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Posts posted by Just1L

  1. 1 minute ago, GocartMoz said:

    I must be losing too many brain cells ...

    Elvin Bishop/Sweet Potato to R.E.M/Losing My Religion to Fastway/Say What You will


    OK ... I will say what I will ..... Whaaaaaaaaaaaaat?


    Bishop -> Religion
    R.E.M. - Rapid Eye Movement … Rapid -> Fastway

  2. 7 hours ago, Rudi said:

    I am going with your suggestion. You are right about that 1st rush of enthusiasm.

    I hope it helps Rudy. I'm starting to think it may be short-lived as I've already started waxing and waning with enthusiasm and positivity. Guess it's because the things that brought me to that point are still present. 

  3. 16 hours ago, TapperMike said:

    Now that I have a car again....I'll be cruising the local blues jams.  My fingers have to heal (they are still very tender) And while it's not the music I prefer to play (I don't hate it but I'd rather be playing jazz) It will get me in the mood for possibly playing live again.


    Oddly I'm getting rid of a bunch of guitars. My Parker, Godin's and possibly one of my jazz boxes (the Eddie Durham JX17) Sadly they are just clutter in my life.  I'm hoping with the money from the sales I can invest in upgrading my Fender Modern Player Plus Telecaster with Seymour Duncan pickups.



    Glad things are opening up for you now. Great to hear it.

  4. Since my CD project was put on hold … again … I've been in a crappy mood and working on music has felt like a sad burden and waste of time. (A burden because I just can't stop the damn songs going on in my head). So this slump is different than from what people consider writers block, but a slump nonetheless. 

    I've been trying to get out of this slump for a few weeks, but nothing worked. Until last night I came across my first recording I made when I realized I could actually record to my computer. Listening to it I remembered how stoked I was that I could do it. Even more stoked I could add other instruments to it and finally super stoked when I realized I could use my acoustic to play electric lead parts. Just remembering how great I thought it was to be able to do it has actually pulled me out of the slump and I now plan to get back to it and finish a song I'd been working on. So, if you're in a slump and haven't tried it yet, go back to that first or second recording you made that kind of started it all and see if it sparks anything. Since it did for me I thought I'd pass that idea along. And, for integrity's sake I posted the tune. It was done before I thought about using drums at all and just using the mic that is built-in to my computer. Nothing great but enough to get me back to the grind. :) Peace  



  5. It also depends on what you mean by them "purchasing" the song. Did they buy it on iTunes, a CD or some other form of simply purchasing the song to listen to it? If so, it definitely could/will be a violation as Tom stated above. If they actually went and purchased the permission to use the song, and paid whatever they needed to for it, then I'm pretty sure you/they are good to go.

  6. challenge.

    what does this have to do with Joni & 'Me & my Uncle' mate? :huh:

    Is it that you and your uncle both have hearts?


    I = Me (1 point)

    Give Up = Uncle (1 point)

    Saying uncle is what you do when you give up … normally because your brother is twisting your arm.

    Looking at it, the I = Me thing is just lazy, awful play. 1 Point it is then.

  7. Sorry to hear it. It does happen to everyone, some more than others, and it always sucks. All I can offer is to try to turn that negative into a positive. I'm sure you've heard of songs written when things were bad, after a break-up, death of someone, etc… Since things are sucking (time and energy) it could be a good time to try to go with those bad feelings and maybe pump out some ideas. One thing I do a lot of the times is to sing through it in my head. Turn everything your doing into a song inside your mind and let it rip. Anger, rage, sadness, hopelessness, anxiety etc... are all very powerful emotions. Sing in your head, what your feeling, everything your feeling. I'd bet that even though you may not be writing stuff down or playing guitar, something will come of it that can inspire a song. Probably just a really great phrase that you may not have been able to come up with without the emotions your feeling added to your current job situation. Rest easy knowing that eventually it will pass and while it's still around, try to harness what your feeling. And just maybe finding that awesome line will be enough to inspire you to pick up the guitar to play along with it. Until then, I'd suggest having some sort of recording device only so you can capture that line combined with whatever melody you're coming up with for it.

    Hope things get better. :)


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