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1. Do you sing, play an instrument or instruments? Yes

What instruments? Keyboard, Guitar

When did you start playing? Keyboard only recently, Guitar from school

Did you teach yourself? Keyboard

2. Are you in a band or bands? No

What is the name of the band?

What do you play?

What other instruments are in the band?

Do you have a band website?

3. Do you write songs? Yes

Do you write lyrics, music or both? Music

Do you have a writing partner? No

4. Do you record your music? yes

Do you use a home studio? If so what gear do you use? I use NI Maschine and FL Studio with a laptop

Do you use a recording studio?

Do you have music available on the web? if so where? http://www.mp3unsigned.com/Sukuta - some of the music is a little out of date

5. What other roles do you perform in the music business?

Management? Label owner? Publishing? Promotion? Other?

6. Are you a tech head? I suppose so

7. What country do you live in? UK

8. What are your ambitions? To get someone to pay for my music - just to prove to myself they think it's worth it,

9. Do you draw/paint/write stories/computer art/dance or other creative pursuit? I write fantasy stories

What are your pastimes? Eating out, dogs, swimming, photography

10. What would you like to get out of Songstuff? Some good feedback to improve my music and maybe some collabs

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • Noob

1. Do you sing, play an instrument or instruments?

Yes, but not professionally ...

What instruments?


When did you start playing?


Did you teach yourself?

classes and then ... yes

2. Are you in a band or bands?

Yes, long time ago

What is the name of the band?

What do you play?

What other instruments are in the band?

Do you have a band website?

3. Do you write songs?

Do you write lyrics, music or both?


Do you have a writing partner?


4. Do you record your music?


Do you use a home studio? If so what gear do you use?


Do you use a recording studio?


Do you have music available on the web? if so where?


5. What other roles do you perform in the music business?

Created a platform where musicians can receive messages, subscriptions and tips by mobile phones during live performances

Management? Label owner? Publishing? Promotion? Other?

6. Are you a tech head?

7. What country do you live in?


8. What are your ambitions?

To change the way musicians get paid, supported by fans and promoted.

9. Do you draw/paint/write stories/computer art/dance or other creative pursuit?

What are your pastimes?

10. What would you like to get out of Songstuff?

Mainly to learn about musicians here and the music business and get feedback about their live performance experiences.

I think that covers the main musical things!

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  • Noob

My name is Don and I am a guitarist with a passion for writing music. I most recently wrote, recorded and performed with the New England based rock band SOULFIRE. Soulfire was a celebration of Rock, Soul, Blues and funk music. I along with long time friend Chris Ferrando played guitar. We played with bands like Johhny Winter and NRBQ and recorded 2 albums. I am currently writing my first solo record and have recruited the help of many talented friends. I record all demos in my home studio and when ready I head down to Horizon Music Studio in West Haven, CT. to record in a pro room. I use the PreSonus interface on the Studio one platform and really try and keep demos and home recordings as basic and focus on the idea as much as possible. I am brand new to singing and this recording is my first attempt. I look forward to contributing to a like minded community as well as enjoy the benefits of the contributions of others to help further my musical asspiritions. Thank you.

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  • Noob

1. Do you sing, play an instrument or instruments? No

What instruments?

When did you start playing?

Did you teach yourself?

2. Are you in a band or bands?

What is the name of the band?

What do you play?

What other instruments are in the band?

Do you have a band website?

3. Do you write songs? Yes

Do you write lyrics, music or both? Just Lyrics

Do you have a writing partner?

4. Do you record your music? Yes

Do you use a home studio? If so what gear do you use? Home and its my best friends studio

Do you use a recording studio? Yes

Do you have music available on the web? if so where? reverbnation.com/dvsmusic

5. What other roles do you perform in the music business?Management

Management? Label owner? Publishing? Promotion? Other?

6. Are you a tech head? Not really

7. What country do you live in? U.S.A

8. What are your ambitions? To be a great songwriter

9. Do you draw/paint/write stories/computer art/dance or other creative pursuit? I also write poetry

What are your pastimes? Working out and playing basketball

10. What would you like to get out of Songstuff? Just connecting with other artists and songwriters. I need to build my network

I think that covers the main musical things!

