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Will Music be destroyed by AI ?


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6 minutes ago, buckoff said:

if we were born 70 years old and wisdom , We'd all have a nobile prize . There's always that burning question , If I knew back then what I know now lol, really worthless , were not spinning clocks backwards 


Then I suppose that the Nobel prize is not for me! 😅 Though I wouldn't spin the clock backwards, even if I could. If anything, i'd like to spin things forward. The tech we have nowadays, AI included, is not at the 'level' i'd like it to be 👍

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33 minutes ago, buckoff said:

At 70 years old I like the clock to slow down , Well 69 , 2 weeks 70 , see I'm spinning time already , My wifes 32 , Man your old , smart ass , Same age as Taylor Swift , Sandy that pro I mentioned , You married that girl , she thought that was hillrious 


You misunderstand the gravity of the situation. Even if I were 200 years old, i'd probably still find reasons to complain that our technology still isn't good enough 😅 Then again, my wife keeps telling me that if I had it my way, the human race as we know it wouldn't exist. She's probably right. Look at all the fuss over AI and its not even at the level of general intelligence. Society as a whole is no where near being responsible enough to handle the kind of future tech I want lol.

Edited by VoiceEx
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25 minutes ago, buckoff said:

Fiverr gave me a warning your not being professional. I was bitching to Yourtube promotion people , your useless . We want a happy site , Is that right , I'm losing money on your happy site . I'm still mad , lotta bs .  I have a temper , But man their not helping . You will not win tangling we me lol . But I did , they warned me on being nice .  so my plan is talk to real people on it , not to NET people . Call me lets discuss it 


Though you do realize that real people can also BS you 🤔

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On 7/28/2023 at 12:54 PM, Jac said:

l agree, we should look at AI as a every day tool. But it dos'nt mean we have to like it.  AI is in fact changing me.

l feel lm rebelling against AI and that l cant control what its doing to me .

here's an example


All my life iv had a passion for Art. l was told at an early age l had potential and had a chance to go to Art college  even at a young age, but  circumstances was against me, and l couldnt go,.But to my delight l went to Art collage many years later as a mature student to do my Btec Art Course.

l was deeply disappointed. The young and mature Art students l found had no 'new' inspirations in their creativity.

l also went to many new Art galleries and followed new Artists. l found the same thing, a lack of new creativity.

Then came along AI in the Creative Arts. l was and still am mesmerized by it . 

But l dont 'like it' as l now seem to prefer the creativity that AI brings  in Art ,that should be inspired by human creativity. 

l find l cant help worry about the future of the creative arts.

l know im not alone in that thinking.

Is AI good for the creative arts,? who knows, but at the moment im being  enticed by it when l really dont want to, as l seem to not to  be able to stop it enticing me in the very Creative Arts l love.



Your internal struggle with AI reminds me a bit of how I feel about social media. On one hand, social media is an effective tool and it would be unwise to ignore it. But on the hand, I think that many of its practical uses are vile and I dislike using it.


However, similarly to AI, social media is not going away anytime soon. Which is why I think its not a question of whether or not AI is "good" or "bad" for creative arts. It is merely a tool. However, If you dislike AI, then the simplest solution would be not to engage with it or not to consume related content.

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On 7/29/2023 at 7:50 PM, buckoff said:

when u take breaths out, glichs out, final mix down , its all a form of A.I 

It can write a song , but it might not be killer , Learning this from my producer this morning .

A.I will improve I bet like everything . I looked at all them programs while he was mixing thats A.1 to a extent . Have you heard of AL , you mean AI , Man i'm slow, then it dawned on me its Artfical Intelgence. Oh I get it now lol 


Welcome to modern times, I suppose 😅👍

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21 hours ago, buckoff said:

Yeah all relvant , Everbody bitches on new technology. The phone, guns cars ,ect ect ect ect , Some even go off its the devil. lol . 1850 was modern times to them, Wagons and hard rock candy. In the year 3024 we look like cavemen in history clips and books . Will A.I take over all forms of music ? Maybe . I can't see the future. Why do people assume on the big bang therory other planets evolved any sooner then us ? logically we all started the same level, and are on the same evolution path of intelgence . One bang same start on all planets that can suport life of some sorts.. Well its a therory 


Speaking of theories. I think that even if this technology was 'the devil', that still wouldn't stop most people and companies from jumping abroad that train, even if all signs pointed that it ultimately led to oblivion 😅 Greed, influence, power, relevancy, benefits, comfort, FOMO (etc), just to name a few motivators that would probably keep that engine running. Historically speaking, I wouldn't put it pass people, let alone companies.


