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  • john

    Songstuff Writer and Artist Development Challenges

    By john

    Independent writers and artists face several large disadvantages when they are compared to signed, mainstream writers and artists.  Disadvantages that add up to making it a competition that indies can’t win. Hell they can’t even compete.   Lack of budget and poor contacts are fairly obvious disadvantages. Lack of experience and a lack of knowledge restricts songwriters and artists alike. Lack of an overall strategy, and a limited set of incomplete tactics, makes for a critical problem

Lead Guitarist Wanted

For Brisbane original band, BLACK RAINBOW. For gigs and 3rd album. Paid for rehearsals and gigs. Ph Peter. 0406017022. Visit www.blackrainbow.net.au/store to hear streaming of all songs from both albums.



Study: Listening To The Radio Is Still The Top Way To Discover Music

Study: Listening To The Radio Is Still The Top Way To Discover Music It is perhaps a shock to some, but still more people discover music listening to the radio than by any other way. At the same time more teens listen to music using YouTube than any other way. Somewhat more of a surprise is that only 10% discover music via friends and family, but at the same time they cite that positive recommendation from a friend is the largest single influence when they decide to purchase. These and m



New Article - A New Perspective On Writing Lyrics

A New Perspective on Writing Lyrics Starting to write a song can be a tricky business. This article explores approaching the song with the big picture in mind armed with a clear idea of what the song is trying to say, and where it is going. This can all be achieved by asking yourself three key questions when writing a song Read the article now.... A New Perspective on Writing Lyrics Comments Please leave a comment! => Please leave Anthony some comment



Lyrics - Keeping The Pace

Lyrics - Keeping The Pace A new article inspired by some of the songwriting community posts made by new lyrics writers on our lyrics critique board, Jon Hanover takes a look at lyrical pace and how it relates to a better presentation of lyrics. Click on the link below to read the full article: Lyrics - Keeping The Pace Author Jon Hanover Comments Please leave Jon some comments and feedback on this article, and / or suggestions for new articles, or simp



Relay For Life Setlist...

For the Relay for Life (Sunday, July 8 at 1 a.m.), the setlist looks like: SET ONE: Dead Things in the Shower—fast two-step (chairperson Robin requested it) Bungee Jumpin’ Jesus—deliberate Gospel Crosses by the Roadside—slow two-step (and one of my two cancer-related songs) Bluebird on My Windshield—fast bluegrass Invitation to St. Patrick—sleazy blues The World Enquirer—fast bluegrass Milepost 43—mod. tempo two-step Welcome to Hebo Waltz—fast waltz Sell



Recording (Finally)...

Recording at Jim’s Monday… He’s now got “base†tracks (rhythm guitar and vocal) for “In the Shadows, I’ll Be Watching You,†“The Dead Sweethearts Polka,†“Born Again Barbie,†“Pole Dancing for Jesus,†“50 Ways to Cure the Depression†and the Jedi Pigs of Oz theme song, “1-800-HANSOLO.†Managed to do all that in less than two hours. And we’ll do some more, probably in a couple of weeks. Got the second Dylan Show and my gig at the Relay for Life to get out of the



Europe, Website And My First Producer!

Well I am real busy lately since I was accepted into an honour choir ready to tour Europe! Between Europe and the release of my new website, and production of my newest videos, I am wiped! I am thirlled to have Doug Deforest of Lake Paradise Studio producing my newest songs. He found me on YouTube and was determined to get me to go to Arkansas (with me living in Tennessee) to have him work with me! Well, It's time to go to bed now anyway haha. Add more soon.



Songstuff Back Online

After a pretty nasty fried hard drive and a complete web server rebuild... we're back! A quick note to say sorry for the extended down time but after several problems we wanted to be as sure as we could that the site was stable.



About That Future...

Thought-provoking question from Lorelei Loveridge at Performing Songwriters. What DOES the future of the music business look like, these days? And what is our place in it? One view (by an industry professional) suggests the “amateurization†of music production, thanks to cheap and available technology, has cheapened music to the point of valuelessness; no one will make money off music because it’s all free and anybody can do it. There was a science-fiction story about that—not



Practice, Computer, And Random Thoughts...

COASTER PRACTICE. Went well; our renditions of some of my songs—“The Abomination Two-Step,†“Cuddle in the Darkness,†“Hank’s Song,†“Pole Dancing for Jesus,†“Naked Space Hamsters in Love,†and “Spend the End of the World with Meâ€â€”are excellent. We are, I think, ready for prime time—and that’s good, because prime time is coming up. Gigs at 2nd Street Market in Tillamook June 29 (2 hours), the Dylan Shows at NCRD June 30 and July 7 (4 songs), Wheeler Summerfest Jul



Time For Some Fun. Now Carry On…

I’ve always been drawn to songs that seek to inspire or build the listener because I feel it’s so needed in our seriously stressed society. This is one of the reasons that I became a Fun. fan as of late. My guess is that “We Are Youngâ€, FUN.'s latest hit off their “Some Nights†album would ring a bell with music listeners instantly, but there’s another song that I would urge you to play. “Carry On†"Let your past be the sound of your feet upon the ground." This



The Mid-Year Review...

