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  • john

    Songstuff Writer and Artist Development Challenges

    By john

    Independent writers and artists face several large disadvantages when they are compared to signed, mainstream writers and artists.  Disadvantages that add up to making it a competition that indies can’t win. Hell they can’t even compete.   Lack of budget and poor contacts are fairly obvious disadvantages. Lack of experience and a lack of knowledge restricts songwriters and artists alike. Lack of an overall strategy, and a limited set of incomplete tactics, makes for a critical problem

Mission 2, Do I Have The Courage And The Chops?

Mission 2, Do I have the courage? I am going to talk a bit about the first online meeting we had today. This morning marked the first online meeting for the Music Promo Workshop, hosted by John Moxey, it was full of information and good solid knowledge. I am very happy I got up early to be there. We had the meeting this morning, sort of, it was 8 am my time and 1 pm John's time, EST and BST . [ USA-Eastern Standard time, British Standard Time ] I almost missed it since



No Good Way - Some Relationships You Don't Want!

Entry #3 - No Good Way - Some relationships you don't want! No Good Way was my entry to the June 2013 Song Contest. It isn't a pretty song. It isn't about love, roses, romance or adventure. It's about revenge. Shotgun vengeance! One of my favourite songs of all time is Viva Las Vegas. Yes, THE Viva Las Vegas, the title song of the movie of the same name, made famous by Elvis Presley back around 1965. Why is it one of my favourites? I love the interplay of the major and minor chor



The Man Behind The Curtain!

First Rule of Song Writing Club... There are no rules! Whatever gets you to where you want to be! Sometimes I approach writing a song in a very methodical way. Sometimes I'm just bumping around in the dark hoping for best. Sometimes it's lyrics first music second and adjust the arrangement and rhythms. Sometimes it's create the music first, do some arranging and then write some lyrics based on a nonsense cadence. Sometimes it's just a musical sketch that firms up after I have some lyrics. T



#6 - Slumps. Cherish Them!

Another off-beat choice for a blog entry, but it was the only subject to receive a vote. Slumps. What is a slump? I’m not going to define it according to a dictionary, but rather by what I’m talking about. I describe a slump as a period in my Creative Cycle where little or substandard quality work is being produced. No matter what they call them, I’m sure every songwriter, poet, scriptwriter, novelist, composer or sportsman goes through these periods. Some will succumb to the al



So... I'm A Blogger?

Mission 1 Here to get started on blogging and developing a strategy for my music as I try and build up enough material for a distribution release. Who Dat? OK so I'm a musician. Been in bands my whole life. As a bass player/vocalist for a lot of years. Exclusively as a vocalist for a while after that. I've recorded in professional studios and played a side stage at a major venue. Played live in bars for most of my musical existence. Now my journey brings me to developing my own



Mission 1

I'm working on creating a blog as part of a way to help promote my music. Great music is only great IF it gets heard. I really want to work hard to create a place where my songs can reach the world. I don't know how to get there. I hope this blog will be the start of my path to reach my goals. Peace, James



Love Don't Live Here (No More) Or When Meatloaf Meets Hurricane Katrina Head On!

Hello all, I'd like us all to step into Mr Peabody's Wayback Machine for just a little while... What do you mean you don't know who Mr Peabody is? He is the man... dog who inspired the historian in me. Google it! As HoboSage would say. Turn the dial back to 1977. Sydney Australia. Summer time. I was driving down the Great Western Highway toward Paramatta (Where the eels lay) and it's around 11am on a Sunday. (I hope you're getting all this detail! D-E-TAIL!) Three power chords just abo



#5 Where Did That Idea Come From?

I thought I'd talk about song ideas, where they come from for me, and how you might generate your own. Let me start by saying I don't get writer's block. I don't allow myself that sense of pity. I have times of reduced creativity, and I subsequently have times of heightened creativity... I'm in one of those at the moment. In the past week I've written lyrics for around six or seven songs, recorded sketches for around four of them, had a session with lyrics I'm collaborating on, recorded a r



My Musical Background & Influences

Since my earliest days I've always been in love with music but it wasn't until around 1976 that it really sparked my interest. I remember watching the Bay City Rollers on TV giving a concert (probably lip-syncing). Women kept running up on stage left and right. They could hardly control them and the screaming was crazy. This left a lasting impression as I thought they were pretty darn cool. Had I been born a decade or so earlier, It probably would have been the Beatles that got me going. I hadn'



On My Way... The Beginning - Blog Challenge

Blog Challenge More Money = More Time To Work on Music I'm pretty sure I'm like most of you. I love songwriting and music in general and honestly would love to have a hit song. Who wouldn't? I'm guessing those that wouldn't have either tried so long they've given up, don't think they are good enough, don't have enough money to do what they need or have a lot of money and don't really care. (Please let me know of any other reasons I haven't thought of). I know doing it for "the love



#4 Women And Beaches, What Gives?

