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Hi, am Svetlana from Moscow, Russia

I`m not a professional musician but hope to become :)


Well, I sing and play an acoustic guitar. I`ve been dreaming to be a musician since 6 of ages or earlier :)). I got private guitar lessons for about 7 years and totally I`ve been playing it around 11 years if not account my childhood )).

Also I try improving some skills as creating music by software.


I`m not in a band, I work on my own.


I have the website and I`m going to make it public soon.


I write songs (music and lyrics) and perform. I record my music and also I create some videos. I`m working on several albums at the moment and as soon as they are ready I ll make them public or send some demos to the lables firstly, I haven`t decided yet.


Maybe I ll work with a studio but at the moment I record songs at home.


As to my ambitions... I just want to express my self and to be who I want to be - a musician.


...Songstuff seems to me quite helpful and unique resource... I`ll be happy to find some advice here and meet new people with common interests.

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1. Do you sing, play an instrument or instruments? yes

What instruments? sing, also keyboard for composing and recording only

When did you start playing? 1988

Did you teach yourself? inspired by God.

Are you in a band or bands? no

What is the name of the band?

What do you play?

What other instruments are in the band?

Do you have a band website?

3. Do you write songs? yes

Do you write lyrics, music or both? both

Do you have a writing partner? not really

4. Do you record your music? sometimes

Do you use a home studio? If so what gear do you use?sometimes, Reason

Do you use a recording studio? sometimes

Do you have music available on the web? if so where?

5. What other roles do you perform in the music business?

Management? Label owner? Publishing? Promotion? Other?

6. Are you a tech head?not really

7. What country do you live in?US

8. What are your ambitions?top of charts, positve role model Christian music

9. Do you draw/paint/write stories/computer art/dance or other creative pursuit?worked on 2 projects aimed as Broasway musicals, writing book.

What are your pastimes?reading, writing, composing, listening music

10. What would you like to get out of Songstuff?a savvy tech partner who shares the vision to help produce the product and/or band to do same, and/or manager

let's do this. God bless.

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  • Noob

1. Do you sing, play an instrument or instruments? Yes

What instruments? Guitar

When did you start playing? about 4 years ago

Did you teach yourself? No I have a teacher

2. Are you in a band or bands? No

3. Do you write songs? Yes

Do you write lyrics, music or both? Both

Do you have a writing partner? Yes my music teacher

4. Do you record your music? Sometimes, but not enough

Do you use a home studio? If so what gear do you use? M box mini Pro tools

Do you use a recording studio? Not yet

Do you have music available on the web? if so where? No

5. What other roles do you perform in the music business? None

Management? Label owner? Publishing? Promotion? Other?

6. Are you a tech head? Not really

7. What country do you live in? USA

8. What are your ambitions? I would like to perform more, at least for small gatherings.

9. Do you draw/paint/write stories/computer art/dance or other creative pursuit? I have wriiten a couple short stories and 1 poem, I enjoy woodworking but do not have time for it right now

What are your pastimes? Practicing

10. What would you like to get out of Songstuff? Learn more about songwriting

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           My name is Rena and i am an aspiring actress, i write poetry , songs and i love to write books. I wrote some songs that i am trying to sell. I actually google searched songwriters forums and came across this forum. I hope to find some useful tips from other people as they journey through life. Thank you.

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  • Noob

1. Do you sing, play an instrument or instruments?
I sing, but not for public consumption.  :no:  I sometimes hit the right key.
Likewise, I play all sorts of instruments in such a way that my home is insect free. :no:

2. Are you in a band or bands?

3. Do you write songs?

Do you write lyrics, music or both? Lyrics. See above answers for the reasons why!

Do you have a writing partner? Yes, thankfully! One that sings and writes music. Very handy since I do neither.

4. Do you record your music?

My partner records.

