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Lockdown Changes?

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Hey gang


How has lockdown affected you? I imagine that most of you will be spending much more time at home. Personally, I don't like feeling that I am wasting time, so I try and be as productive as possible. Of course, this means that a long queue of jobs around the house is bsing worked on at last. Are you spending more time making music? I have been trying to but it's not always easy. I suppose I have been writing a bit more. Perhaps I'll spend some more time recording this week? Songstuff has had some nice new features (enhanced chatboxes, support for a profile paypal.me button and some still to be unveiled). Staff are busy trying to make Songstuff more useful.


So what are you doing? Are you trying to be more productive or productive in different ways? Are you being creative in different ways? Are you simply chillin'? Treating it like a long vacation?


Many musicians have completely lost their income and  depending on where you live, many countries are not supporting anyone in the entertainments industry. That's why so many livestreams now have donations buttons (it's also why we added support for Paypal.me buttons in our member profiles).


Stay safe



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Hello John and all. Thanks for the things you've been doing with the forum like the PayPal support button and whatnot. You gotta get those songs finished! Things have taken a turn for me.


The first 2 weeks were actually pure bliss. I finished a video to one of my songs and then wrote, mixed and did the short coronavirus parody song. I honestly couldn't have been more happy. That was when I thought I had a job to go back to.


I've been working for our local newspaper for coming on 21 years and for a variety of reasons we had really been struggling. This may put the dagger in the heart. I've met with the owner various times and I started out gung-ho on potentially buying the newspaper myself as I know some of the big reasons were were struggling, etc... But that doesn't seem possible. I don't know if I'll have a job or not. Cashing in all of my vacation time now and then hitting unemployment. I jump from the small amount of work I do for the company while we're online only, to trying to create a business plan, secure loans, talk to attorneys, work on a resume, build my portfolio, think of ways to restart the company all several times within any given 30 minute period. I'm feeling very spent. Music is over for the foreseeable future so I'm glad at least I got that last song out.


Distraught and full of fear for an uncertain future for my family from the moment I wake up until I can finally fall asleep. Not catching the virus and dying was the easy part.



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4 minutes ago, Just1L said:

Hello John and all. Thanks for the things you've been doing with the forum like the PayPal support button and whatnot. You gotta get those songs finished! Things have taken a turn for me.


The first 2 weeks were actually pure bliss. I finished a video to one of my songs and then wrote, mixed and did the short coronavirus parody song. I honestly couldn't have been more happy. That was when I thought I had a job to go back to.


I've been working for our local newspaper for coming on 21 years and for a variety of reasons we had really been struggling. This may put the dagger in the heart. I've met with the owner various times and I started out gung-ho on potentially buying the newspaper myself as I know some of the big reasons were were struggling, etc... But that doesn't seem possible. I don't know if I'll have a job or not. Cashing in all of my vacation time now and then hitting unemployment. I jump from the small amount of work I do for the company while we're online only, to trying to create a business plan, secure loans, talk to attorneys, work on a resume, build my portfolio, think of ways to restart the company all several times within any given 30 minute period. I'm feeling very spent. Music is over for the foreseeable future so I'm glad at least I got that last song out.


Distraught and full of fear for an uncertain future for my family from the moment I wake up until I can finally fall asleep. Not catching the virus and dying was the easy part.




Oh wow, so sorry to hear that Randy. I somehow doubt you will be the last person to lose their career over this. If I can be of any help as a sounding board, or any way, please just give me a shout. I've always been a good ideas guy.


You mentioned the small amount of work you do for "online only". In a changing world, online would be an expected trajectory for many newspapers. If buying the overall newspaper is off the cards, what about the online rights? Could taht be expanded to be viable? If buying that is not possible, what about creating a new title, either as a newspaper or an online newspaper or magazine?


If you are going to be unemployed you might as well be productive creating future potential opportunities.


Maybe not right away, but you still deserve and need some hobby time to give yourself a mental and emotional break. You should at least keep your music for playing and tinkering.