Hi all, Not the blog subject I would have chosen, but this topic received 100% of the votes in the last poll. So it's your fault! Why do you think I even included this subject in a blog poll about music? I'm glad you asked that. You see, I'm currently between significant others, and while there are aspects to singularity I enjoy, there are definitely aspects to being partnered up I miss, and it's not all about the bedroom! I miss... well, no need to go into all the things I miss. What



First Entry!

Taking part in the Songstuff Music Promo Workgroup... This should be fun! woot! I guess a little background for fun. I'm entering my last year of a business degree next fall, and while I've learned a lot there's a bit of a gap between theory, strategies and practical application of those ideas. I've been focusing my studies towards management, marketing, and entrepreneurial development classes with the hopes of ending up self employed in either music or film. I started out as a music m



So, What's The Story?

Hi everyone. This blog is in answer to a challenge issued by our gracious most eminent Songstuffer, John Moxey. You see, I've joined a member group http://forums.songstuff.com/groups/1-songstuff-music-promo-workgroup/ all about promoting our music. And John's first challenge? Start a blog. Well, I already have a blog, http://forums.songstuff.com/blog/181-kelisms/. Kelisms is a bit of fun. A light hearted look at how I see the makings of a song. It is full of convoluted ramblings,



#3 What To Say, And How Not To Say It

What to say, and how not to say it! Okay, that’s a really messed up bunch of words, isn’t it? What the hell is he saying? Am I reading your mind correctly? What I want to talk about is how I put out a message, without using the “expected†words for that message. It’s up to you to judge whether I am successful or not, I can only go by feedback I receive to ascertain if my audience has “got it†or if I missed the boat. Let me first start with some examples. Try this quick qu



#2 Syllables - We Know They're There, So Why Do We Ignore Them?

Syllables. We know all about them. They are in every word we speak, think, say, sing or write. Yet why is this fundamental building block of language completely overlooked when we are overcome by our creative urges? I'm no Freud (but yes, it IS my mother's fault!) and I'm far from anything anyone in any way may consider intellectual, but I think it's a choice we make! Choice! Not just a word the Kiwis have adopted as their own! You've heard about the case currently before the International



Welcome, Or What Have I Got Myself In For?

Kelisms kel-isms [kel-iz-mmz] noun a remark, phrase, sentence, action or philosophical announcement or catchphrase that may be considered out of the ordinary, if not extraordinary, and made by Kel. origin: 1980-present; Kelisms first started to emerge in the early 1980s when Kel first realised he had a slightly different, if not skewed vision of the world to most other people. It wasn’t until the mid-1990s that the term “Kelsims†came into popular use, mainly by Kel himself, wh



Check Out My New Tunes Straight From Aus With Free Downloads Included :)

Hi Im the NbC a grunge roots artist from South of Melbourne, Australia. Im just releasing my debut ep gypsy blood and would love for you to get into it. sounds like acoustic nirvana, xavier rudd. I play acoustic and lapslide guitar. FREE downloads are available from www.triplejunearthed.com/thenbc Cheers The NBC

The NbC

The NbC

Song Release Tips

Song Relase Tips When releasing a new song make the most of all your efforts Remember: People need to know your song has been released to buy it. It is up to you to tell them. Remember: More people are likely to be interested in your music if you build anticipation before the song is available. ie you build their appetite. This is why older songs by an artist are played BEFORE a new song is released. It's why they appear on TV and radio BEFORE a song or album is released. It's why



Why Do So Many People Give Up On Music?

Music is one of the most wonderful things in the world. And to be able to make music is sheer joy to many. But being a musician can be one of the toughest gigs in the world, literally. Some informal research by one of the world's most innovative music educators has revealed that something like 9 out of 10 people who take up playing music will give it up. This makes music one of the most abandoned subjects in the world. Can you imagine any other activity that will be given up by 9 out of 10

The Shaman Will Find Out That Their Mana Will Stress Quicker

The Essential skills plant improves the Shaman's spellcasting abilities, which are mainly through totems that help to do damage to opponents, indicates, and some items, which are immediate toss. The system even allows property entrepreneurs to keep all of their interaction with their mortgage lender in one location, planning the process. If you are in risk of having your house reclaimed and are lost when it comes to the wow details process of implementing for home financial loan assistance appli



New Article - The Process Of Writing A Song

New Article - The Process Of Writing A Song A song writing process is used to enhance the quality of your work and the speed that each work is created. This article provides tips on creating and using a song writing process, plus observations and suggestions about writing key aspects of a song. It also gives you a draft process to get you started. This article is ideal for songwriters who either don't use a formal song writing process, or the song writing process that they are using is



New Article - A Guide To Song Form - Song Form Overview

New Article - A Guide To Song Form - Song Form Overview Song forms are generally made up of a number of sections that may or may not be repeated within the same song. Popular music is generally based on the use of traditional sectional song forms, or structures that are derived from those traditional song forms. This article gives an overview of the different fundamental song forms, and it provides a basic understanding of common modern song forms. Read the full article b



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