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Everything posted by Just1L

  1. There's nothing in the real world that technology/internet won't destroy at some point. Of course by destroy I mean delete vast amounts of jobs and replace them with only a few. Government handouts will be a necessity. We'll all get free internet connection and gadgets to 1) keep us sedated and "busy" and 2) allow us to vent and gripe online so it feels like we're doing something about it. Some things could be done to stop the hemorrhage, but they won't because you can't stop progress.
  2. Just1L

    song rescue

    I've got about 5 or so songs in my head that I can't seem to ever get to working on, but I don't have any lyrics lying around like that. Now … screws, nuts, bolts, nails, hinges, etc… I have tons of. Multiple large cups and boxes filled with them that I've saved for future use over the years. I think out of a decade and a half, and thousands of those things, I've really only used at most 12 or so. But man, it felt good to find what I needed at the time. Same could be true of your tunes. I say keep them. Better than having old cars and refrigerators collecting in your front yard. If you do have old cars and stuff in the front yard, I say sell it all for scrap now . Randy
  3. I don't care about quality* of sound. Never have ... never will. †he only thing I require is time. Actual time to lay around and listen to music. The only time I get to really listen to music is when I'm driving to Florida on our annual vacation. Once a year. I live less than a mile from work. Our vacation coincides with sirius' free trial. Love listening and playing who wrote it - title of the song. Sadly, it can't be a drinking game because I'm driving. If I wasn't driving, it'd be a drinking game. That's how I like to listen music. * Quality = Set up = ... Set up = whatever system is playing
  4. Could be a tricky one. We're Going To Be Friends - White Stripes
  5. You Can Still Rock In America - Night Ranger
  6. Not really. Every song I do takes a long time. I think there has only been one where I started and had it finished in 4 or 5 hours that I'm pleased with. But, similar to my family comment, I don't get much time to work on music. Sometimes going weeks without doing anything at all because I'm running here or there with my kids, being a den leader, husband … all that jazz. Although I'm pretty much 24/7 having ideas and thoughts for songs running around in my head. I feel music will always be with me whereas my kids, while always in my thoughts and heart, won't always be physically with me so I must enjoy as much time as possible. I liked and agreed with every like and dislike you had as well, which made it harder for me to come up with different things. I easily could have copy and pasted your thoughts as mine although I wouldn't have come up with some of them on my own even though I do feel that way. Great post by the way, you've been posting some good ones like this lately. As far as eventually doing what I want with music I do think at some point I will. Now I write mainly rocking songs but I can easily see myself in the future writing a different style of tunes that would compliment my older self. Probably never a 1+1 though since I do enjoy adding other sounds and instruments and really enjoy playing them all. Especially the bass. I'm really new at it and honestly when I was younger never even understood it's purpose or how much it is necessary. The more I play and understand, the more I really love playing it.
  7. I like getting an idea and seeing it through to completion. I like working on something I don't think I can do and then getting it done. I like the surprise solutions that arise during the songwriting process. I like when I hear something in my head and it comes out better than I thought it would. I like big butts and I cannot lie. I don't like jam sessions playing old songs over and over in a group. I don't like not enjoying music as much as I did when I was young. I don't like the realization that I will never be able to do the things I'd really want to with music. I don't like having an idea and not being able to work on that idea for days or weeks at a time. I don't like the fact that without leaving my family for large periods of time, I will never be able to make a living with music. I don't like having an idea and then being unable to produce it.
  8. Kudos John. Good luck with it. I am currently in shelved-mode and can only imagine how exciting it will be when/if I am finally out of it.
  9. There is a plethora of crazy guitars it seems. Cool yet head scratching at the same time.
  10. While it sounds kind of cool and could be fun to play, my first thought was … "What is he compensating for?"
  11. I'd imagine it already is. I think when they made the drug-related watch-list, every music forum was grandfathered in.
  12. I recall hearing a radio show once about Blondie. It stated when they were creating all their hit songs they were all abusing one thing or another. After they cleaned up their act and got straight, they never wrote a hit song again. The problem with drugs as I see it is you have to keep doing more and more. Especially depending on the drug, but for most of them that's the case. A one hit or two of pot may put you in a creative mood and you can do well. But eventually it ends up going further than that to the point it is just destructive. One thing interesting for me is I can't do a damn thing musically if I drink. Sure, I can maybe have 1 beer and be okay but after that I'm finished. And I know because I tried it before when I first started writing songs. I remember I had the house to myself and I was all pumped up to do some songwriting. I grabbed a beer and sat down to play and record. It started great then I went and got beer number 2. Not much got done and what I did record wasn't all that great. I tried some more but in the end I figured it just wasn't my day to record songs and what did I do? Went on to beer number 3. Luckily I recognized it almost immediately and haven't done it since. I was truly bummed to miss a great opportunity to work on music because I rarely have time to do it. I do like to have some beers for sure but when it comes to music and graphic design … I just know it won't work for me and luckily that helps me to not do it.
