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goldylocks last won the day on October 15 2014

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About goldylocks

  • Birthday December 17

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    I'm a preferred author on Writing.com
    I just started entering contests on the Country and Western Music Forum. I write simple lyrics, nothing sophisticated or complicated. I find simplicity as what everyone can understand.
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    United States of America
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  1. Loneliness isn't your friend

  2. Thank you Hobo Sage, and Dnafe, for your help and suggestions. Your right, we used one microphone and recorded using audacity. The room is a small room and Mike was recording in front of the computer into audacity about 2 feet away. So the sound card has nothing to do with recorder? This is a brand new Gateway HDMI Vision PC. I thought it was a cheap sound card that was effecting the sound. We will try your suggestions Dnafe, and see if that improves the quality. Again thank you both for your help. Goldy .
  3. How can you get rid of a muffled guitar sound? I've tried an expensive microphone, audacity, turning up the equalizers on the out put of the stereo. Nothing seems to work. Everyone that listens to the recordings thinks my husband is using the Wah- wah effect, when in fact he's playing an acoustic guitar. It's ruining what could be a half decent recording. Any suggestions would be so appreciated. Thanks Goldy Here is a sample of what it sounds like http://www.reverbnation.com/SandyMason/song/19350868-see-his-face
  4. Sorry I didn't thank everyone for your reviews, I've been busy with the Lyric Challenges. Thank you to everyone who took time to review this poem. Goldy
  5. This poem won honorable mention in a poetry contest for humor. My Missing Keys One Friday night I went to the show. When the movie was over, I got up to go. I reached in my purse for the keys to my door. I couldn't find them! Did they fall on the floor? I got down on the rug, searched on my knees, crawled past feet saying, "Excuse me please!" I searched all the rows and I started to panic, couldn't find my keys and got quite frantic. I stood to my feet with a cough and a sneeze. My giggling husband was dangling my keys. .
  6. I belong to Muse's Muse, and I have never found the support or the learning experience, that I have gotten from this forum. Plus, the challenges there in my opinion can't compare to the ones that John has presented here. I 'm learning more here, than I did in Pat Pattison's course. Where can you get a professional songwriter musician, that is so personally invested in everyone he presents an opportunity to better themselves as a songwriter for no cost.? I'm not slamming Muse's Muse, I'm just giving my opinion from personal experience, it's a good forum, it's just not as personal. Goldy .
  7. Sorry Itsy, I just now saw your comment. Thanks for the nice critique. . Goldy
  8. Thank you everybody, for your encouraging remarks. Goldy
  9. It's a satire John, a little poking fun, at the pretentious Walt Whitman wannabe's. Thanks for the correction. I'm lousy at grammar. Goldy
  10. You Poetry Reviewers You poetry reviewers sitting high on your opinions Placing us on your literary skewers Stuffing us like turkeys with synonyms and antonyms forbidding all clichés You roast our images and tear us apart Then reject us by claiming your just not avant- garde How can you really judge another one's art When they have opened up their soul To expose their heart Your words are harsh and your critique vain You write your sadistic views to bring others down in pain If we could have a glimpse inside your mind We would all be shocked to see you're literarily blind.
  11. Vagda, very powerful emotional poem, I could feel rage in your words shredding the page! Goldy
  12. Thank you everybody for your input. This is one of my favorite poems on the beautiful dark side. I wrote this when I was diagnosed with a terminal illness and had such a high fever 105 and I saw this vision in my mind of this haunting creature.. Goldy
  13. Mike, your pretty amazing yourself. Your writing is deep and imaginative. Full of emotion and passion. Your writing friend Goldylocks
  14. Hey thanks Scarpello, I wrote this when I was dying with a deadly disease. I saw this vision of a fiery woman when I was drugged and ready for surgery. Summer
  15. She is waiting in time's shadow Wrapped in night's whisper Fever crowns her head with fire She wears illness as her garment Heartache is her design Her soulless eyes reflect Absence of life Her mouth draws breath Leaving emptiness She lifts life's veil Death embraces sorrow Flowers blanket stone memories Grief weeps to an orchestra of pain
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