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  • john

    Songstuff Writer and Artist Development Challenges

    By john

    Independent writers and artists face several large disadvantages when they are compared to signed, mainstream writers and artists.  Disadvantages that add up to making it a competition that indies can’t win. Hell they can’t even compete.   Lack of budget and poor contacts are fairly obvious disadvantages. Lack of experience and a lack of knowledge restricts songwriters and artists alike. Lack of an overall strategy, and a limited set of incomplete tactics, makes for a critical problem

1. An Introduction.

Why, hello! So, recently, I joined this forum, bringing my songwriting forum grand total to 3. If you're on any other forums, lemme know, yeah? I also realized that my conscience, while small and mislead, speaks with an English accent. I'm doing 50/90!!! I have 15 songs already, but I've only posted one. I'm such a winner. I just whistled. And it was to the tune of Misery Business. Anywhore 'Sall for now.



"danny The Dog Interviews"...

I pitched an idea to Glyn Duncan at the “Hearts of Country Radio” Internet station (which is playing, I believe, seven of my songs now), and she liked it, and now I’ll need to follow through on it. It’s the “Danny the Dog Innerviews,” that I did briefly (actually, only did one of) for Len Amsterdam’s “Whitby Shores” radio program in Canada. Danny is a rather engaging pit bull with a Scooby-Dooish personality. He figured in a couple of radio plays scripted and mixed by a lady called “Count



Wheeler Summerfest Post-Mortem...

The Wheeler Summerfest gigs went well—both of them. When Deathgrass played, it was still raining (performance and audience spaces were both under tents, though), but by the time 45 Degrees North were on stage, the sun was coming out. Neat event—it was especially nice that everything—the food, the crafts, the music, even the boat rides—was local, and determinedly so. And folks obviously had no problem hanging out in the rain. I got the impression folks liked everything Deathgrass did; sti



Concert Season Starts...

Add one more to Concert Season: I’m playing at the Hoffman Center’s “Hoffapalooza” in Manzanita next Saturday, 23 July, at 1:30 p.m. Just me solo (I understand they were contacting Candice, too, about doing the same thing). I’m on for just 15 minutes, which is four songs if I’m playing solo. That could be: Dead Things in the Shower—fast two-step Pole Dancing for Jesus—slow & sleazy Gospel When They Die, I Put Them in the Cookies—fast bluegrass Un-Easy Street (Stan Good)—deliber



General Topics For Beginners

Hello, How are you doing, I'm Iain and like many others I appreciate music. I just started learning an amazing instrument, the guitar, and I want to share my journey with you. I've realized the more I listen to music the more I want to become involved! If you are curious to find out some basics about restringing and tuning the guitar, stick around So, today I made a decision to find out how I could re-string my guitar- since both my E strings have snapped, and all the other strings ar



And About Country Music...

There was a well-publicized article in the Nashville Tennesseean about what’s wrong with country music today (it was nice to see somebody in Music City talking about this—a lot of people outside Music City have been talking about it for a long time). The premise was that all these songs about how wonderful it is to be a country boy or girl were written and performed by people who’ve never lived in the country, and don’t have a clue what they’re gushing about. All probably true. I have a d



Who Watches The Watchers? In Defence Of Kirlian Camera

In Defence of Kirlian Camera. http://www.whomakesthenazis.com/2011/06/far-right-tendencies-in-wave-and-gothic.html Far-Right Tendencies in the Wave and Gothic Scene Artical by Arne Gräfrath, posted by Strelnikov. After reading the article in the link above, I feel compelled to speak out in defence as a fan of the band Kirlian Camera and point out the irony of anti fascist campaigners accusing artists of taking a white supremacist stance on the flimsiest evidence imaginable wi



Playing At The "rapture Room"...

Sunday’s jam session in Nehalem was next door to the Rainbow Lotus, in a former upstairs apartment that’s been remodeled into a performance space. It’s being officially called “the Center for Creative Consciousness” or some such north Tillamook County moniker; I think of it as “the Rapture Room,” because people coming for the music saw everybody’s vehicles parked on the street and couldn’t figure out where everybody had gone to (and one person did comment, “I didn’t think when the Rapture came,



"cinderpiggy" And The Writers' Guild...

A new person at the Writers’ Guild meeting Thursday night—a poet. Got to talk some about what makes poetry marketable, and how (or where) poetry and song are related. (They blend at the Oral Tradition: poetry like the old epics, or cowboy poetry, that’s meant to be recited rather than read. All the Oral Tradition stuff can be set to music—and I have done some of that. Played ‘em “The Strange Saga of Quoth, the Parrot,” which is a talking blues—actually a talking two-step—deliberately emulati



Analyzing 'blue Krishna"

Decision postponed another two weeks on the interim city manager job. I probably should cease considering them a viable prospect. There are a couple of other jobs I should apply for, and I’m not going to put life on hold waiting for these guys. On the plus side, the stress of wondering whether I was about to run out of time next week should force me to be more efficient at using my time. I have not been efficient at all lately. “Blue Krishna” is done, I think. The lyrics are getting ve



Silenced Root

retrace the vacuum condenced in your mouths grasp, to store new air filling lungs and ideas with care, in which i dare to cast away to where the caves has its root, no shades to fall again, no lines - we seed dispute. to fear capsuled in the peaces on the floor that is you - so we wind and we seek, truth be the kinds from which spirits are shaped like minds seizing the pain of fear relying your most beheld spheres to what the reer has stained, the silence crime's sirened i




