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  • john

    Songstuff Writer and Artist Development Challenges

    By john

    Independent writers and artists face several large disadvantages when they are compared to signed, mainstream writers and artists.  Disadvantages that add up to making it a competition that indies can’t win. Hell they can’t even compete.   Lack of budget and poor contacts are fairly obvious disadvantages. Lack of experience and a lack of knowledge restricts songwriters and artists alike. Lack of an overall strategy, and a limited set of incomplete tactics, makes for a critical problem

Success ?

Busy..busy... A world that is spinning, Busy...busy..... We're not grinning our heads are spinning. People are stressing..need rest... Reaching for the top in your job, Hard slog not a jog, we need to be filled with zest. Busy..busy... A world that is spinning, Busy...busy..... We're not grinning our heads are spinning. Relationships skimpy like a bikini top, Holding on tight. The tim



New Article - Independent Music - The Importance Of Building A Team

Independent Music - The Importance Of Building A Team All too often, bands overlook one of their biggest assets: each other. As individuals it is far harder to stand out. The amount of tasks they can complete effectively limits just what they can achieve. By electing to work alone they greatly reduce their ability to work, and therefore their chance of success. This article goes through the pros and cons of teamwork for songwriters, musicians and bands, discussing what they stand to ga



I See The Stars

I see stars, I walk in faith, I see the light, I see hope. I see stars, Glittering in eyes, So high, I want to fly. Let me fly, Let me reach the high heights, Let me be me, Let me dream and be all that I'm meant to be. I see stars, Glittering in eyes, So high, I want to fly. When my eyes are blind, When in doubt and despair holds tight, When darkness covers. I see stars, I



Oh! My How Big?

Oh! my how big that twinkly, shiny, I Spy sky, I wondered, pondered, on the one, who put the stars in the sky and thanked Him for his Son, who He sent to die for you and I. That twinkly, shiny, I Spy sky, Shows the King to you and I. All the light of heaven displayed, In the coal,black night, Sending messages to us of His power, might. That twinkly, shiny, I Spy sky, Shows the king to You and I. When the twinkly, s



Calling You By Name

He's calling you by name, It's tender, soft, The beginning of the wooing, Hear the gentle dove cooing; then waiting patiently, silently, Look upon his face, Till in the wind you catch His voice, Speaking words of love. He's calling you by name, It's tender, soft, The beginning of the wooing, Hear the gentle dove cooing. He's ALL knowing, everything He knows about you, For He's calling you through the night, Calling



Music Collaboration On Songstuff

Collaborate on Songstuff, bringing lyricists, songwriters, musicians, recording engineers, and producers covering many styles of music. Come along and take part! Join our general Collaboration Group and keep up to date with collaboration projects, create your own collaboration group. Each group provides you: your own forum your own web pages your own communication tools to allow you to easily communicate with your chosen collaborators!



Music Industry Boards

Amplify your impact on the music scene. Share your experiences with your fellow performers, writers, producers, and other music industry professionals, semi-pros and amateurs. Come join us!



Youtube Subscription Service - Launch Iminent, Warnings Of Takedowns

YouTube have confirmed that the launch of their new subscription service is very close, but at the same time they are in the process of removing some of the biggest indie label acts. YouTube and several indie labels have failed to agree on the royalty terms covering the new YouTube subscription service. These terms are in addition to the terms already covering its free service. Here we go. Again. The payment dispute between YouTube and indie labels is threatening acts like Adele a



I Feel I'm In The 'midi' Of Everything (Frustration No. 139)

So, I got a DAW setup - yeh, party time. I got all my plugins to link (well 99% of them) correctly - yeh, party time. I got a Novation Launchpad hooked-up and making noise- yeh, party time. But there hasn't been any time for a party You see 'between' each potential party-time of the first three lines, are a lot of things each respective company doesn't tell you. How could it with all the permutations of OS, DAW's, Plugins, Soundbank file types, Sound Card setups, Keyboards,



Diy Demo Cd's

A month ago my band mate and I decided to give away CD's with our material to those who seemed to like our music. Since we are students and mostly live with a limited amount of money, getting a professional/industry type CD done would've costed a lot of money off our wallets. We tried to find a way around this situation. At first it was all about Saving Money but we soon realized it was about Authenticity, Looks, the LOVE and Saving Money. Google was my best friend throughout. All the stuff