Do you have music available on the web? if so where? Here

5. What other roles do you perform in the music business?


6. Are you a tech head? :no:

7. What country do you live in? USA (Thank god for a ? I can answer...)

8. What are your ambitions? I want to write songs that make singers want to sing them.

9. Do you draw/paint/write stories/computer art/dance or other creative pursuit?
I doodle, design, sculpt, write poetry and short stories, do art glass, assemblage, and anything else that is necessary to create the thing that's inside my head out where others can experience it.

10. What would you like to get out of Songstuff? I'm looking to improve my writing, possibly find collaborators in different genres, and learn anything there is to lear. I habitually apply this lesson to that pursuit, so everything is useful to me.

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1. Do you sing, play an instrument or instruments? No 

2. Are you in a band or bands? no

3. Do you write songs?

Do you write lyrics, music or both? Lyrics only.

Do you have a writing partner? no

4. Do you record your music? no.

5. What other roles do you perform in the music business? none

6. Are you a tech head?

7. What country do you live in? Canada

8. What are your ambitions? to succeed as a lyricist

9. Do you draw/paint/write stories/computer art/dance or other creative pursuit? none.

10. What would you like to get out of Songstuff? to improve my writing and gain some connections.

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1. Do you sing, play an instrument or instruments?
 Yes, guitar and piano (kinda). 

2. Are you in a band or bands?

Yes, I'm in a electronic/alternative rock band called The Dependent Variable Project.

3. Do you write songs?
Yes, all the time 


Do you write lyrics, music or both?

Music only, however I do have a few lyrical ideas.


Do you have a writing partner?


4. Do you record your music?

Do you have music available on the web? if so where?

Yes, I have music on soundcloud https://soundcloud.com/sam-wilfan

I'd really appriciate it if people checked it out. It helps a lot  :thumbup:


5. What other roles do you perform in the music business?

None at the moment

6. Are you a tech head?


7. What country do you live in?


8. What are your ambitions? 

To succeed in a music career and get my music heard

9. Do you draw/paint/write stories/computer art/dance or other creative pursuit?

No, unfortunately  :no: 

10. What would you like to get out of Songstuff? 

I'd like to meet some new people who think alike and get my music heard by more people  :) 

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  • Noob

1. Do you sing, play an instrument or instruments? 

I play a variety of instruments. Currently I play piano, guitar (both acoustic and electric), bass and I sing a little.

I started playing when I was 9 years old, messed around with the broken guitar my uncle gave to me. After that I eventually got myself a proper acoustic guitar and went to a guitar school for 1 year. After that I started learning by myself. After that the Bass came into my life as well, and I went to a culture school to learn more about that, for a year. Then the piano came as well.

I'd say 85% off all my experience is self-taught.

2. Are you in a band or bands?

What is the name of the band? No name for the band, it's a school setup.

What do you play? Bass.

What other instruments are in the band? 3 guitars, and 1 drummer. 

Do you have a band website? No, we don't.

3. Do you write songs?

Do you write lyrics, music or both? I write music, but not lyrics. Technically I don't even write music, I start improvising and eventually something comes out of it.

Do you have a writing partner? No, I play for myself.

4. Do you record your music?

Do you use a home studio? If so what gear do you use? Heh, "home studio." I record everything into a Mac through an "iJam" module and edit it all in GarageBand. It is a fairly simple tool.

Do you use a recording studio? As stated above.

Do you have music available on the web? if so where? I have accounts on both Youtube and Soundcloud. On Youtube, it's "Hans Klasson" (I forgot I had a middle name :P ) and "Cryptum" on Soundcloud.

5. What other roles do you perform in the music business?

Management? Label owner? Publishing? Promotion? Other? None.

6. Are you a tech head?


Haha, no. While I have an interest in computers generally, I am far from an expert.

7. What country do you live in?


I live in Norway.

8. What are your ambitions?


Create music and share it because it is something I enjoy to do.

9. Do you draw/paint/write stories/computer art/dance or other creative pursuit?

I do draw a little, yes, but I've merely started. 