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Do you sing, play an instrument or instruments? Yes

What instruments? The guitar, bass guitar and piano

When did you start playing? piano: in 2005ish bass: start of 2011 guitar: start of 2011

Did you teach yourself? Yes for guitar but no for bass and piano

2. Are you in a band or bands? No

What is the name of the band? --

What do you play? --

What other instruments are in the band? --

Do you have a band website? --

3. Do you write songs? Yes

Do you write lyrics, music or both? Lyrics

Do you have a writing partner? No

4. Do you record your music? Not at the moment

Do you use a home studio? no

Do you use a recording studio? --

Do you have music available on the web? if so where? --

5. What other roles do you perform in the music business? None

6. Are you a tech head? No

7. What country do you live in? Australia

8. What are your ambitions? not really sure at the moment

9. Do you draw/paint/write stories/computer art/dance or other creative pursuit? I draw and design clothes

What are your pastimes? Music (playing and listening to it), designing clothes, reading

10. What would you like to get out of Songstuff? advice on writing songs

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1. Do you sing, play an instrument or instruments?

What instruments?

Screamed, back up, and rap vocals

When did you start playing?

Around June of 2011

Did you teach yourself?

With the help of youtube

2. Are you in a band or bands?

No, not yet

What is the name of the band?

What do you play?

What other instruments are in the band?

Do you have a band website?

3. Do you write songs?


Do you write lyrics, music or both?


Do you have a writing partner?

Kinda. She's my friend and we may start music together

4. Do you record your music?

I try

Do you use a home studio? If so what gear do you use?


Do you use a recording studio?

Do you have music available on the web? if so where?


5. What other roles do you perform in the music business?


Management? Label owner? Publishing? Promotion? Other?

6. Are you a tech head?


7. What country do you live in?


8. What are your ambitions?

To become famous and to change the world

9. Do you draw/paint/write stories/computer art/dance or other creative pursuit?

I like to draw and do Photoshop when I'm bored

What are your pastimes?

Facebook lol

10. What would you like to get out of Songstuff?

How to better write songs

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  • Noob

1. Do you sing, play an instrument or instruments?

What instruments? Some Guitar, Drums, Keys/Piano ( self taught )

When did you start playing? Drums at age 10, Keyb & Guitar around age 16.

Did you teach yourself? Yes

2. Are you in a band or bands? No

What is the name of the band? n/a

What do you play? n/a

What other instruments are in the band? n/a

Do you have a band website? n/a

3. Do you write songs? Yes

Do you write lyrics, music or both? both

Do you have a writing partner? No

4. Do you record your music? Yes

Do you use a home studio? If so what gear do you use? FruityLoops V7

Do you use a recording studio? Yes - for the 1st time Aug '12

Do you have music available on the web? if so where? Not Yet...soon to be on CDBaby

5. What other roles do you perform in the music business? N/A

Management? Label owner? Publishing? Promotion? Other? N/A

6. Are you a tech head? No

7. What country do you live in? United States

8. What are your ambitions? Consider myself to be a Songwriter - become a Publisher

9. Do you draw/paint/write stories/computer art/dance or other creative pursuit? No

What are your pastimes? Music, Music & Music...oh yes, and Golf

10. What would you like to get out of Songstuff? learn about becoming a successful songwriter, learning the craft and to understand what Tools are needed ( equipment )!

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1. Do you sing, play an instrument or instruments?

I sing, only sing. I'm wanting to learn BASS. I began singing when I was young and learned I had poetic skills when I was 10. Since then I began to try and write lyrics and such.

2. Are you in a band or bands?

I call myself Thus Becomes. I need a band because right now I electronically produce my music and thats just not what Im looking for. I do vocals and most of my music is Acoustic with slight Electric every now and then.

3. Do you write songs?

I ONLY write lyrics. I try to write music but it's just not my thing. I'm looking for someone to help write the music for my songs.

4. Do you record your music?

I'm wanting to record my music as soon as I can. Theres just so much I need to do first before I can be heard.

5. What other roles do you perform in the music business?

I dont do much.

6. Are you a tech head?

Im not sure what the question is asking. I know how to use a computer very well though.

7. What country do you live in?

United States

8. What are your ambitions?

I want to sing, I want to be heard, and I want to have fun doing it. No deadlines, no hurrying. just having fun.

9. Do you draw/paint/write stories/computer art/dance or other creative pursuit?

I draw extremely well, i design my own album art and other album art for local bands. I write stories for people and Im currently writing a book.

