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Everything posted by Rudi

  1. I rather enjoyed 'UK's Best Part Time Band'. (I didnt see the other one). I have never regarded music as competitive. I know it's treated that way. Album & singles charts. Battle of Bands, talent shows etc. MS makes a good point about John Martyn. We can all think of major artists who could never cut it in a talent show. Dylan, Waits, etc. and if you did you would stifle their talent. I think all of us have some crazy notions about music; myself included, but competition sits squarely in the crazy corner. I don't think that talent shows have any creative value. Can you become famous & make money from them? Yes.
  2. Dreaming of You - The Coral (we cover this is Blown Out - but differently!)
  3. For the John Coltrane Quartet, 'A Love Supreme' is as good as it gets! I have a bunch of these old albums. The 'Coltrane' album from 1962 is a favourite of mine. It has a tune called Tunji on it that has a nice hazy groove. I recently sent a link of this to a young drummer I know as an example of Elvin Jones's playing (Elvin is my favourite drummer). Box of Goats? Pretty damned fine bunch of songs. I still have the copy you sent me (I can still hum one of the songs too). And I appologise again for never getting around to the promised review.
  4. Dave Holland would be my favourite. Phil Lesh plays unorthodox bass. He trespasses away from the bass role, but I love his playing. (Here with Mike Gordon) For minimal iconic lines, I can’t leave out Sting. It’s almost a form of bass perfection. I’m not a bassist either, but my admiration for them grows every time I pick up mine to lay down a bass track.
  5. A mans been caught abusing himself in a newsagents. It's now all over the papers.
  6. I met a girl in a pub last night and we ended up going back to her house. After a few more drinks, we started kissing and having a bit of foreplay on the sofa. She looked at me and said, "Let's take this upstairs." ... I said, "Okay, you grab one end and I'll grab the other."
  7. right now: House of Mercy sARAH jAROSZ Someone recommended her to me. I'll listen some more later. At home: I have bought a Buddy Rich : 7 Classic Albums Vol. 2 . Only heard 2 of these so far. Its also the first time I have heard him sing! at the same time I am alternating with Malcomb Arnold's Symphonies 1 & 2 on Naxos (bought at the same time). Enjoying those greatly.
  8. Bullseye! yep. Sweater = Pullover = Jersey = Jumper
  9. right now : I am listening to 'Pot Kettle Black' a 5 track CD. This band are a side venture of my Blown-Out bandmate & singer Pete Aubrey. The tunes are rock originals. On the way into work I was listening to LoudHailer. This a newly released album by Jeff Beck. This is my favourite track
  10. tHIRD eYE bLIND - Jumper (dunno if Americans will get this)
  11. First Cut is the Deepest - P.P Arnold
  12. but I love being challenged Rob Strange Brew / Beating the Odds
  13. Its personal and subjective. I might get drawn on a definition of music itself. eg. I've heard it said that Rap is not music. I sounds different underwater.
  14. Now you mention it, I have heard it used that way!
  15. I had to search for some specific Portsmouth slang. I didn't know all of them, but these are all very familiar. http://www.portsmouth.co.uk/news/people/eight-words-or-phrases-you-ll-hear-in-portsmouth-but-not-in-southampton-1-6958379 The most surprising one is 'Mush'. I had always assumed everybody knew this word. Here are eight traditional Portsmouth words and sayings you are unlikely to hear at the other end of the M27. 1. Mush Pronounced Moosh. An old Romany word meaning ‘my good friend’. 2. Dinlo A lighthearted insult meaning fool. ‘Din’, ‘Dinny’ and ‘dinny dinlo’ are also used. The term apparently has its roots among the Romany gypsies, who still use it. 3. Squinny To complain, or be a complainer. This term can be used in a number of ways - as a verb: stop sqinnyin!, a noun: ‘stop bein’ a squinny, baby!’ or even as an adjective: ‘she’s well squinny’, meaning ‘she’s a real complainer’. 4. Gettin lairy What someone is doing if they are losing their patience/temper.
  16. agony uncle Jim: __Dear Jim, I left home for work last week and after less than a mile my car stalled and wouldn't start again. I walked back home to find my husband in bed with the babysitter. They finally admitted they had been having an affair for the last 6 months and that they were in love. Can you help me please, I'm really desperate. Tina Dear Tina. The most common cause of vehicles breaking down in the first mile is dirt in the fuel lines. If this is not the cause, it could well be the starter motor needs replacing. Hope you find this helps. Jim.
  17. There was an old gent from Strathclyde Who ate rotten apples and died. The apples fermented Inside the lamented And made cider inside his inside.
  18. These posts are fairly old. What is a reasonable KB for a home studio now?
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