10. What would you like to get out of Songstuff?


Meet other people that enjoy music and, if possible, create music together just for fun :)

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I attempt at singing, it's a hit or miss instrument with me.  I love strumming an acoustic guitar.  I write and play alone.  No one to say whether I suck...or I'm great.  I usually play some sort of chord progression first and put words to music.  I don't record my music.  Not for others anyway.  Just to hear myself, then delete it.  One song I shared with my mom.  She wrote this little poem about my brother who had passed away and when I read it I heard this beat in my head.  I put her words to music and sent it to her.  She loved it of course.


I'm from New Brunswick, Canada.  I'm a father and husband.  I drive a Zamboni for a pay check and my passtime is simply strumming my guitar.  I like creating my own songs instead of learning covers.    


What I would like to get out of Songstuff is more information on songwriting, my songs critiqued, find some other hidden musical gems along the way and have fun with this.

Edited by Jeff Harris
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thought this might be an interesting exercise:

1. Do you sing, play an instrument or instruments?

I am a self taught RAPPER since the 2009

2. Are you in a band or bands?

I am a solo artist by the name of Taylor Mace 

website: www.facebook.com/taylormaceofficial

3. Do you write songs?

I write my own song by myself and i would love to network with other songwriters who can review my work and ill do the same 

4. Do you record your music?

I record my music at my home studio ( currently I'm using pro tools, dynamic microphone)

I also sometimes use a local recording studio but mostly home record

My music is available online at www.youtube.com/taylormaceofficial | www.soundcloud.com/iamtaylormace 

Be sure to like share subscribe if you like my music i'd also appreciate feedback!

5. What other roles do you perform in the music business?

To be honest i don't occupy any other roles than the one i pointed out

6. Are you a tech head?


Not really a tech head but i can handle tech

7. What country do you live in?



8. What are your ambitions?



my ambitions are to become a recognised recording artist 

9. Do you draw/paint/write stories/computer art/dance or other creative pursuit?

in my spare time i like listening and sicovering new music, dance, watch movies and sometimes i scribble here and there 

10. What would you like to get out of Songstuff?


I'd like to network with songwriters and other musicians like myself as well as learn from others 

I also hope in some ways i network with a music manager as i am in search of one 

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  • Noob

1. Do you sing, play an instrument or instruments?  I sing

What instruments? Piano, sometimes

When did you start playing? A year ago

Did you teach yourself? Yeah I did

2. Are you in a band or bands?
Yes I am in a band and proud of it

What is the name of the band? The Awesomedementedbrownies

What do you play? Like I said, I only sometimes play the piano. My band mate plays the instruments and we don’t use them all in one song

What other instruments are in the band? Guitar, piano and a clarinet

Do you have a band website? Nope but we do have a WordPress blog =)

3. Do you write songs? Yes

Do you write lyrics, music or both? Lyrics, that’s me

Do you have a writing partner? Sometimes

4. Do you record your music? Yes we do, despite the sound problems we can’t really fix

Do you use a home studio? If so what gear do you use? A laptop in my band mates’ basement

Do you use a recording studio? We wish...

Do you have music available on the web? if so where? Not yet but soon!!!! Youtube, Soundcloud and I put lyrics on WordPress

5. What other roles do you perform in the music business? It’s not like we have a record label =/

Management? Label owner? Publishing? Promotion? Other?

6. Are you a tech head? Yep, pretty much

7. What country do you live in?  The good ole’ USA

8. What are your ambitions? To write great lyrics people can connect with

9. Do you draw/paint/write stories/computer art/dance or other creative pursuit? All of that and a lot more

What are your pastimes? All of # 9, of course and paranormal research

10. What would you like to get out of Songstuff?
We’re new, really new. And all we really want is for people to know about us and help us with lyrics and stuff..

