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Jigsaw Sequence - Featured Artist

Jigsaw Sequence     Jigsaw Sequence is a singer/songwriter who lives and works in Glasgow, Scotland. Never happier than when tinkering with his latest piece of audio gear, Jigsaw Sequence has decided to share his music with the world.   Jigsaw Sequence has released his debut single, "Heroes". It is available on most music platforms. Read our intervi



Musicians are 3 times More Likely to Suffer from Depression

In a recent study conducted by the University of Westminster, it has been found that there is crisis in mental health within the U.K. music industry that is at alarming levels. The study, “Can Music Make You Sick” was commissioned by Help Musicians UK. It looks at how having a career in the music industry impacts upon the mental health of musicians.   2,211 musicians took part in the study. Researchers Sally-Anne Gross and Dr. George Musgrave revealed that 71.1% of musicians have suffe



Output Exhale Review

Output have become known for distinctive, groundbreaking VSTi.   Exhale is a Kontakt based VSTi offering a "modern vocal engine" for music producers, and sound designers, who want highly processed vocal samples for their productions.   So we have included a text based review, a video review including a demo track, and a video tour of Exhale.   Read our "Output Exhale Review"



IsoVox 2 Review

IsoVox 2 Review     Getting a good vocal sound takes a lot of preparation. The size and shape of te room you record in, the ambient noise from electronic and other sources. In a home studio environment the issues are multiplied. For a start, not everyone has a dedicated studio, and even less are acoustically treated to both reduce spill onto recordings, and spill from the studio to the outside, or to shape the sound recorded by dealing with hot frequencies and reverberation.



Feaured Artist - Simon Darveau

Featured Artist - Simon Darveau Montreal based French Canadian artist  Simon is a singer songwriter, self-taught guitar and piano player and wannabe sound engineer in his free time.   Simon is currently building his home studio where he hopes he will spend most of his time writing and producing his own music as well as collaborating with other artists in a near future.   A proud member of "The Travelling Songstuffers", a virtu



Lyrics Challenge Ballad #1 WInner - Amy Abernathy

"You Rocked The Country" by Amy Abernathy, @ames1212   Amy's piece was selected as the closest to the initial challenge brief. Well done Amy and congratulations!   Read Amy's entry and an interview with her by following the link below: Ballad Challenge #1 Winner Amy Abernathy   To everyone else who took part, many many thanks for getting involved. There were some great lyrics contributed, covering a range of genres. It was great to see your lyrics evolve, tryi



Review: SampleTank 2 for iOS

Read our review of SampleTank 2 for iOS, a major upgrade of IK Multimedia's  virtual instrument app for the iOS mobile platform.   Review: SampleTank 2 for iOS



Featured Artist - Danny Rains

Featured Artist - Danny Rains   Songwriting once cast a spell on a wayward youth named Danny Rains. It sent him stumbling headfirst into a mystifying underground world of melodies, harmonies, and words.   Now, many years since, he still returns to that deep well of unknowable truths. In the early morning dark, he often finds himself staring into a fog of half-remembered dreams, feeling around the bed for a pencil or a guitar, hoping to capt



Featured Artist - Achazia

Achazia Achazia (real name, Gry) is from Oslo, Norway. She is an artist, composer and ethereal musician.   As a gamer, Achazia is fascinated by how music can help you to immerse in games. She has some of her music in multiplayer and mobile games.   Achazia currently has a song, "Empress of Vincenza" placed with fantasy radio station Radio Rivendell. The song is part of a project/compilation called Book of Ages with other compo



Featured Artist - Dave Bradley

Dave Bradley is a science journalist by day, but by night he's Cambridge's most wannabe singer-songwriter rockstar. Dave has played guitar for four decades or thereabouts and writes and performs acoustic and electric in a range of styles and has been likened to a range of artists, including Glenn Tilbrook, David Bowie and James Taylor, which is very flattering to him, of course, but he really is just a Geordie chancer with a loud shirt and six string...   Click through and support!



Guitar Tutorial - Learning the Major Scale

Learning scales on your guitar fretboard is very essential though some may argue that it is not absolutely necessary. Legends such as Eric Clapton and BB King never learnt scales but the importance of it cannot be denied.   Scales are like the grammar of the language called music. One of the most important scales in music theory is the Major Scale. Most other scales in music is built upon the major scale. The following article teaches you



Practicing Guitar: Self Discipline or Fun?