10. What would you like to get out of Songstuff?

I would like to be heard. That is what I would like from Songstuff. I want to be heard, I want to get going and be a band. But also what I would like is to meet other bands, collaborate, and share ideas and styles.

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  • Noob


thought this might be an interesting exercise:

1. Do you sing, play an instrument or instruments?

I can sing , and still improving.

2. Are you in a band or bands?

No band , solo

3. Do you write songs?

Do you write lyrics, music or both?

I write lyrics and poems

Do you have a writing partner?

I do not have a writing partner

4. Do you record your music?

Do you use a home studio? If so what gear do you use?

I have an app on my computer to pre record myself before going to a actual studio

Im just missing a mic I believe.

Do you use a recording studio?

I do use a recoding studio

Do you have music available on the web? if so where?

not yet, I have a site with my poems displayed, but not my music. I will soon for sure.

5. What other roles do you perform in the music business?


I do have 2 artist that have adopted me as their Manager, I tell you it is a learning experience.


Im promoting all the time, I have a blog site for just music, always finding good music, and im surrounded by nothing but artistic ppl

6. Are you a tech head?

I believe I could be

7. What country do you live in?


8. What are your ambitions?

I hope to get signed to a lable, matter fact I believe I will create my on record lable and write for major artist. I want to make an imapact, leave a legacy not for my sake but for my kids , kid's kids sake. ( you get the point lol) I just want to write and speak not only for myself but thoes that just can't find the right words to express how they feel. I want to be a voice, a positive voice.

9. Do you draw/paint/write stories/computer art/dance or other creative pursuit?

Yes, i have a clothing line that I will start up, sometime next year. bythe name of Natural Hair Mob

simply I have always wore my natural hair, I would love to repersent that. and I know many who would too.

What are your pastimes?

mostly writing. I made a new goal for myself to write and complete at least 3 or more songs. its is a process tho. lol

10. What would you like to get out of Songstuff?

Just all around feed back on anything I post, build connections with others that share my passion. Im looking for support and insight on any way to improve myself. Songstuff I would love it if you would be my mintor as I take this journey. I believe you all can show me the way to my goals.

I think that covers the main musical things!

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1. Do you sing, play an instrument or instruments?

What instruments?

I play keyboards and would consider myself to have intermediate ability,

I have a reasonable voice and can sing in tune however I do not talent or charisma for singing.

I have just started to learn Bass guitar and I an teaching myself at the moment.

When did you start playing?

I was classically trained when I was young but only got to stage 3 piano pracitcal I stopped playing at about 13-14.

I picked it back up at 26-27 and had to re teach myself what I forgot and enjoyed learning myself how to play far more than I ever did as a kid.

Did you teach yourself?

Basics taught to me (scales basic chords)

Learn't arpeggios, chord progression, different chord progression/chord shapes myself.

2. Are you in a band or bands?

I formed a band called Terarrim but it didn't last due to lack of commitment from band members lasted about a year.

However the experience was worth it creatively and personally to see how to manage/songwrite/perform in real life settings etc.

What is the name of the band?

None at the moment

What do you play?

I did play two keyboards and was lead vocals for 90 percent of the songs (even though two of the band members had better voices lol, couldn't get them to sing).

What other instruments are in the band?

We had two keyboards lead vocals, rythum guitar, bass guitar, lead guitar and drummer. The bass and rhythm guitarist did a duet for one of the songs they had written.

Do you have a band website?

Nope I have my own website though www.darmindeflern.com and some of the band tunes are on there.

3. Do you write songs? Yes

Do you write lyrics, music or both?


Do you have a writing partner?


4. Do you record your music? Yes

Do you use a home studio?


If so what gear do you use?

Keyboards (95 percent of all instruments recorded are from these)

Keyboards are Roland G70, Roalnd VA7, Korg Kronos 88.

Scarlett Focusrite 16.8 USB music interface

Washburn Status 1000 headless bass guitar

Dell quad core laptop with attached 22 inch monitor (lappy screen and monitor in dual screen mode)

Mackie CR1604 mixer

Roland 2.1 Studio Monitor/Keyboard speakers.

I use Mackie Tracktion 2 DAW

Reaper 4 64 bit version

Amplitube 2 and 3

Various VSTi's effects and instruments.

Do you use a recording studio?

I wish!

Do you have music available on the web?

Yes indeed!

if so where?




