someone to buy into what you are "selling" them. Songstuff already has articles about promo, song writing, recording, fans and engagement, a whole bunch of music industry related stuff. Do you guys think we are unfairly pitching people an unattainable dream as it stands? Do we perpetuate that outlook?


I know that charging means a contract, but that is different from selling them something that is known to be defective, or making claims for something that are untrue. Another possibility I know goes on, donations can also be independent of a perk. For example, you donate to something, get a badge, a club membership and a cuddly toy. If it is clear it is a donation, it isn't selling a product. I am not saying we would be doing that, but there are many possibilities about how the site is funded, and they need not be coupled to what we are actually providing.


Just say for the sake of argument that we somehow had volunteers to provide a service for free. The exact same service could be provided by paid workers for a fee. What if the workers are not paid in money but some other currency? What if it is a co-op working collaboratively? What if people help to gain experience? What is the customers in this scenario don't pay by cash but with something else, like time and effort? There are a lot of permutations and possibilities.


As to getting music out there, what if you could place a song with an artist that got the song 20 million listens? 50 million? No promises of stardom, no making millions, just awareness. What if it could actually make you money? What if we could set something up that could get your music aired on 50 radio stations? 100? What if we merely showed you how? No promises of successful record sales, simply if you want to raise awareness, these are things you can do? What about 90% of the blurb was about why they shouldn't do it, about the ridiculous odds they face?


Nothing is defined, set in stone or absolute. None of this is anything but trying to sound out what would help members. Dek, you say tangible leads on sync deals... no matter how unlikely that seems to you at this stage, if there is a demand, we can look at exactly how that could be achieved, brainstorm ideas, and at least look at what is possible. It might get ruled out, but really, nothing ventured nothing gained... by any of us.


The best forums are forums. They aren't necessarily free, even if you don't necessarily feel you personally paid, after all viewing an advert didn't exactly cost you. Subscriptions are very common on gaming community forums. The largest music forums are associated with products, even if some are free products, not all are. Even if the forum itself is free, there is still that associated product.  FL Studio anyone? Products like Reaper have a "supposed to be paid for" model for their software. Forum hosting is not cheap. 


Even if this topic were about products to help finance a better community,  I would hope we could move forwards avoiding any minefields precisely because they were anticipated, and indeed highlighted, so yes, your points are well made and appreciated.


It's unfortunate that selling unwanted dodgy stuff is the ballpark of expectation :P lol


No matter, I am understandably reluctant to invest potentially loads of my time looking into something no one at all is interested in.


Nibbles anyone?



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Oh and I realise some of the numbers I used were big. The point was if you had a method that made such things possible. Whatever is done, the proof of the pudding has to be in the eating. The numbers could just as easily be 10,000 as opposed to 20 million, for example. They seem almost as unrealistic to an indie artist or writer. Almost lol indeed you could keep expectation down by saying I'll get you 500 listens and then completely over deliver. The fact is we live in an internet world where large numbers are possible. To us? Less likely, but ultimately may be possible at some point were that to be the way people said they wanted help. How? That's another topic for another day lol certainly 50 million would be at the far extreme end of possibility, and  long way from being possible right now. It would take focus and effort, and by the time even mentioning such a number to propective customers became a possibility, a track history of achieving lower numbers would have to be achieved. Where there is a will, there is a way.


in truth much depends on your goals, and what people have to trade to get them, and if people are willing to pay that price... and I don't mean giving anything to Songstuff.


if you have the means, but not the proof, making sales is very difficult. If you have a method, but no track record of dependability taking money for it would be risky and if you were entirely honest to people, a very hard sell. If you were not honest, if you misrepresented, that is trading on people's dreams, and fraudulent. If you are honest, offer help for free and use that to establish a track record? Use it to fine tune your process and hone your results. Then it gets interesting.


