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ccarnucci last won the day on September 13 2019

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    Give It To Me Both Barrels

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  • Songwriting Collaboration
  • Musical / Songwriting / Music Biz Skills
    songwriter, audio recording, guitar, mandolin

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    Songwriting, reading, movies.
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    United States of America
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  1. ccarnucci

    Weekly Playlist!

    Wow there is some really good stuff in here!
  2. I personally don't hear anything to make me think these are copies. They may be similar, but man there are tons of song that are similar. So unless you were using that song to create this one, and knowingly changing it up enough to cover it, you are fine I wouldn't change anything.
  3. I started learning to mix my own stuff, once I realized there was affordable software to do it. I'm not good at it yet, but I enjoy the heck out of learning. The pace is slow since I have real job, but I love all the cool software we now have available. For me this is just a passionate hobby, so I'm in no rush. I may even try and take some courses at the college near me one day.
  4. My bad for not being clearer, and no bad feelings for you asking. What I should have said was...i love making music, it is my passsion. Once I start down the path of it being more than a hobby it becomes work. And I never want this to become work. Additionally, I create music for myself and those involved in the project. I like others to hear it, and I hope they like it, so i do post my songs on YouTube and a few forums. After that, I mostly forget about them and move on to the next project. I'm cool with others promoting, it just brings me very little joy, so I do the things that bring me joy....which Is the creating parts.
  5. I like creating music and writing songs. I also like learning how to record, produce, mix and master music. I love collaborating with others, so I do that as often as I can. I hate even the the thought of trying to promote my music. Just no enjoyment there, so I don't.
  6. Isn't 12 bar blues just a pre-tech era loop?
  7. Occasionally I have something to say that I feel may be worth sharing. And sometimes that thought rolls around in my head looking for a way out. Songwriting gives it a path out. Sometimes I make music that needs lyrics to complete it. Sometimes those lyrics are the afore mentioned thoughts rolling around in my head, and sometimes they are just creative flights of fancy that fit the music I create. The central theme to both of these is I have a need to create, and songwriting is my outlet.
  8. My take is s little different. Im 54 and have been reading, watching TV, and listening to music for decades. I have heard many phrases over the years. Every thought I have is not original, but how I use them, in conjunction with melody, structure , perspective etc. is what makes them original and mine. I write songs not lines. If someone uses a line from one of my songs, in a different melody, from a different perspective or surrounded by different phrases, I just consider if a compliment that something I developed made an impact. Now if someone out there is systemically stealing stuff, karma will, and probably already is, doling out it's justice. Life is too short to sweat the small stuff......(A totally original line I just created) 😉 Just my two cents.
  9. Take it from an old person......2 to 4 years is a blink of an eye. Focus more on school first. Force music to be your hobby, for now. Get your degree out of the way. It will build the basis for many opportunities in your life. Maybe music, maybe not, but focus on your education first and foremost. Trust me, this is good advice. I promise 2 years will fly by. Be disciplined, and focus. Good luck.
  10. I have a little different perspective. From my view, songs have several facets: Chord progression Style (this means genre, tempo, emotion etc.) Melody Meter Lyrics Now my songs can start from any one of these being the beginning of the process, but I never finish any one completely first. For me, that would seem constrictive. The all are developed together. To specifically answer the topic.....when you begin to layer the guitar over the lyrics, only strum the chord once for each change. Meaning let it sustain out till you need to change to a new chord for the melody you are trying to design. This should help remove the style from the equation. (Metal etc) additionally, if using electric only play clean....no effects. Basically what this does it develop chord progression and melody simultaneously but without style. Hope this helps.
  11. The trouble was on my end with the router. The provider has to swap it out, and now it works. Thanks all!
  12. It may be my internet as the speeds seem to be dropping off at random times. I'll call my provider and ensure it isn't on my end.
  13. It was an mp3. 4.5 mbps, it may be my internet was uploading too slow.
  14. When it gives me the option to "drag files here" or "choose files" here on the site, I get an error -200 message. Anyone else have this problem, or know a fix?
  15. I have a leather bound journel that I write in. I like to keep everything. Even the stuff I don't finish. And I use pencil so it is erased and rewritten over and over till it is done. I also use my smart phone to capture melodies.
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