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Everything posted by typo

  1. Love Potion No.9 - Tygers of Pan Tang
  2. thought you guys might like this: stick with it, it's a good little tutorial in an interesting technique.
  3. http://www.desopolis.com/midwest/Strat1.htm interesting pictorial. now all i need is lots of wood, some expensive tools, time and inclination
  4. another suggestion is to not have a sung chorus at the beginning, well at least not the words, but to introduce the chorus melody over a toned down standard chorus arrangement, or over different but sympathetic chords. that way when the actual chorus does come around the listener is already familiar with the chorus melody/chord. if i use this approach i tend to use subtly different chords. it's really good for implanting melodic chorus hooks, and the diff chords mean it's not totally what they expect... which in itself can be a good hook.
  5. what do you guys do to keep your acoustic guitar in good shape? fretboard oil? string cleaner? how often do you do work on your guitar?
  6. some people just take their computers a little too seriously http://www.pcmodhouse.com/id17.html
  7. i love shit like this lol good guitar work again... *dead link deleted*
  8. Musicians are excuse addicts. Why do I say that? simple. get your average musician, get them to play for you, or play one of their songs. what do you hear? generally a long explanation prefacing their performance explaining that their fingers don't work right on Tuedsays, the fact that the song isn't complete yet, how they are emotionally traumatized by the death of their pet worm... then the first muttering of some music. quickly followed by an indepth discussion of how this isn't their instrument, but just one that was lying around, or they need new strings, and on it goes at some point music may or may not be played. why do musicians deprecate their song, and their performance well before it is heard? it's an apology, which on presentation doesn't bode well. I've even seen some bands doing it at gigs! never, and i mean never explain your music, unless you are having a deep meaningful on a one to one basis! it sounds like an excuse. lets be honest.... it is! reducing expectation may make you feel like you have a cushion against the world, saving you from feeling like a turkey if all goes wrong, but that misses the point. the same protective cushion you wrap yourself in also diminishes a song before it is heard. let your work/performance stand on it's own merits
  9. Rohan do you have a link to the other track?
  10. who are you looking to sexually harass?
  11. i am working on fluency of chord/lead mixes (think hendrix fluency), so a combination of speed and accuracy exercises. other than that i'm working on my little finger strength, accuracy and dexterity for fluency i use scales, and chord change exercises focusing first on accuracy, then speed, then both combined. i then have a number of pieces i play once warmed up (including some hendrix lol) fir little fingers I start with scales developing accuracy, and then speed then both combined. i then do some string bends, starting at the 9th fret, on the high E string, work down the neck towards the nut, then the same on the B, and so on across the strings. Lastly I do a set of hammer on/pull off exercises usually with my first finger on fret 7, little finger on fret 10. I then work up the neck towards the bridge. This pushes the accuracy and strength.
  12. typo

    Usb Guitar?

    nice. me want lol
  13. http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=7442132741322615356 cool huh?
  14. a teacher isn't necessary. it's important to practice singing on it's own, i.e. you not playing anything. there are some basic exercises you can use to warm up your voice (scales etc), and you should always warm up before singing songs etc. other than that, take care of your chords. don't sing when you have been drinking or smoking (if you can). try lots of styles, and lastly, plan your breathing in your songs. the biggest cause of problems for singers is breath control
  15. the young ones - cliff richard and the shadows lol
  16. tut tut. I noticed he missed a note.
  17. big guy, big voice. gone to the big donut shop in the sky (at least I hope he's at a food shop. he did seem to enjoy the odd snack)
  18. sometimes I really wonder if lyrics really matter in a song. here we all worrying over the smallest phrase, and people write this crap and the song sells. doesn't do much for kudos, but pretty beneficial for your bank account. my conclusion is that concepts excite and stimulate people and their emotions. the idea of the lyric. the songwriter's challenge is to write a song that supports that concept. most songs by far have a message that is connected to the idea, but the emphasis on that is partly driven by genre, in the same way that the depth of information, or rhyme scheme is often effected by genre. fundamentally if the concept appeals, and the lyric supports that appeal, and doesn't break the expression of that concept, that is what we as songwriters desire and work towards. people who undervalue lyrics are happy to churn out any old lyrical rubbish. sometimes they do produce something that communicates an idea that appeals and the lyric and it sells (a decent record company pulling strings and throwing budget at it helps) but the success of songs like this is not a reason not to have poor quality lyrics. who is to say the songs in question wouldn't have been more popular if the kinks hadn't been ironed out. the first lyric posted at the start of the topic may have been a great creative exploration, but somehow I think it was just sheer laziness and lack of creativity on the part of the writer, possibly to make a deadline for a record company lol. for me at least it just demonstrates contempt for the fans.
  19. people are all actors. they play a role whenever they are with someone. what do I mean? ok, for a start we have an inner and outer self. we are who we are between our own ears (generally), but all we ever present to the outside world is a facet of ourselves. that which we want someone else to see. that can change from person to person, situation to situation. we play a role in work, we play a role at home, we play a role with friends. we all have our deep dark secrets, we all have fleeting thoughts of terrible acts in the name of revenge, or sexual thoughts that come unbidden into our midst. do we share these? rarely. or at least some people get presented with one bit of the jigsaw while another is presented with different things. above all this is why we each struggle to assess people. over time we gather experience that may modify our opinions of others. we try to glimpse those other facets, to build a more complete picture. some people seem to have real problems understanding that other people are as multi faceted as they themselves are. they believe that which they are presented with. it's how conmen get away with plying their trade, or perhaps how some people partner the wrong person. over the years i've become more and more aware of the different facets of my own personality. the awkwardness of two facets in conflict is excruciating. imagine your most debauched drinking buddies and your mum, auntie hilda and your next door neighbor in the same room with you, perhaps with no sense of who the other is. each knows a piece of you, and a piece of your world. sure you're gonna hope your drinking buds have some respect, but at the same time it's easy to find yourself in conflicting situations
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