If I sell you a Ferrari telling you that you can afford it on welfare payments, as long as you can actually afford it, and it is a genuine Ferrari,  the Ferrari you were expecting, there is nothing wrong with that. If I told you it would make you sexually irresistible and that you could make millions just by having it, that would be playing on your dream. If I knew you could not afford it but still sold it to you knowing everyone would think you stole it, that would be unethical.


I am not for one minute saying getting you 50 million plays is likely, possible right now, or recommending that it would be your optimum "track to stardom" or even trying to say that you should have a path to stardom. However, if you were a writer looking to raise awareness of your songs, and you came to me saying "I want to increase the exposure of my music and me as a writer. I want to place my song with an artist who will get it heard. Can you help?", if I could help, I would try my hardest to make it happen while being honest with the person that approached me..


Once upon a time building a site the size of Songstuff seemed unreal.



All that aside.... t this point I simply want to put my efforts into something members will find useful, be that adding to what we have, or looking at something new.


Who knows. If members do not want more articles etc, do not want anything other than a free forum, I may well just stop development on SS and focus on my own needs for a change. On a bright note, I have been back making music and recording again. Maybe I will just do that! Lol At this stage I just want to see what people want, to work out if that fits with Songstuff and if it fits for me. Anything else is conjecture, what ifs and maybes.


it all starts with what Songstuff could do that would really help you. Whatever I do, I want it to be worthwhile, to you and to me.

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38 minutes ago, Peggy said:

Hi John,

I been working on my top 3 list .. hard to bring it down to 3. 






As I mentioned somewhere above Peggy, if it is more it is more. Really I just want members to really think about what they want, what they want from this site is secondary.  Not just today, but tomorrow... to look at what they need, and maybe just maybe it will be a good fit for Songstuff too.


Tim mentioned above if someone else other than Songstuff can do it, members can just go there, and that is very true... however, if, for example, 99% of members wanted to place music with music libraries, then if we could reach a fast track deal with the top 3 libraries, that would help members and it saves us reinventing the wheel. The solution too might be for Songstuff to start it's own... but I doubt that.


By telling us where you need help, 3, 5, 10 ways, you at least afford us the opportunity to look at it. Part of the consideration has to be whether it would be good for the community or not... but really, if most members want something, it helps them, it is doable, it is maintainable, and it doesn't harm the community, I would have to ask why not?


So please put your list out there. It may well prompt others and take the discussion in interesting directions :)

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Oh wow… I was thinking of coming up with my own “dream list” to post here soon and have noticed in the meantime that this has snowballed into a much larger-themed discussion. Just goes to show, John, how much these people care for this forum! I think we all feel lucky to be a part of a bunch of talented and genuinely helpful people  :)  :)


It’s already been mentioned by some others here and I would like to chime in, too : I would find it very beneficial if Songstuff can help establish connection with producers (even composers) who have real interest in discovering talent and developing them. This can also be a way for Songstuff to have decent earnings because such services do not have to be necessarily cheap – the contacts are something that SS can uniquely build and offer and won’t be something that can be ripped off the internet or gotten from a few stray calls here and there.  


Another thing that I would find beneficial is if SS had it’s own in-house little team that could produce songs and videos (whoever came up with the concept of music videos?? It’s such a pain for me!) that could be close to pro-level and used for further self-promotion. Again, can be done for a reasonable fee which helpless people like me would find a very good offering to consider!


I don’t know how much of the above is doable but I can somehow imagine SS taking this kind of a direction whereby it comes across as a little more professional in it’s offerings yet never really distances itself from it’s core strength – which is the people making up the forum  :)


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2 hours ago, Sreyashi Mukherjee said:

Oh wow… I was thinking of coming up with my own “dream list” to post here soon and have noticed in the meantime that this has snowballed into a much larger-themed discussion. Just goes to show, John, how much these people care for this forum! I think we all feel lucky to be a part of a bunch of talented and genuinely helpful people  :)  :)


It’s already been mentioned by some others here and I would like to chime in, too : I would find it very beneficial if Songstuff can help establish connection with producers (even composers) who have real interest in discovering talent and developing them. This can also be a way for Songstuff to have decent earnings because such services do not have to be necessarily cheap – the contacts are something that SS can uniquely build and offer and won’t be something that can be ripped off the internet or gotten from a few stray calls here and there.  