Ravi Nair

Ravi Nair

A Thumbs Up For Groove3 Video Tutorials

Ok, so while other things have been working away in the background, I've been slowly watching a Studio One 2 video tutorial, made by Groove3. It's the intro one, not the advanced. I've already seen one by 'Ask Video', which I do not recommend you get. The presenter seems nervous, unprepared, and quite often his speech is unclear so you don't know what he's saying. Groove3's though, it's blowing me away. There's 57 video segments that slowly get you into 'just' beginning to to see the t



Refusing To Give Up - Back (At It) With A Vengeance

Wow, nearly 3 years on and if I could show you a graph of my rise in knowledge since I set myself a man-made mountain to climb, you'd be astounded to see and learn that ................. I'd be a couple of feet above sea level I guess. Ok, I'm not going to lie to you. I was overwhelmed by my crumbling teeth after biting off more than I could chew, and that term that is worse than the "7 worst things you cannot say on air" put together, reared it's ugly head - 'everyday life'. But I ref



Paper Aeroplane

You need to let me go You need to set me free The world has everything I need I need to fly Like a paper plane They're not always in control But with someone stronger by their side They build up power They can glide Some days get too much I want to shut down But when I go in to overload it's no use Sometimes it can be the littlest things that make me frown But that's complicated, I run on a short fuse You need to let me go You need to set me free The world has



Getting Lyric Rhythm And Stress Right.

Why bother getting stress right? The purpose of a lyric is to communicate something. An emotion a feeling or perhaps a story. For that to be put over the best way it can be, it needs to sound natural. For a lyric to sound natural and conversational, it needs to use language that we use everyday, in the way we use that language when speaking to each other. Now every multi syllable word in the English language has an agreed stress pattern. These can be seen in a dictionary. Not only that



The Musical Scientist

I've always considered myself a musical scientist. I would be so bold as to say you should as well. While I don't know much about the craft of audio mixing and engineering, I've always had a natural ability to compose and I believe it is this mentality that I am a scientist of music that helps me to do this. Let me explain what I mean. The average musician from my experiences tends to be highly emotionally involved in their creations. They become attached to the work, attached to sounds the



An Introduction To Symph Music

For the past 15 years of my life, creating music has been my identity. When I was in highschool I would wait in the parking lot after school and call people over to show them the new track I'd recorded the night before when I should have been studying. The reactions I'd get would be highly encouraging. Girls would look like they'd just fallen in love, guys would either seem jealous or like they wanted every song I'd ever made in their possession right then and there. And that's why I knew that t



My Youtube And Other Website Accounts (:

Hey everyone, I just wanted to share some of my account names so you guys could follow me I'll follow back too, if you let me know you're all from this site. Twitter: https://twitter.com/XXsummerdawnXX tumblr: upwardover-themountain.tumblr.com Instagram: smerr YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/user/KCandSM Also, roughly a year ago, I posted an original song by me on my YouTube and recently around Christmas, I posted a cover. I wouldn't mind some feedback on them if anybody does check o

Summer Dawn Elliott

Summer Dawn Elliott

The Chicken Or The Egg

Now the following applies to songs that contain some element of narrative. A lot of song writing techniques are genre specific. So for songs with no story this would be less applicable. But even so, still I think of some help. Now what this is about is, what to write first in the writing process. When you are writing there is a hell of lot to think about at once. Rhyme, meter, story, flow, Prosody, making the chorus work with all the verses, making the bridge work. This can do your head in.



Writing: The Art Of Therapy

Although this post mainly deals with lyricists, I think musicians can glean some truth.   *NOTE*... Most of what I say here is subjective....This is the way I see it.   I remember as a young boy, finding a well worn note binder on my mother's dresser, and being curious, I opened it and looked inside. It was filled from front to back with poems she had written; with the time written, day, and year at the bottom of each one. I sat down on her bed and started reading them. I had read about fo



Song Form

Song form is an agreed convention only it is not cast in stone. You can vary form if you like but it is a good idea to know what the conventions are, so when you break them you have a good and valid reason for doing so. Because if you don't you will end up with a lessor song. Song form is to some point genre dependent. This is because the function the lyric is designed to perform is different for different genres. The lyrics to a dance song are there only to convey an emotion they tell no



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