Another thought occurs to me. As self-employed you have to consider your entire skill set and how you could potentially monetize. So, for example, if you look at your skills, could you adapt them to a service you could provide websites or blogs? Could you do something involving your other skills and interests? Blend those with your existing work skills and go from there?


I say all thses things because people do that all the time. Invent new ways to leverage skills and earn an income. I appreciate completely that it might not have been your choice, but if it is happening anyway, it's about adapting and going forward. Taking over the newspaper may be the most comfortable, familiar solution, but it is not the only one... and believe me, in saying tha, I know that no option is easy.


Best wishes... and many thanks for appreciating the efforts of the staff in improving the site!

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8 hours ago, john said:


Oh wow, so sorry to hear that Randy. I somehow doubt you will be the last person to lose their career over this. If I can be of any help as a sounding board, or any way, please just give me a shout. I've always been a good ideas guy.


You mentioned the small amount of work you do for "online only". In a changing world, online would be an expected trajectory for many newspapers. If buying the overall newspaper is off the cards, what about the online rights? Could taht be expanded to be viable? If buying that is not possible, what about creating a new title, either as a newspaper or an online newspaper or magazine?


If you are going to be unemployed you might as well be productive creating future potential opportunities.


Maybe not right away, but you still deserve and need some hobby time to give yourself a mental and emotional break. You should at least keep your music for playing and tinkering.


Another thought occurs to me. As self-employed you have to consider your entire skill set and how you could potentially monetize. So, for example, if you look at your skills, could you adapt them to a service you could provide websites or blogs? Could you do something involving your other skills and interests? Blend those with your existing work skills and go from there?


I say all thses things because people do that all the time. Invent new ways to leverage skills and earn an income. I appreciate completely that it might not have been your choice, but if it is happening anyway, it's about adapting and going forward. Taking over the newspaper may be the most comfortable, familiar solution, but it is not the only one... and believe me, in saying tha, I know that no option is easy.


Best wishes... and many thanks for appreciating the efforts of the staff in improving the site!


Thanks John. It's all still new so I'm going through the motions. Just going to take me a while to really get myself back up. Lots of options just didn't realize I wouldn't be able to go peacefully into the night so to speak. Still no telling what will actually become of the paper. I plan to get my portfolio finished which I started this morning, whip up my resume then go back to looking at the paper and all. We won't be heading back to print, if we somehow end up doing that, until at least late June early July. The newspapers and online have been at odds since day one. Online is very easy, with little to know money-making. That's why so many papers have went out of business and why so many have become so blatantly biased and agenda-driven ... investors keeping them going. But still I feel all of this should only help local newspapers so we shall see. 


Yeah, everyone will have their story from this event. I appreciate the kind words. Every day's a new day. 

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Also recently unemployed during....well not so recent, been a few months now.....thanks to this fiasco.  Lucky I had some family around and am single, no kids to take care of,  and can go be a bum on the couch, or basement as my case may be Haha. 


Getting some extra writing done, trying to revise/revamp old stuff, but that just leads to new unfinished ideas hah.


Got a 12-string I'm "renovating" broke the neck so it's pretty much turning into a build now, trying to get some recording done, when I'm not disturbing anyone besides the animals, getting lots of gardening done and trying to watch the news as little as possible...just makes me mad.

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"But, I gotta say ... just wait a couple more days, max.  [America|England|The-Rest-Of-The-Planet] is about to explode:  "WTF?!?!"


Yes, "future historians will surely be writing about us."  (Very likely, they will likewise be asking, "WTF?!")  What exactly was it, within the span of January 2020 through March 2020, that not only persuaded a dozen industrial nations to "cease being economies altogether," but to don face-masks and to segregate the aisles in our grocery stores for ... "a common cold-virus?!"


"As I write this," of course, "I am still in this."  Therefore it necessarily affects my immediate perspective eve as I very clearly see beyond it.  "All of us are cursed to 'live in interesting times.'"  Hang on to your hats.  We all very-clearly see that "this thing's gonna blow, real soon."  Hang on to your hats.

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18 hours ago, Cody said:

Also recently unemployed during....well not so recent, been a few months now.....thanks to this fiasco.  Lucky I had some family around and am single, no kids to take care of,  and can go be a bum on the couch, or basement as my case may be Haha. 