Time again for that mid-year review of the Worklist. How the heck are we doing? ALBUM. I think it’ll be the “religious†songs this time. Tentative title: 13 Reasons Why Joe Is Going to Hell. One song recorded for it thus far—“The Resurrection Blues.†A couple more in the pipeline. I have a place to record (the music store) and sound engineer (Jim). Plan is still to release a song a month (once I find an outfit that won’t charge an arm and leg to do it), then compile them



Square Dance Caller Takes The Stage (Briefly)...

Did my first square dance calling with a real floor of dancers—we had five squares on the dance floor at City Hall tonight, most from out of town. It went okay, and a bunch of ‘em said they liked it (and some said they couldn’t believe this was my first time). Got compared to Willie Nelson (for which I thanked the complimenters profusely, but I’m no Willie Nelson—he can sing, and I can’t). The crowd got the two singing calls I have definitely mastered, “Gloom, Despair and Agony



More Thoughts On The Southern Pigfish Album...

A couple ideas, before I forget them… I know, I think, how to record the Southern Pigfish album. I can do it at Jim’s shop! What I need for recording The Band That Doesn’t Exist is a band that doesn’t exist. He’s got one—or at least the musicians that could pretend to be one. And I’ve heard them all—even heard them playing together—and they’re pretty good. Since they’re not a band (most of the time), they can record their tracks separately—which is how Jim does it a




Well, I knew it was going to happen—like Murphy’s Third Law says, “Peanut butter sandwiches always land peanut butter side down.†Four people can run the front desk at the hotel so long as nobody gets sick. So somebody got sick, right? And I got to work 12 hours straight after my traditional Day-of-No- Sleep-and-I-Got-Up-Early-Because-I-Had-Things-to-Do. Thought I’d have to do it again (she’s still sick) but I actually got to go to work two hours late the next night because I’



Chorus Different From Verses?

More songwriting tips, this time from the folks who run SongU. They emphasize the importance of contrast—in their case between verse and chorus, but really it’s possible to take it a lot further. Yes, you can have a different number of beats, and/or a different chord progression in your chorus; there are a couple of John Prine songs where he even made the verses a waltz and the chorus a two-step (and one where he reversed it, and made the verses a two-step and the chorus a waltz). Yo



Raise Your Brush To The Future!

I thought I would make a post about my journey as a singer-songwriter. I don't recall the exact moment I knew I wanted to pursue music for a living but I guarantee it happened when I was still a child. I used to put on a CD and lip-sych in front of my mirror with my hair brush...aka microphone... for hours. Nothing made me happier than to lock myself in my room for hours on end practicing my singing or putting on a "performance" for my stuffed animals. It is the same love I feel now. I



Re-Invention In Progress (Maybe)...

Got my rejection e-mail from the City of Damascus, that revenue-strapped, conflict-ridden new city on the outskirts of Portland—and it didn’t bother me. I know I’m the best person for the job—nobody else has quite as thick a skin—but I’ll happily send them the requisite “best of luck on the path you have chosen†thank-you letter. Waiting on two more, that I’m almost certain will be rejections, too; it’s been way too long since applications closed. And again, it’s okay.



Sayonara, Thirsty Lion (&c.)...

Yes, “Syonara at the Thirsty Lion†went well—all the performances have been going well lately. Audience liked all the songs—I enjoy keeping people in stitches—even though most of them were there as fans of other performers (and of course voted for them—doesn’t matter). I got to do two encores, too (a good reason to be last on the agenda)—“I’m Giving Mom a Dead Dog for Christmas†(because both Eric and my daughter requested it) and “Pole Dancing for Jesus.†Didn’t sell



Somebody's Rules For Lyric Writing...

I ran across another “rules for writing†article. I’m always interested in those: I want to know if I’m “doing it rightâ€â€”but I also tend to critique what they’re saying. So many of the rule-propounders claim, “Do what I do, and you’ll be a success†and this one was no exception. The rules in this case were for writing LYRICS, which is of particular interest to me since words is what I do. Because I have a limited voice range, am not particularly good on the guitar and am s



Workin' Man Blues (Or Is That A Two-Step?)...

Just a list of things to do, while I rest. The job is tiring, and I have been sleeping a lot—which I shouldn’t: I have way too much to do, and just reduced by a third (by getting a job) the time available to do it in. (Got to start setting an alarm clock again.) On the plus side, I’ve been paid twice, and next month’s mortgage payment is covered, and I managed to afford new tires for the old truck, too. Backscratcherz has “Justin,†the giant computer I bought last summer that has



I Didn't Mean It, Honest!

I guess there are two ways for music to impact a songwriter, in my opinion: through creating lyrics that resonate with the listener’s personal experiences, that’s a given. The other is through creating a stroke of genius that the songwriter can then look at as a guide for their own writing capability. In regards to the second option, The Belle Brigade’s “I Didn’t Mean It†does just that. When I first heard this song, I had to play it a few more times right off the bat. The f



Dylan Night Post-Mortem (&c.)...

Dylan Birthday Night was good. The audience said they liked all the songs, but I think we did the bluegrass protest song “When the Ship Comes In†best. (I do like “Absolutely Sweet Marie,†though.) Bunch of artists there; I think I was the only one able to do the songs without a music stand (I deliberately left all notes at home, and did everything from memory). Didn’t get to hear Ken or Jane very well—I think my guitar was too loud—and what they were doing was a whole lot more i



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