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Posts posted by Just1L

  1. 32 minutes ago, starise said:

    Whatever I suggest, please do the opposite and you'll be all set. :D


    This seems to be what happens anyways.I don't know why I even get involved at all. ;)


    I never intended it to seem I was condescending here..ugh. 


    Don't let the door hit you in the … LOL Just kidding. It was condescending but really, jimmy-crack-corn. I THINK I knew what you meant … and I'm fairly certain you've never used Garageband. ;) It's just one of those things with me when it comes to software/mac/pc etc… And I do believe if I was working more with different sounds, plug-ins and other midi-type stuff I may head out into the wider pastures. Now, I'm gonna re-read your post and head the other way. haha

    • Like 1
  2. 1 hour ago, starise said:

    I think this is just a basic difference in the way we think. Neither way is really bad. In fact, your way of looking at it probably makes more sense in the beginning. See, I would be the guy who would want to see what all the extra stuff in Logic is all about and then try to see how I could use it for my benefit. 


    My way makes more sense in the beginning? Oh superior one, I bend my knee. LOL Yeah, your probably right though, I would never want to explore what a program does and see if I could use it for my benefit. ;) 


    1 hour ago, starise said:

    When I began learning to play violin a few seasoned players basically told me " You don't know what you don't know". BUT! I would say. YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT YOU DON'T KNOW, they would reply. BUT Why can't I do this or that???? You don't know what you don't know. OK.


    On that note, how many songs have you created in Garageband and what was the last version you used? It's come a long, long way in the last 7 or so years. It is true that "you don't know what you don't know" but I've yet to need something someone recommended that I didn't have in Garageband. Regardless of whether I know how to use it or not, it's there. Could be the style of music too. I do rock and hardly ever use loops or midi-instruments. I just plug in and play.


    1 hour ago, starise said:

    That approach might not necessarily apply here or to you. You must be a fairly technically minded guy or you wouldn't be making a living with a computer. Maybe you like to work with less tools? Just two different ways of looking at it. Garageband is probably plenty good enough for basic tracking and effects. Who am I to tell you what you think you need?:D


    THAT'S what I want to know. The "less tools" thing. I've yet to hear of a tool that is lacking in Garageband. Admittedly I'm not a good mixer, better than I was, but years away from what I would call "good." I just went and read an article on comparing GB vs. Logic and found one by a guy that was called 5 Killer logic features that made me leave Garageband for good. It was quite an eye-opener. 4 of the 5 things he claimed weren't in Garageband are in fact in Garageband. The 5th feature may or may not be in Garageband but that feature didn't really seem necessary to me at all. 


    I guess in the end I'm just happy with what I have until I'm not, or until there's a legit reason to switch. I only want my mixes to sound better. Could I open one of my current songs in Logic and work on the mix and have it end up sounding better? Yes. But I think that's more about learning to mix better and continuing to work on it, than the DAW itself. Unless there is some sort of tool in Logic that GB doesn't have that would instantly make my mixes sound better, I'm not sold on why it's better.

  3. Since I didn't mention it, I will now. The 3 items I listed above, in my mind, wouldn't be offered to "the next person that creates an account." I think to receive those kinds of services there should be some sort of monetary figure attached to it. Like Star mentioned, this shit ain't free to do. I can see what I mentioned and the other services being for the people ready to take it to the next level. Still having the lower, or beginner-like level, that currently exists. 

    • Like 1
  4. 3 hours ago, starise said:

    Just1L  You use a Mac for your work right?  If you already have a decent mac Logic is one of the very best. A few possible considerations here, if you ever intend to work with others using the same program look at a cross platform option. Yes it can be done with different daws, but much easier tohave the same program. That way a project can be copied and put into either a mac or a PC and it will open in either one or should, complete with all mix and plugin settings. A HUGE advantage over swapping wav files.


    Secondly, while there are many great programs out there at a lower price point, I would question compatibility and  capability to upgrade. IOW, if you buy a low end program but it has no upgrade path, it's all you'll ever have. OTOH, if you buy the low end of an upgrade able program, they offer sales to get to the higher program. Are files proprietary or does the program export and import various files? Not sure about mixcraft. Does it accept 3rd party plug ins? Can it import, export many files types? Some daw companies beginner software can be loaded into the more advanced versions too with all mixer setting etc.