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1. Do you sing, play an instrument or instruments?

yes guitar

2. Are you in a band or bands?


3. Do you write songs?

Do you write lyrics, music or both? both

Do you have a writing partner? no

4. Do you record your music?


5. What other roles do you perform in the music businessarrow-10x10.png?


6. Are you a tech head?


7. What country do you live in?


8. What are your ambitions?

write a hit song lol

9. Do you draw/paint/write stories/computer art/dance or other creative pursuit?

read a little

10. What would you like to get out of Songstuff?

meet new people and get back to writing again


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thought this might be an interesting exercise:

1. Do you sing, play an instrument or instruments?

I have a vocal range from Second Tenor to Soprano. Do not play an instrument or read music. I talk fast. :)

2. Are you in a band or bands?

I am in two choirs

3. Do you write songs?

I write song lyrics, rap lyrics, like to play with combining choruses from old fav's with my lyrics...usually rap, but not always.

4. Do you record your music?

No. It is the pleasure of penning lyrics and poetry that I enjoy.

5. What other roles do you perform in the music business?

Nothing. Just like writing the lyrics

6. Are you a tech head?

I'm many unique things. :0)

7. What country do you live in?


8. What are your ambitions?

Too many to list and well on my way. I'll never stop setting and reaching personal goals. Personal improvement always not competing against others.

9. Do you draw/paint/write stories/computer art/dance or other creative pursuit?

I own a glass art business, am a published writer/illustrator, am a published film/literary critic, have lead theater set design, co-lead in a theater performance, painter, in hiring process...

What are your pastimes?


10. What would you like to get out of Songstuff?

A legit place to post lyrics, give/get positive constructive feedback, acceptance of my style/topic choices of writing, no b.s. or drama or attempts at secluding me.

I think that covers the main musical things!

Edited by 1796
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1. Do you sing, play an instrument or instruments? I sing, unfortunately I can't really play any instrument...

2. Are you in a band or bands?  no...

3. Do you write songs?  yes

Do you write lyrics, music or both?  only lyrics since I can't play any instrument 

Do you have a writing partner?  no

4. Do you record your music?  no

5. What other roles do you perform in the music business?  a fan! without people like me there wouldn't be a music industry.. 

6. Are you a tech head?  kind of...i like to learn new things especially with tech

7. What country do you live in?  USA

8. What are your ambitions?  to live not just be alive

9. Do you draw/paint/write stories/computer art/dance or other creative pursuit?  I like to draw, paint, and mostly create.

What are your pastimes?  listening to music, writing, reading, cooking...

10. What would you like to get out of Songstuff?  I would like to overcome  a personal milestone of sharing my songs, improving my song writing skills and maybe even collaborate with others.


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1. Do you sing, play an instrument or instruments? I sing,

unfortunately I can't really play any instrument...

2. Are you in a band or bands? no...

3. Do you write songs? yes

Do you write lyrics, music or both? only lyrics since I can't play any instrument

Do you have a writing partner? no

4. Do you record your music? no

5. What other roles do you perform in the music business?

I'm not in the music business yet.

6. Are you a tech head?

I love tech and techie things.

7. What country do you live in?

Mississauga, Ontario, Canada.

8. What are your ambitions?

To write music and stories about life.

9. Do you draw/paint/write stories/computer art/dance or other creative pursuit?

I like to do all of the above.

10. What would you like to get out of Songstuff?

To share my writing and song lyrics with others and to support other writers in their art.

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  • Noob

1. Do you sing, play an instrument or instruments? 

I am a singer.

When did you start sining? I am sining all my life...

Did you teach yourself? Yes. Privet teachers and Musical University. 

2. Are you in a band or bands?

not yet :)
3. Do you write songs?

Do you write lyrics, music or both? I am writing lyrics and sometimes i am composing music.

Do you have a writing partner? no

4. Do you record your music?

Do you use a recording studio? yes. 

Do you have music available on the web? if so where? yes i have on youtube some songs. All what you need it's put in the searching line Ola Karry.

5. What other roles do you perform in the music business?

 i am singer, and all i whant it's sing :)

6. Are you a tech head? .......

7. What country do you live in? 


8. What are your ambitions?
To be a great singer!
9. Do you draw/paint/write stories/computer art/dance or other creative pursuit?

What are your pastimes? i am a good actriss and dancer.

10. What would you like to get out of Songstuff?

It's important to do a good music this is the point!