In fact. I could even take this theory up a notch just for fun. Lets imagine that 'replacing all human musicians' was stated officially as the actual goal of this technology, alongside all the other indented applications. I think that even an outlandish statement of that sort wouldn't be 'enough' to put its development to a stop 🤣

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27 minutes ago, buckoff said:

I'm a liitle sick of the devil and reading bs about Trump , I could careless , They're all crooks and i'm jealous lol. Oh yeah off shores accounts 


If it makes you feel better, at this point in time, the only bs I follow up on for entertainment purposes is that whole congress UAP thing 😅👍

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1 hour ago, WanyaMoto said:

 I don't think it'll destroy human creativity at all. In fact, it can be a powerful tool for us musicians

Thank you for your thoughts and reply.

l respect all opinions. l find it so interesting to read what others think.

That's why l read a lot of music websites.

It's a very hot topic in the music industry today and l wish more musicians would voice their opinions.

For or against AI, it's all interesting to read what others think.


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On 8/2/2023 at 11:25 PM, buckoff said:

They're all sell out crooks on special groups , Liberals save the whales , conservatives the war. 

machine .Were saving whales now with a shitty economy , The conservatives will win next and will prosper and ruin the planet. Rinse and repeat , Do any of these assholes effect my life , Kinda Biden you suck the ecomny is shit . Trump was fine , We prospered , Who gives a shit he bangs hookers , I don't 


I'm not sure if politics is a good direction here 😅 Though if it makes you feel better, as far as i'm concerned, Trump can bang whoever he wants, and i'd say the same for Biden. I mean, if that's feasible in his case. I have some doubts 🤣

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3 hours ago, buckoff said:

I can see the future like mint tasting glue on envelopes , Why is that not a reality now ?

You'll have young star programmers , each song will have a new voice and they will talk about their robot stars on FB and youtube . Kids will rant and rave how Rosie the robot reached their emotions. Again old people will bitch cry on new trends till the black comet hits earth . Except if you roll with the punches and not act like Grandpa Jones , That over used cliche , they don't make music like they used to bullshit. I'm a genuis I'm a God , the only regret I can't see myself live

Kanye West

“progress” has it’s cost. Luckily fashions pass. What’s new becomes old. What’s old gets recycled and becomes a shiny superficial sad reflection of itself for a new generation to kid themselves that they were there too.


oooo I sound cynical.

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12 hours ago, buckoff said:

As you get older u get a tad cynical, trying to keep up with kids ,Thinking your time has passed


I don't know about you, but I never bothered trying to keep up with kids to begin with. Than again, I had considered training an AI replica of myself for good measure. And once it reaches a certain 'level', to set it on a path to self replicate itself and train itself into producing more immortal AI-VX 'workers' with specific tasks to accomplish, in order to continue exploring creative avenues, long after i'm gone. "Kids". Pfft. What an 'organic' thing to say 🫠


It sounds silly now, but you never know 🤣 See, this is what happens when you grow up on WAY too much Sci-Fi and it is the absolutely tamest example of what might be possible a few years from now 😅

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22 hours ago, buckoff said:

Here's what will happen in 100 years , AI will be so advanced it will duplicte human emotions and the voice 

It will be its own genre , Call the genre what you want


Aug. 2, 2023 Music Business Worldwide 






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On 8/3/2023 at 2:44 PM, WanyaMoto said:

 I don't think it'll destroy human creativity at all. In fact, it can be a powerful tool for us musicians

Wow, I'm impressed! Making a guitar chord detector using Jetson Nano is such a cool project!
I checked out the demo video, and even though you said it's not HQ, I could still see the potential. And thanks for sharing the source code and model on GitHub; I'll take a look.
By the way, if you're into exploring more unique instruments, have you ever considered creating the same for the bodhran? It's an Irish drum that creates an amazing rhythm. I saw some bodhrans for sale recently, and it got me intrigued about trying one out.

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