    I kind of went PC the same way you ended up in Mac land. I can build my own, so it's a no brainer for me. It would take some kind of miracle for me to ever go to a Mac. Having said that I use an iPhone and iPad all the time.


    I guess I'm saying that whatever one gets, think future expansion and compatibility.


    I believe PAHCHISME is referring to vocal tuning. Not to be confused with the tuning that happens with loops when you drop them into a tempo and/or tuning difference.



    Yes, you can do vocal tuning/pitch correction for vocals and instruments. And I'm fairly certain I can take my Garageband files and easily dump them into Logic. I think the main difference for what I need to do is price. $39 vs. $199. I guarantee if I were to spend the money, aside from having to find where everything is again, I'd be at the same place I am with Garageband now. Honestly I think most people don't really know much about Garageband and how deep it goes. It has grown a lot. As soon as I need something somebody suggests, and I can't find it on Garageband, then I'll contemplate switching. But there really seems to be no reason whatsoever to switch. The only other thing I can say is I'm talking about the actual Desktop version, not iPad or iPhone. There's no telling how dumbed down those things were made. Same thing with the iPhone and Smartphones in general. Dumbed down versions of computers so anyone can use them.


    As far as upgrades go, I couldn't stop Apple from upgrading if I wanted to. There always upgrading and adding stuff. 

    • Like 1
  5. 1 hour ago, Bedrocker said:

     In the case of a producer, there is a distance that exists between him/her and the material - and, with it, greater objectivity.  With each of our releases we (the band members) made predictions about the songs we believed had "hit" written all over them.    I'm embarrassed to say that, other than one song (out of about 60!), we've been totally wrong and all our predictions have "bombed"!  The audience out there have taken to tracks we've under-estimated, ignored or casually dismissed as having potential.  I'm sure that, had we employed a producer, their sense of what would be well received by the public would have been far more accurate than our dismal powers of prediction!   As a result, we would have been marketing the right stuff, as opposed to material we thought was good.


    To me that's truly one of the hardest parts.

    • Like 2
  6. 34 minutes ago, starise said:

    You mean like how SS send me emails when a thread gets posted to? ;) Only the hits here are legit, that is, unless we have a bunch of hypothetical posers.


    Yes, exactly like that. But just imagine if you got that email, came here time and time again, and a saw that those giving you the hits here were porn promoting robots. I think over time that would wear on anyone for any site. But SS is an entirely different type of site. COMMENT DELETED

  7. No matter what I do almost all my songs end up being about the internet in one way or the other. I remember with my "Don't Feed the Trolls Song." I had the music first and when I found the melody that sounded good for the first verse, it was a perfect fit for "Open up a window." I started from there thinking it would maybe be about the new dawn of Spring, or a fresh morning. It got real cheesy, really quick though. A computer screen window was the next choice for me and 6 Degrees of Kevin Bacon later it was about the internet.

  8. 53 minutes ago, Richard Tracey said:

    I don't know how SoundCloud sit back and allow it and this might be one of the reasons why it has been going the way of the Dodo. Most people I have spoken to get annoyed when they see an alert, just to find out is something like this.


    When someone follows you, or likes your content, you get excited. If you have it set up to get an email when this happens, what do you do? If I was guessing, you go to Soundcloud and check it out. BOOM more visits and clicks for Soundcloud. Whether you like it or not, it did actually do something positive for SC itself. So, even if they have no responsibility in it whatsoever, which I tend to think they don't actually, completely stopping it would only hurt their "bottom line" of numbers. They do a good job of removing those users though. Which if you're evil is the perfect plan. "Hey, we know it's happening and we don't like it, that's why we removed that user. (behind closed doors) bwaaahaaahaaahaahaa." It could be anything from spamming robots looking to create more users to spam to spamming robots created by SC to help keep people coming back to their site, regardless of the legitimacy of it. We may never know. 