5. What other roles do you perform in the music business?


6. Are you a tech head?


7. What country do you live in?

Uk and Malaysia

8. What are your ambitions?

Since I am not to fussed with fame or playing live etc. I would like to write songs at a pro level. I wouldn't mind if my music went the library route either to end up on radio/commercials computer games etc.

9. Do you draw/paint/write stories/computer art/dance or other creative pursuit? yes

Very basic knowledge in computer drawing and creating music videos.

I like to mosh now and again and I dance but I don't know whether you would call it create rather than having fun lol.

I do write some poetry.

10. What would you like to get out of Songstuff? I'd like to meet more musicians, make some connections, and learn about writing music!

All of the above, I woudn't mind teaching others some of my processes to because I think I have allot of creative talent and some of my methods may help my fellow muso's.

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1. Do you sing, play an instrument or instruments? Yes Lots

What instruments? Didgeridoo, Singing bowls, Frame Drums, guitar, Synths (I Make My Own Using Reaktor 5 by Native Instruments), etc, etc, etc,

When did you start playing? 1994

Did you teach yourself? Yes

2. Are you in a band or bands? No

What is the name of the band? n/a

3. Do you write songs? I improve most of the time, been struggling to find a good sequencer since my FantomX broke down. Renoise seems to have the best workflow once you understand whats goin on. It's the same type of digital sequencer they used @ the birth of digital sequencers, with more advanced features now of course.

Do you write lyrics, music or both? A little bit

Do you have a writing partner? No

4. Do you record your music? Yes

Do you use a home studio? If so what gear do you use? Yes, Roland V-synth, Roland FantomX, Roland SP 909, Dell Laptop, Reaktor 5 (DSP enviornment), Battery 3, Sonar 7, Ableton lite, Renoise.

Do you use a recording studio? No

Do you have music available on the web? if so where? No

5. What other roles do you perform in the music business? I'm a Marketer

Management? Label owner? Publishing? Promotion? Other? Promotion and Publishing

6. Are you a tech head? YES

7. What country do you live in? USA

8. What are your ambitions? I want to complete this sample library project I got with Native Instruments

9. Do you draw/paint/write stories/computer art/dance or other creative pursuit? Yes

What are your pastimes? Work, Work, Work

10. What would you like to get out of Songstuff? Friendly Relationships

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  • Noob

Hi im Gillian and Im 13 years old, I havve been performing and writing songs all my life.

Do you sing, play an instrument or instruments?

What instruments? Guitar, Piano, Voice

When did you start playing? Guitar(2yrs) piano(1yr) Voice(13yrs)

Did you teach yourself? Yes

2. Are you in a band or bands?

What is the name of the band? No

What do you play?

What other instruments are in the band?

Do you have a band website?

3. Do you write songs?

Do you write lyrics, music or both? Both

Do you have a writing partner? No

4. Do you record your music?

Do you use a home studio? If so what gear do you use? UbuntuStudio

Do you use a recording studio?

Do you have music available on the web? if so where? Soon will

5. What other roles do you perform in the music business?

Management? Label owner? Publishing? Promotion? Other?

6. Are you a tech head? Not really

7. What country do you live in? Australia

8. What are your ambitions? To be famous?!

9. Do you draw/paint/write stories/computer art/dance or other creative pursuit? write and dance

What are your pastimes? Write songs? Hahaha

10. What would you like to get out of Songstuff? Just sharing my music with others

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  • Noob

1. Do you sing, play an instrument or instruments? Yes both but can't do together but i'm trying :)

What instruments? mandolin and tenor banjo

When did you start playing? 7 years ago when i was 40. better late than never

Did you teach yourself? yes

2. Are you in a band or bands? kind of

What is the name of the band? no name as yet

What do you play? vocals mandolin and banjo

What other instruments are in the band? 2 accoustic guitars and a fiddle

Do you have a band website?

you kidding

3. Do you write songs?


Do you write lyrics, music or both?


Do you have a writing partner?


4. Do you record your music?


Do you use a home studio? If so what gear do you use?

Just krystal free online recording device. But going in studio soon

Do you use a recording studio?

tis planned

Do you have music available on the web? if so where?


5. What other roles do you perform in the music business?


Management? Label owner? Publishing? Promotion? Other?