Dead Prez - Hip Hop (instrumental) when you dont know where to go, just rewrite goals from the hot poles, i rock foals, the qustioned cut sold sunk the scenes of the potency cleaned by its own means, i mean what is the people when people are enemies, very pleased by their needs to be freed from their own spirits, when nothing is erased, just pump out the chase, to the phasing of the matter, materialistic difference will clap to the drums that hat ya income, by outcom



This Isn't Home

Just started this tonight- this isnt home Have you forgotten me? I'm here. Just screaming, But for, your, safety, I'll suffer in silence. Yet again. I'm not back where I belong. I'm in a place with no song. I need to take a breath, But this place is crushing me. Three years is too long, And I cant take this emptiness. Where am I suppose to go, When this isn't home.



My Blue Krishna?

At the Rainbow Lotus tonight, I saw a painting of the Hindu deity Krishna (the Lotus has a lot of that sort of stuff around)—and the guy had blue skin! Which prompted the question, “Why is Krishna blue?” (And yes, that does sound like a song, doesn’t it?) According to Wikipedia, which is entertaining if not necessarily factual, Krishna’s name means “dark blue” or “black”—and early representations of Krishna show him as a black dude. It’s only in later, presumably less tolerant times that



Remaining Days Music

As a pastor, Michael S. Martin communicates God's Word with clarity and conviction. He succeeds at delivering messages that are accessible and challenging. As a singer/songwriter he brings us that same sense of connection. Michael was born in Flint, Michigan where he began to develop his godly character and his love for music. Coming from a musical background, singing has been a part of Michael’s life since childhood. He grew up admiring his father’s singing ability and his mother and fathe



The Arts Center Open Mike...

Bay City open mike was good. Between the attendees at Eric Sappington’s Artist-of-the-Month reception and those at the open mike, they polished off nearly six dozen cookies, so we either had a big turnout or a very hungry one. Besides Eric (who was our featured performer) and 45 Degrees North, we had a couple of cute singing toddlers, some poems, a short story, and a segment of a very interesting science-fiction novel. Good practice for me being emcee. Had the sound set up in advance so I di



"steamboat Bill" And The Writers' Guild...

Looked up the top songs of 1911, the year the railroad to the Coast was completed; “Steamboat Bill” was #20 that year—and it’s the only one with any connection at all to trains (and a pretty thin one at that). There are maybe half a dozen songs from that year that were memorable; most famous is probably Shelton Brooks’ “Some of These Days,” which Sophie Tucker made famous. (That one would be fun to learn primarily because Candice could probably sing it really well. I doubt the chord progressi




Helped teach Beach Art to pre-teens at the Arts Center for two days. Incredibly tiring work, but tons of fun—and these are extremely creative kids. I accomplished very little beyond that. The third (and last) city that’s looking at me as an interim city manager won’t be making a decision for another week, and I can’t stay on pins and needles that long; I will just not worry about it, and keep busy. There’s plenty to do. Concert Season presently looks like this: July 16 (Saturday): Both




"Music gives us and escape from our drama filled, teenage heart ache driven lives, a chance to actually be a part of something amazing. It gives us something to believe in. What does music mean to you? To me, music is something that when hit by, you're not hurt but motivated and inspired. You tend to get emotional, to laugh, cry, smile... Everything around you changes, you're in a whole different place living in the moment of the song. Music is a way of life. I



A Song I Wrote When I Was Little

Butterfly Butterfly, you drift past my window, Pour powdery dust on the sill. Pass by the fairies, give them a lift to the dairies Flutter past every land Butterfly you fly high in sky, Low in the garden You are a dream, I wonder Up and up you soar beautifully Let your wings fall You flutter up You flutter down Come near and stare at me Oh butterfly, my butterfly Go high I still remember the tune of this song! The days of writing songs bout butterf



My First Blog Entry

hi Just thought i'd create a blog to capture all my thoughts on how to improve. I've been thinking about how to start playing the guitar. i would like to achieve a high standard of singing as well. I like the idea of being able to do both at the same time however, I have realised that you need to be able to do both separately before trying to combine the skills. I have also become interested in learning how to write my own lyrics, since most of the singers and songwriters i admire



What's Wrong With Waiting?

Evidently, there was a chance Seeing you was likely, feeling you was likely. The heavens began to rain, it was never a stance I never thought we could speak, not even hardly. Even if I can't see you, doesn't mean we have to quite, now. Is it wrong that, I don't want to! If it's better I'll travel to you. Is it, Is it, just wrong to wait? It's blnding, but the stars guide our way I's blinding, so what's wrong with wanting to wait? We're all blind, but if



Willamette Writers Setlist...

Tentatively, the Willamette Writers’ Group setlist looks like this: Dead Things in the Shower—fast two-step Pole Dancing for Jesus—slow & sleazy two-step Free-Range Person—fast bluegrass Writer’s Block Blues—slow & sleazy Bungee Jumpin’ Jesus—mod. speed Gospel Crosses by the Roadside—slow two-step Twenty-Four Seven—fast waltz Rotten Candy—fast Gospel The Taboo Song—slow & sleazy When They Die, I Put Them in the Cookies—fast bluegrass Hey, Little Chicken—slow



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