  9. 12 minutes ago, Pahchisme Plaid said:

    It is unbelievably intriguing when the mind of a child is expressed outwardly.  They perceive, process, create and know far more than we give them credit for.  Soaking sponges--man! To have an unimpeded thought process like that again!


    Yeah, nothing like an uncluttered mind. :)

    • Like 1
  10. 1 minute ago, symphonious7 said:

    Oh he DOES have more?  I wasn't lying when I said I'd subscribe to this so... I'm gonna subscribe to this! haha


    Awesome. :) I suggest watching him sing Cherry Bomb too, he sang it all week long on our vacation once. It's just kind of funny. Ahhh, good times. 

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  11. 1 minute ago, symphonious7 said:

    "Tomatoes are apples!"  "He means fruit... tomatoes are fruit..."  "Run, jump!" *head falls off*  LOLLLLLL  That was legitimately funny.  Your son has a great sense of humor, and I was impressed how just how many jokes he actually executed well.  And he added all those old timey showtunes in, that was also not something I expected from a 10 year old.  I hope he continues to do this as he grows up, I can see these videos getting better and better and him gaining a following.  I'd subscribe to it!  


    Yeah, if you recall the scene for the actual movie, they used an offensive term where he uses "apples". He did have the offensive term originally but asked if it was okay, since it was straight from the movie. We gave him the scoop and so he easily decided not to use the offensive term. I too thought it was hilarious he used "apples" for the replacement, since he actually used a lego apple (cuz he didn't have a tomato). He's got a mind of his own. If you ever get back to his channel, I suggest watching his lego snow white and the 7 dwarves he did. I did help and do most of the editing in iMovie, but he set up the scenes, the lighting and took the photos, everything … and he was 3 at the time. The actual dwarves are the creepiest characters you will find but it's still pretty cool.

    • Like 1
  12. 5 minutes ago, tunesmithth said:


    I'm curious...does anyone here personally know a non-musician/songwriter/lyricist who belongs-to, or regularly uses SoundCloud ?

    I do not.

    Matter of fact, I've never heard anyone outside of musical circles mention the name SoundCloud.

    On the other hand, I don't know of a single person on the planet who hasn't heard of YouTube. ;) 

    ...just sayin' guys, sometimes we allow our familiarity with these entities to bias our view of their place in the overall scheme of things.




    My son does use and have a SC account. But he mainly gets his music from CDs we have around the house or Spotify. As far as I know he doesn't use YouTube for music. Although there was about a month last year when he had to do a report on 1980 and did listen to music from that era on Youtube.  According to the history section on Youtube anyways.

  13. 1 hour ago, Pahchisme Plaid said:

    My son was truly entertained by this.  Same age as yours.  He was fascinated and wanted to know how he made it, where he got the music, etc.  your son has wonderful creativity and imagination!


    Thank you. Glad your son enjoyed it. He did everything in iMovie except he used Photoshop for the cover image. All the voices he just recorded himself and then played with a voice manipulation tool it apparently has. For the music he video'd the TV with the parts he needed so he could get the music and then got the audio out of that. Some of the music and sounds are sound effects he found online as well. 

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  14. I just had to share this video my son made. He's 10 and I can say I'm very happy for him that he 1) did the whole thing by himself and 2) worked like a mad man for 2 1/2 days to get it all finished. It's a 10-minute version of Attack of the Killer Tomatoes. Also happy for him that he appreciates the classics. :)




    • Like 1
  15. 3 minutes ago, Dazzyt66 said:

    I should've said I use GB on iPad so it may not be s fair comment/comparison....


    Hmmm. That could be. I've never looked into whether iPad versions are more stripped down than the actual desktop version. 

    • Like 1
  16. 1 minute ago, starise said:

    Reaper is a great program. I wouldn't recommend it to someone who isn't inclined toward music tech. It might take awhile to grok for someone like that. It doesn't include anything to adjust pitch either......sorry, going back to the original post. In my opinion, there are programs in the same league as Reaper that are much easier to use. To me, ease of use is very important. It saves time. If you "get it" though it can do pretty much anything the others can do.