Practicing your instrument is an art in itself. For guitarists, some find it a very fun routine while others look at practicing their finger exercises and scales regularly as a discipline and may see it as a boring chore. There is no reason why it can be both: a disciplined process and a fun activity. Finding the right balance between the two is very essential.   The following article gives you insight on what it means to practice with dis



How To Restring Your Guitar

Knowing how to restring your guitar is a very very important skill to learn when starting out as a guitarist. Budding musicians sometimes neglect the maintenance part of the learning and head straight to the playing. A sign of a true guitarist maybe seen in the way he handles and takes care of his/her instrument.    Guitar strings need to be replaced periodically especially if you perform regularly on stage. Though some may find that state



Song Writing Articles And Lyrics Writing Articles

If you are a song writer, interested in studying and developing your craft, take some time to browse around our ever growing collection of song writing and lyrics writing articles.   http://www.songstuff.com/song-writing/article/   If you find this page useful, please like and share the page, comment, tweet or re-tweet your support.  



Express Yourself as a Musician

Expression is considered to be at the pinnacle of qualities for any artist let alone a musician. Regardless of the genre, instrument or language, every musician tries to express a certain story, concept or thought process in the music he/she creates. For a guitarist, to be able to carve the right chord backing or improvise a solo befitting a song is very very important. Regardless of how many scales you know or how advanced of a guitar player you are, to be expressive is its own cup of te



Noise Gates and Expanders

Having reasonable knowledge on Noise Gates and Expanders goes a long way in making your recordings sound cleaner and more professional, especially when you are recording out of your home studio.  While recording, noise may arise due to a various number of factors such as the surrounding environment, electronic equipment used etc. Noise can become very problematic if it is cumalated from a number of tracks in your project.   Noise gates and



A Guide To Song Forms – AAB Song Form

Following up on our series of blog posts addressing song forms, in this article, we go deeper into one of the most important traditional forms - AAB.  AAB is also called the 12-Bar Blues and it is widely used in popular rock and blues songs. The AAB usually refers to Verse, Verse, Refrain. Each of these sections would span 4 bars of length summing upto a total of 12 bars, hence the name - 12 Bar Blues.  This article describes the fundament



Home Recording

With the advancement of technology, making music has changed from a studio only process to a home affair. Anyone with a computer can now install the necessary software , connect their equipment and start making music at the convenience of their own house. As easy as it may sound, it still takes a significant amount of research and learning about all the different things that go into home recording. This may come off as a struggle at the beginning for a budding a musician or even a long-ti



Tips For Making a Music Video

Making a music video can be a challenging process especially when you are working on a budget. But they prove to be a very important part in presenting and ultimately selling your music to the fans, new and old.  Fortunately, the advancement in computer technology has made it easy and affordable to produce decent to great music videos. Making a music video involves a creative process which arguably matches that of making the song itself. The video needs to take th



Breathing Exercises

Breathing is one of the most neglected aspects of vocal training. That's pretty ironic since breathing is the most fundamental process when it comes to speech and singing. Some would like to assume that there is not much to breathing and that it is pretty straight forward since we breathe all the time. But, proper breathing and support plays an extremely vital role in allowing you to sing powerfully and with ease. Practicing diaphragmatic breathing and including i



Writer’s Block

Writer's Block, one of the worst enemies for a songwriter. The writer's block is something that restricts a songwriter or lyricist from being able to be at his or her creative best. You might have an idea in mind which you'd want to make a song out of but you're not able to find the right words or what you come up with sounds too cliche or that you can't come up with anything at all. Being stuck in a rut can really bum you out and make things further difficult to



Tricks to Developing More Confidence on Stage

It is not enough for a singer to be able to stay in pitch and remember the lyrics to give an impressive performance to the audience. A true performer is the one who can deliver a song confidently and expressively, whether it be inside a studio or in front of an audience within a live stage set-up. There is very strong proof that the confidence of a singer on stage directly affects the quality of the vocal performance in terms of pitch, expression and power. Buildi



Improve Your Vocal Range

Though it might not be an absolute necessity for a singer to have a wide vocal range, it does prove to be a huge asset when it comes to giving a powerful and emotional performance.  Singers such as Freddie Mercury (Queen), Steven Tyler (Aerosmith) and Myles Kennedy (Alter Bridge) are great examples of singers who've shown vocal power and range being used to its maximum potential. Even for an experienced singer, the vocal range cannot be expanded in a day or two. I



Vocal Warm-Ups for Singers

Vocal warm-ups are an invaluable practice and some would even say, an absolute necessity when it comes down to being a professional or semi-professional singer. I'm sure there is no one here who would want to settle for a mediocre performance or for something that could easily be made better with proper vocal practice.  One of the most important realizations I've had as a singer-songwriter and a performing musician is that I'm able to express better and to move the audience better when I'



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