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  • Noob

1. Do you sing, play an instrument or instruments? Wouldn't be here if I didn't!

What instruments? Guitar, Vocals, Piano, Trombone, Native American Flute, (starting) flute.

When did you start playing? In order of the instruments listed above: 10, 7, 8, 11, 12, 13

Did you teach yourself? Yep for all, except for trombone. I have to thank my band teacher for that one!

2. Are you in a band or bands? MY friends and I are considering getting one together.

What is the name of the band? We'd call ourselves "The Green Violets"

What do you play? Guitar and vocals

What other instruments are in the band? An oboe, ukulele, and sitar. An odd group, I know. But we're pretty odd ourselves!

Do you have a band website? Nope!
3. Do you write songs? A bit.

Do you write lyrics, music or both? Mostly lyrics, dabbling a bit in the music.

Do you have a writing partner? As of yet. no.

4. Do you record your music? Nope!

Do you use a home studio? If so what gear do you use? N/A

Do you use a recording studio? N/A

Do you have music available on the web? if so where? N/A

5. What other roles do you perform in the music business? I'm not old enough to get a job yet. Plus, with my face, I doubt I'll be famous any time soon.

Management? Label owner? Publishing? Promotion? Other? N/A

6. Are you a tech head? Nope!

7. What country do you live in? USA!

8. What are your ambitions? Considering I only do music as a hobby, I wish to be a journalist. 

9. Do you draw/paint/write stories/computer art/dance or other creative pursuit? Anything Liberal Arts, I'm there.

What are your pastimes? Check out my profile and see!

10. What would you like to get out of Songstuff? I would love to meet new musicians and chat with them. 

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  • Noob

1. Do you sing, play an instrument or instruments? 

What instruments? Piano

When did you start playing? about 2 years ago :)

Did you teach yourself? yep

2. Are you in a band or bands? nope

3. Do you write songs?

Do you write lyrics, music or both? Mostly lyrics

Do you have a writing partner? nope

4. Do you record your music? nope

5. What other roles do you perform in the music business? none

6. Are you a tech head? Not really haha 

7. What country do you live in? The United States :)

8. What are your ambitions? I'd really like to just have people listen to my words

9. Do you draw/paint/write stories/computer art/dance or other creative pursuit? no, I'm not talented like that


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1. Do you sing, play an instrument or instruments? Sing and play the guitar

What instruments? Also about to start learning Tabla, Flute and Synth

When did you start playing? Started guitar about 14 years back, gave up after two years and am back into music since the last six months

Did you teach yourself? Mostly

2. Are you in a band or bands? No

What is the name of the band? -

What do you play? -

What other instruments are in the band? -

Do you have a band website? -

3. Do you write songs? Yes

Do you write lyrics, music or both? Both

Do you have a writing partner? No

4. Do you record your music? Yes

Do you use a home studio? If so what gear do you use?

Do you use a recording studio? Yes, but plan to use a home studio in the near future

Do you have music available on the web? if so where? Yes.


5. What other roles do you perform in the music business?

Management? Label owner? Publishing? Promotion? Other? Putting in effort in promoting my EP

6. Are you a tech head? No

7. What country do you live in? Ind-yeah

8. What are your ambitions? Still in the land of dreams

9. Do you draw/paint/write stories/computer art/dance or other creative pursuit?

What are your pastimes? Write for business and pleasure

10. What would you like to get out of Songstuff? A deeper understanding of music and the music business, advice and friends!

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1. Do you sing, play an instrument or instruments? Sing and play the guitar

What instruments? guitar, and learning piano

When did you start playing? about 3 years ago

Did you teach yourself? Mostly

2. Are you in a band or bands? No but I'd love to be

What is the name of the band? -

What do you play? -

What other instruments are in the band? -

Do you have a band website? -

3. Do you write songs? Yes

Do you write lyrics, music or both? Both

Do you have a writing partner? No

4. Do you record your music? 

Do you use a home studio? If so what gear do you use?

Do you use a recording studio? 

Do you have music available on the web? if so where? 

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