    Garageband is a great program to get you started . Great songs have been made in it. The only thing is you need a Mac. It has limitations that might not be noticed by anyone just using the basics. 


    AND those limitations are what I'm interested in knowing. Personally I feel Garageband gets a bad rap because it's so easy to use, anyone can use it. Not to mention it's on a Mac. I was PC before Mac and really did like the PC back in the day. 


    Garageband's added so many features over the years but honestly I don't know if they've always been there and I just wasn't "ready" to use them so I never looked. But now whenever I look for anything I end up finding it. Pitch correction also. I don't use it but I might one day. I have to read up on what the controls actually mean before I use it because whenever I play with it I sound like a squirrel. :)


    I will also add that I do feel I'm still a noob when it comes to mixing so I may very well fall into the "just getting started" category. But so far, any time someone has mentioned using something (i.e. peak limiter, comp, eq, etc…) I've found it. And the ease of use is a necessity for me, especially at this learning stage, because I rarely have time to work on music and when I do have time I want to "get to it."

    • Like 1
  17. 9 minutes ago, Dazzyt66 said:


    @Just1L - see above, mate, seriously, it's awesome. Although it may take me 20 years to work it all out but you can do SO much! Even just straight recording has 'takes' so if you mess up just a word you can go back into the track, re-record (over and over if needed) until you get the right feel and then boom! Done. It just doesn't compare, GarageBand is a bit like a kids toy next to it. Although I do do stuff in GB now and then move it to reaper to take it further. We may be moving off topic! Search the forum for Reaper - that's how I went to it.


    Thanks Dazzy. The thing for me is, same as the "takes" feature, I've yet to really hear something other programs can do that garageband can't. Because it does do "takes" as you describe. Other than more plug-ins, which I'm not interested in, I don't think switching to another DAW would really help me much as I still feel it's me personally, my mixing (not to mention instruments, the room itself, etc…), that needs to still improve, regardless of the DAW. Because all the features people use are right there for me to use, I just need to use them better. Still, maybe one day. I really don't have enough time as it is. Trying to learn a new DAW at this point would only hinder my progress with very little to show for it in the end


    I appreciate the comment and will head over to the Reaper section.


    Gracias - Randy

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  18. 2 minutes ago, Dazzyt66 said:

    I've just started using Reaper, you get a 60 day trial and then it's £60ish for a licence. I was using GarageBand but this is a whole new level - and I think it's really good. @Pahchisme Plaid - you will need to upgrade but this might be a good option 👍


    As I've only always used Garageband, can you give me a few examples of what Reaper does that Garageband couldn't. I don't mind switching one day if it will be worth it.

    • Like 1
  19. I remember doing a double-take when I saw the guy from the Oak Ridge Boys that sang the Giddy up oom poppa omm poppa mow mow part. Never would of guessed it was that guy. I've done a little of the visualization thing but really never for the actual person who's singing. I always visualize whatever it is I'm taking from the song, not who's playing or singing it. 

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    • Confused 1
  20. I remember seeing this in one of the guitar player magazines and knew I just had to have it. After I finally saved up enough I finally got it. It's kind of warped now so I'd need to take it in if I want to use it again. Nice, small, fretboard but I had quite a few problems with it over the years. I got the red one.






  21. 5 minutes ago, symphonious7 said:

    And yeah I wasn't implying you're a mixing professional, but I bet you can listen back to your mixes and say "yep that's my song". 


    To some degree. Normally though when I listen I always think something could have been better. But if I listen to a track I did last year, and compare it to one I did 4 years ago, the 4-year-old one sounds like crap. At the time thought it sounded pretty damn good, because it was better at least than my last one.

    • Like 1
  22. As a kid they meant something to me. Nowadays they mean nothing. When I was into Van Halen I bought a Kramer. When I was into Steve Vai, I wanted to buy an Ibanez. Never bought one though. I have small hands so really the only thing I care about is how the neck feels in my hand. My most expensive, best brand guitar is a 12-string acoustic. I haven't touched it for over 15 years. The big damn neck on it just wears me out and it's just too uncomfortable for me to use and enjoy at the same time. Although, I'd like to dust it off one day. 

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