Another thing that I would find beneficial is if SS had it’s own in-house little team that could produce songs and videos (whoever came up with the concept of music videos?? It’s such a pain for me!) that could be close to pro-level and used for further self-promotion. Again, can be done for a reasonable fee which helpless people like me would find a very good offering to consider!


I don’t know how much of the above is doable but I can somehow imagine SS taking this kind of a direction whereby it comes across as a little more professional in it’s offerings yet never really distances itself from it’s core strength – which is the people making up the forum  :)



Many thanks Sumi. :) Last tear Tom Collins and I were looking into the possibility of providing a demo recording service, but a production service would actually be easier. We even looked into doing inhouse recording services. There are certainly possibilities in terms of benefits for members.


There is less opportunity in it as a long term income for the site... or at least there are potential issues. The most obvious being that once we hook up a producer and writer, Songstuff would be out the picture. The writer can just go directly to the producer for subsequent work. Fair enough... but the consequence is that any income for the site would soon tail off. The one way we thought of that happening less was if Songstuff sat in the middle... the writer paid Songstuff, and Songstuff held the money until the job was done in a satisfactory way, at which point we would pay the producer. There are issues with that, but it does give each party some degree of control. There are other issues and potential solutions.... just showing we have thought about this to a degree and it could be possible.


I also like Des's suggestion about song placement... which is normally part if the publishers job, or a specialist song pitcher working on behalf of the publisher. Sometimes it can be on behalf of the label too. This was what I meant by performing some of the services a publisher or label would do. There are other services that compliment this. Similarly I have looked at providing song pitching and music promotion / publicity services. I came up with a potentially very useful concept for Song placement for exposure and awareness as a first stage in placement. I know no one else is doing it, and it would give our writers an awesome platform for their writing. I still need to come up with a similarly awesome platform for writers who also want to be the primary performer... but I rely on the creativity of myself, the staff and the broader site to come up with novel approaches that will give our writers the edge in whatever they do.


I know there are concerns voiced by Dek and Tim about potential issues. All we can do is do our best to get the benefits for our members while avoiding the pitfalls.... by involving you all as much as possible.


The exciting thing is... that when we engage our creative minds on the variety of problems we face as artists, not just the music, we truly can come up with some awesome and unique solutions that should make us stand out. It may not make any of us rich, or famous, but if you each set goals and we can all help you achieve them, I don't think that is a bad thing.

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Hi John,
Knowing I am not a performer, not a pro-lyricist, and not a young prodege, expectations for my music are "dreams".  Hey, maybe one of the next generations in my family will do something with the inheritance.. haha!  But that's ok with me. I "Chase the Clouds" and wish on stars!  (shameless promotion)

I am taking an approach that is alittle different, maybe. By looking at my hometown community. I am working at organizing an annual music event and music scholarship program. Lots of moving parts. Days bring pitfalls and lifted spirits.  Days also bring contacts, involvement, community support and always something new we hadn't thought about, something or someone we didn't know.
For my music...
At some point, along the way, from these involvements and efforts, maybe I'll have the material, courage and opportunity to address and find someone, who wants to look or listen to my lyrics and songs.  

So besides all of the many things i need for crunching and learning with you guys, looking forward in  timeframe shots

My music interest needs
1.  Contacts of every sorts
2.  Marketing/Promotion/Advertising
3.  proposals and contracts info
4.  Advancing in Collab/hired gun, home studio to demo skills
5.  Video
6. Great members driving folks to the boards for community and for scouting - advertise SS more??

Realistically, I couldn't afford, in time or $'s  what SongStuff has already done for bringing back, advancing, and keeping music in my life.  

Just answering for me only and of course there has never been a membership due and not implying anything forward.

#yrs x mem. dues = fair market value...ya right.

Edited by Peggy
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