6. Are you a tech head?

ohhhh nooooo

7. What country do you live in?


8. What are your ambitions?

Love to do music full time and have song recorded by others

9. Do you draw/paint/write stories/computer art/dance or other creative pursuit?

Write short stories and poetry

10. What would you like to get out of Songstuff?

Just nice to meet other writers Don't know any personally nice to feel that i'm not the only nutter that carries a notebook to jot down ideas and lyrics as they go round supermarket, maybe i am thats a scary thought

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  • Noob

Lyrics have always been a natural talent of mine. I dont know howto play instruments technically,but I do however play with them a lot and can do a lil bit on everything. I have always loved musi and the feeling it gives me. I make beats and loops on various loop and synthesizer programs. I need the music to give me the emotion that fuels my writing. I listen to literallly every type of music. Well not so much country, but i do like some. Obviously polka, yodelling, and music along those lines I dont listen to. I believe its my open mind and heart to so many different styles and cultures that gives me the ideas i get. I am excited to get some lyrics of mine heard by more people and am looking forward to working with all who are willing. Thanks

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • Noob

1. Do you sing, play an instrument or instruments?


What instruments?

Piano and guitar.

When did you start playing?

When I was 15 years old.

Did you teach yourself?

Yes, thru youtoube actually.

2. Are you in a band or bands?

No =(.

What is the name of the band? (n/a)

What do you play? (n/a)

What other instruments are in the band? (n/a)

Do you have a band website? (n/a)

3. Do you write songs?


Do you write lyrics, music or both?


Do you have a writing partner?


4. Do you record your music?


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  • Noob

Hey guys. I'm new to this site, so I figured I'd start with this exercise that would help explain me. :D

1. Do you sing, play an instrument or instruments?

Yes, I do.

What instruments?

4-string bass, acoustic guitar, clean singing and screaming.

When did you start playing?

Started bass this year, been playing acoustic guitar since age 8

Did you teach yourself?

On both instruments, yes.

2. Are you in a band or bands?

Got a hard rock/pop band in the works.

What is the name of the band?


What do you play?

Bass, backing vox

What other instruments are in the band?

Drums, guitar, 2 lead vocalists

Do you have a band website?

Not yet, stay tuned though!

3. Do you write songs?


Do you write lyrics, music or both?


Do you have a writing partner?

Actively seeking.(:

4. Do you record your music?

Not at the moment.

Do you use a home studio? If so what gear do you use?

Do you use a recording studio?

Do you have music available on the web? if so where?

5. What other roles do you perform in the music business?

Management? Label owner? Publishing? Promotion? Other?

6. Are you a tech head?

I love the technical aspects to all things music. I love fiddling with new gear.

7. What country do you live in?

United States of America.

8. What are your ambitions?

To become a good songwriter (i.e: learning as many writing techniques, etc) and meeting new people.^-^

9. Do you draw/paint/write stories/computer art/dance or other creative pursuit?

I am highly active in the culinary arts field. (:

What are your pastimes?

Soccer, running, cooking, Doctor Who, fiddling with radio communications equipment.

10. What would you like to get out of Songstuff?

Hopefully some new friends, new ideas and techniques on songwriting, knowledge on different things pertaining to music.

Want more? Ask.(:

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  • Noob

1. Do you sing, play an instrument or instruments?

What instruments? Guitar

When did you start playing? Summer 2011

Did you teach yourself? Yes

2. Are you in a band or bands? No. I Wish I was

What is the name of the band?

What do you play?

What other instruments are in the band?

Do you have a band website?

3. Do you write songs? Yes

Do you write lyrics, music or both? Just music, for now. Lyrics later on, hopefully

Do you have a writing partner? No. I need one

4. Do you record your music? Yes, but just through my crappy laptop speakers. Broke student, with no disposable income to put toward recording gear at the moment.

Do you use a home studio? If so what gear do you use?

Do you use a recording studio?

Do you have music available on the web? if so where?

5. What other roles do you perform in the music business? None

Management? Label owner? Publishing? Promotion? Other?

6. Are you a tech head? Kinda sorta

7. What country do you live in? United States. North TX

8. What are your ambitions? Not quite sure. School takes first priority, but the calling of music is getting loud inside my head.

9. Do you draw/paint/write stories/computer art/dance or other creative pursuit? No

What are your pastimes? Practicing my instrument, blaring music. That's about it.

10. What would you like to get out of Songstuff? Not totally sure. Maybe to learn from people who are better and more experienced than me at this music thing.

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