Getting some extra writing done, trying to revise/revamp old stuff, but that just leads to new unfinished ideas hah.


Got a 12-string I'm "renovating" broke the neck so it's pretty much turning into a build now, trying to get some recording done, when I'm not disturbing anyone besides the animals, getting lots of gardening done and trying to watch the news as little as possible...just makes me mad.

At least you seem to be using your time constructively :) The negatives are easily found, but there are positives there to be had. It might be different if we could things, but we can’t at least not easily, if at all. So we might as well get on with it.


I have a 12 string with a broken neck, and a mandolin with a damaged body after it was dropped on the strap fitting. I keep meaning to get around to fixing them.

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4 hours ago, john said:

At least you seem to be using your time constructively :) The negatives are easily found, but there are positives there to be had. It might be different if we could things, but we can’t at least not easily, if at all. So we might as well get on with it.


I have a 12 string with a broken neck, and a mandolin with a damaged body after it was dropped on the strap fitting. I keep meaning to get around to fixing them.



I've broke several things thanks to those strap fittings, either like you... with a drop, or the strap just popping off, especially if a "locking" one I've learned just to not trust them and try to keep one hand on or ready to grab anything I care about.  Found an old Gibson drednaught neck yesterday that was one of my first accidents...snapped the headstock completely off hahah....fixed, but eventually just turned the body into a speaker box.  Getting good sawdust from the neck now though ;)



And yeah trying to do something positive is about the only way I can manage anger/anxiety through this ordeal, and before hahah....doesnt always work, especially if I've had a few to drink :) that or happen to catch a "news" broadcast.

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For me, it's been bliss! I have actually revived my guitar playing, got a small studio set up and have been busy writing and recording some music!  Just wrote a song for a mate, hoping he can get to record the vocals on that soon. Started another song yesterday and been working on some lyrics and structure today!  The only down side is, I'm running out of money!  So, back to work Monday for a day. Should be able to feed the family for another week! :) Then the following week, a few days work again.

Not working has helped me relax and get inspired to be creative once again. Part of that was having the time to get my makeshift studio up together! Here it is. In the Shed. :D 





A real man cave. Somewhere to escape!  And because I can disappear out there, I feel calm and ready to be creative! 


Just need to learn to play the guitar again after a long hiatus! :) 

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31 minutes ago, Steve said:

I'm running out of money!  So, back to work Monday for a day.

Hey Steve, you're lucky that you can pop in on work and make money. Then be able to take advantage of the time off by escaping to your man cave.

Keep your chin up and play some guitar already!!! :guitar:

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3 minutes ago, Lisa Gates said:

Hey Steve, you're lucky that you can pop in on work and make money. Then be able to take advantage of the time off by escaping to your man cave.

Keep your chin up and play some guitar already!!! :guitar:



Sadly, I can't just pop into work. But I have an emergency job Monday, and further safety work the following week.  I'm a floor layer, generally considered luxury goods. My job is a pretty good indicator of the economy. When people have no money, they don't go out buying carpets!  Who knows if I'll actually have any work to go back to? 

If I could afford to retire, I would! I love all this free time. 


Maybe I'll write the next big hit! :D  

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1 minute ago, Steve said:

Maybe I'll write the next big hit!

I hope you do!

2 minutes ago, Steve said:

considered luxury goods. My job is a pretty good indicator of the economy

It's good that you know this. One of the side jobs I had a long time ago promised everyone needs online greeting cards I would've been struggling badly if I'd believed that! LOL


Ah retirement...yeah, nope, not happening for me for a while!



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On 5/8/2020 at 1:17 PM, Steve said:


A real man cave. Somewhere to escape!  And because I can disappear out there, I feel calm and ready to be creative! 


