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Everything posted by tgrover

  1. Not sure if anyone is interested but i bought drums on demand volume 1. Because of shipping issues i ended up being sent two copies. I did email the company and offered to send them a copy back but they did not want to pay the postage and said i could keep them both I will sell the spare for £20 if anyone is interested. You can check out these loops at VOLUME 1 They are really good easy to work with loops...
  2. Nah i am very much still alive.... work have given us strick guidelines that we must not use forums during they day... Which sucks as thats all i did..... I have to play solitare now instead
  3. I rate the M-audio BX5's. All the pilfa mixes come from those
  4. what do you use to record with...... you want an mp3 or wav backing?
  5. what i will do is get the rough tempo of one of yours songs and build the song around that. Got a load of software turning up next week so cant do anything until then. you got a preference which song i put the beat down to on sound click?
  6. i will have a crack at doing some beats for you. the songs on your soundclick site where they recorded to a click ?? If not makes it kinda impossible to do. If they were pick a song and give me the exact tempo. And i'll see what i can do
  7. somewhere like www.drumsondemand.com are real easy loops to use. I might be able to help put some beats together if you send the mp3 and tempo.
  8. You sure they haven't just changed the colour settings??
  9. Jim Dunlop Tortex 1m. Very firm.And you can do lots of pick scraps before they wear out
  10. most people say that i haven't as yet
  11. or trying tuning half step down to e flat
  12. do you mean like battle of the bands etc? We are doing one in a couple of months just to play at the venue not intersted in winning etc. Really just using it as a gig to help promote our album as it usually brings in 500+ people. I think botb's are not good for morale. Always disapointing to lose.
  13. Fender Mustang Fender Jagstang Fender Telecaster Ibanez (i hate it cant even remember the model number) ESP EC-400 Washburn Nuno- Bentencourt (sp) acoustic Tornado - Acoustic Would never sell a guitar.
  14. either way the song jet aint as good as BAND ON THE RUN!!!
  16. i use the boss white pedal... cant remember the number CU1 or something. great on stage. You can use it either bypassed so it cuts out the signal when you tune or not bypassed so you can tune as you play and see if you are going out whilst mid song.
  17. I am a big fan of the telecaster...Although its hard to fast noodle on it. I use my ESP for that....so a bit of both
  18. sorry never heard of them...for that price range i have always veered towards washburn acoustic
  19. on all our songs... start with getting as full a drum sound as possible. Get the kick drum and bass drum slotted together on different eq's. Work out the panning of each guitar track and also use small amounts of eq to give them indivual space. Always compress vocals when recording but usually add a compressor in the effects bin as well and add small amounts of other effects i.e reverb/chorus. Get a basic level set for each instrument. Using volume/eq and panning do the best to seperate each instrument, then listen a further 1000 times to make sure it all sounds good. The track we posted yesertday used this method and took about 2 hours to mix. The first track we posted called easy feed took no less than about 4 days.... depends how busy the song is and how well recorded it so you dont have to clean to much up.
  20. m-audio cards are usually pretty robust and the drivers are pretty good. I trust you have the latest drivers but if not get them here www.m-audio.com
  21. Sonar is able to put music to video.. But expensive if thats all you want to do.
  22. Out of interst Finn what do you use to record with?
  23. Pro tools is the way forward but the price is just too much for someone that records in a bedroom.....i just never got on with cubase it has some good features over sonar but apart from the fact sonar does not have a gapless audio engine i prefer it hands down
  24. go with any sonar product over cubase....IMHO
  25. But i would never disrepsect someone from using it if for instance you have no singer and it really is the only way. But i think the outcome would be pretty stale
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