  13. Similar to Tom, I believe in trying to teach self worth and satisfaction through work, learning and practicing. It has to be results based … as in hard work = desired results. But yes, it's the way those results are achieved which results in the satisfaction that hopefully would keep them coming back for more. My wife and I try. Our kids play instruments, do sports and my 13 year old is on the second year of his lawn mowing job. He pushes the lawn mower 2 blocks down the street each week to cut grass. His motivation is of course …. money. But at least he has to work for it. We make them practice their instruments for school and they do notice they are better at it, same with sports. But in the end, even with proven results, they just want to go back to the internet. There is a commercial currently running for Charter communications. The families internet goes out and the just don't know what to do with themselves. It shows them feeling like they are missing out on something. It shows one playing an instrument poorly while the family looks on as if unimpressed and bored. A coworker brought it up the other day and thought it was really funny. They blatantly say "you can't live without the internet" and people laugh it off and think it's funny for some reason even though it is true that they can't figure out what to do without it. They somehow don't see how it is dumbing them down. It's interesting when we take away the kids electronics which we do from time to time for a week. At first, they have no clue what to do with themselves but over time they go back to actually "doing" things and creating things. Then the computer comes back and poof, nothing gets done. It is an uphill battle. We tell them that too much internet and technology is not good for you (which it isn't), and then the schools give them their own chrome books because the people at the schools are afraid they are doing wrong by not giving it to them. They're old and out of touch if they don't. The kids won't survive in the tech world without it. The kids today are guinea pigs, lab rats if you will and it will be years before we know what, if any, damage has been done. The best, tried and true way, would be to not allow the internet in your home or their lives at all so they can learn without it. But do that and your put in the same group as the non-vaccination folks and seen as weird and out of touch. They just don't seem to get the same satisfaction when compared to tech. And considering the adults are the same way, if not worse, it's all the more hard to handle. With VR coming out, I predict it will only get worse.
  14. I checked it out but honestly couldn't make heads or tails of what was going on, where to go, or what to do.
  15. Indeed and agreed. I guess the main point of my post was that the Blues lost. Should have started with that.
  16. You don't need any news articles, videos or advertising or the internet at all to be able to make a wise decision on what is right for you. All you need to do is ask yourself how much better off you are now than you were 4 years ago, or 8 years ago. Are you happy with what's going on in America today? You can ask yourself those questions with no help from anyone. Looking at it that way, the choice is clear. One thing that is great about the internet is also what makes it weak. It brings people together … so they can divide. No matter what the issue, no matter if it's right or wrong, there's thousands, if not millions, of people with opposing views. For every article, or articles for something, there's an equal amount with opposing views. Normally, each view contains a few lies or stretches in it or it could be all lies … but it doesn't matter. A majority of people end up sticking with what they believe and every day they see an article opposing it. It makes them more and more mad every day. I'll just state that I think both sides have "whacky" supporters that are just plain "out there." Using the example of our current Trans Bathroom issue, people that don't believe it should be that way are forced to go against what they believe in. Which will eventually get a Trans person seriously hurt or killed by one of those "whackos." I think forcing it upon people that don't agree with it is irresponsible and will get one of them killed regardless of whether you think it is right or wrong. Whether they are wrong or right, that's not the point. Whenever people are forced to go against what they believe in or their values, trouble will always follow. If anyone has a view that the whole world can get along and live in Kumbyaism and think exactly the same really needs to have their head examined. Start with ISIS, there is no way they will change their beliefs. Muslims and Jews have been fighting for thousands of years and it isn't going to stop by simply saying they are wrong and then forcing them to go along with it. That's just an example of the big picture of humanity. We are all different, we do not have the same views or values and we never will. The attempt to make it so is uneducated at best, tragic at it's worst. But I digress, I'm really just upset that the Blues lost last night.
  17. ConCERNed. LOL Yes, I heard that portal was seen bringing an early version of Mickey Mouse out of it.
  18. Yeah, if the internet has taught me anything it's that there are a lot more morons in the world than I originally predicted. The worst part, as far as YouTube is concerned, is our kids are watching and learning from these videos and it will have a long lasting, negative effect on them. But, I guess there's just too much money in it to care about the Guinea Pig generation.
  19. Trees - Marty Casey & The Love Hammers I was really disappointed in this version when it came out. Can't recall the name of the TV show he was on that was looking for a singer. The version he did there was just rocking kick-butt. Then this version came out and it really lacked something. Not sure what. I always found it interesting one version could be so much better than the other when they don't seem to be all that much different. I guess it's the little things.
  20. The internet doesn't harm people, it's the people using it that does. Similar to guns.
  21. Wait until those Mulberries are ripe Rudy, you'll change your mind then. Ice-T - Colors
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