Just need to learn to play the guitar again after a long hiatus! :) 

I didn't play for several years either......mostly due to a hand injury and other factors...boy that was rough :) 


yup....shut up and play! hahaha.......nice "cave" just not enough stray wires/cables/other hazards strewn about for my personal tastes hahah

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On 5/6/2020 at 8:16 PM, MikeRobinson said:

"But, I gotta say ... just wait a couple more days, max.  [America|England|The-Rest-Of-The-Planet] is about to explode:  "WTF?!?!"


Yes, "future historians will surely be writing about us."  (Very likely, they will likewise be asking, "WTF?!")  What exactly was it, within the span of January 2020 through March 2020, that not only persuaded a dozen industrial nations to "cease being economies altogether," but to don face-masks and to segregate the aisles in our grocery stores for ... "a common cold-virus?!"


"As I write this," of course, "I am still in this."  Therefore it necessarily affects my immediate perspective eve as I very clearly see beyond it.  "All of us are cursed to 'live in interesting times.'"  Hang on to your hats.  We all very-clearly see that "this thing's gonna blow, real soon."  Hang on to your hats.



hat stapled/glued on firmly :) 


was watching this thing about NASA/shuttle yesterday and thought....I bet in 5k years they'll see one of those launch towers and have some uppity show about.....this was a tower to their sun god....aliens must of built it for them...no way people that long ago were smart ;) digression.

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5 hours ago, Patchez said:

I came here. 

 - Tried to bring a few friends; up to them. 

We'll see! 

I've been through this previously (lockdown scenario, so to speak).
 -- Many don't think about 2007-08. Maybe it didn't effect anyone outside of certain countries, -- anyway, same effect as this now. 

Mix in some other usual life krappe, and it gets even more interesting, -- like now, too. 

I watch folks (as songwriters/arstists do?), -- different generations, reactions, ways folks leverage this in not so good ways, or good ways, and well, "welcome to my world" where was all the help then?"..., so to speak. Thousands upon thousands of companies and houses and lives lost, and other I won't get into. They hint at all the "bad" reactions folks may have and all their statistics of "stuff"... -- this, again, in effect, agan, -- is not the first time this has happened to a large group of people. If anyone gives it a little thought they could start citing other-other periods of time. 

Anyway, yes, one can focus on things to do (the positive), or get hammered and cry about what's lost. You can guess which path I take. 

My thoughts go to, even in this, -- people don't learn, can't pass on/Will their "education" (life experience) of stuff to their kids along with the House... and so it goes and singer songwriters never will be at a loss for things to write songs about! 

I am glad I had the time to come back here and mess up this site a bit with all my messy writing, text and etcetera ;) :) hahhh! 


me too, and thanks :) I at least appreciate all that nonsense you be spewing heh.......

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2 hours ago, Patchez said:


Like Huckleberry Finn - people see you having fun horsing around, and then they want to join in and have some too. Soon enough, -- their painting the fence for me!, and, hopefully, not with me ;)  

I have a studio bunker planned.....I cant wait.....it sounds like a blast  it will all have to be done by hand, so glad I'll get to do it all by myself......hahahahah

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c"Uh huh, and I daresay that the next few [political, not songwriting ...] days are gonna turn out to be mighty interesting."  ...


... as "not only 'multiple US States,' but also multiple nations(!!)", finally begin to sober up and ask themselves this very-legitimate question:





And, as all of us throughout the world begin to absorb what has actually happened – simultaneously – to all of us, I really would like to encourage us to not to be too-quick to assign blame.  Because this whole thing really was (for some reason ...) world-wide.  USA, Britain, Russia, Australia, New Zealand, "you name it." 



"Somehow, we all, and 'all at once,' did many things that we have never, ever, in all of human history, done before.  Why?"

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P.S.:  "It cannot really have been about 'a coronavirus.'"  We already know about "coronaviruses" and "rhinoviruses" ... ("achoo!").  And we've already dealt with "bad varieties," such as SARS.  We've never before demanded "a cure to the common cold."  We've never before demanded "a vaccine."


No – "not only is this not 'the new normal™' ... it is very-decidedly not normal."


Nope:  my "BOZO bit" has been irreversibly 'flipped' here.  "No, I won't try to identify 'the rat' here, but I sure-as-heaven smell one."

Edited by MikeRobinson
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