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Emily Quinn

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Emily Quinn last won the day on April 22 2022

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  • Songwriting Collaboration
  • Band / Artist Name
    Emily Anderson
  • Musical / Songwriting / Music Biz Skills
    Composer, performer, lyricist.
  • Musical Influences
    Tori Amos, Fiona Apple, Neko Case, Bob Dylan, Nick Drake, The Beatles, Natalie Merchant, Elliot Smith, Ben Folds, Jewel, Johnny Cash, Louis Armstrong, Ella Fitzgerald, Billie Holliday...

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    Reading, writing, music.
  • Location
    United States of America
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  1. It's the best avenue I have to express myself! Words fail unless they are written down in lyric form and carefully constructed. Then putting those words into a melody, altering them and making words and melody work together, then getting to sing it over and over again as much as I want creates a sense of satisfaction that I haven't been able to find anywhere else. It's kind of like meditation. The new song becomes a mantra for a while and brings healing until the next one comes.
  2. Thank you! I always enjoy your songs too! This one, cry freedom, is energetic and makes me feel a desperate feeling, like I want to fix the world, or escape reality, and I don't want to wait any longer. It has the capacity to strike the heart. Thanks for sharing and for your comment.
  3. Oh, I'm glad you couldn't tell! The most obvious spot to me is the phrase "that I would grow to find another love" and there are some other minor spots, but I guess there is a lot of room for flexibility in the vocal part so it doesn't need to be exactly on beat. You should have heard it last night before I fixed the piano part! Ha.
  4. @Just1L I really like your lyrics! This is a fun song. Thanks for sharing! @Clay Anderson Johnson I always learn something new and interesting from your blog posts. Thanks for taking the time to write them.
  5. Here's one I'm working on called "This Ain't It," but I didn't use a metronome when I originally recorded it because I wasn't sure what tempo to have yet, but then it turned out to be a problem because I tried to fix little spots and then the timing got all weird. It snowballed into way more work than it should have been, and there are still some spots where the timing of the vocals is a little wacky, but I wanted to share it anyway as a work in progress. So, sorry about the weird timing issues! Lyrics below: I loved myself when I was a child I loved myself because somebody loved me I thought you were the same, but you don’t owe me anything So why would you? Why would you? I love myself even now And that is why I can’t remain in this I know you’re not the same now I’m not a fool not like you claim But how could you? How could you say you love me and treat me this way? It’s not your fault I know you do the best you can You were trained to react this way That’s what you tell me, But I know what love is baby And this ain't it, this ain't it How could I know when I was a child If I would grow to find another to love I may be naive, but I know what I need And I know what love is I know what love is baby and this aint it. I know what love is baby and this ain't it. I know what love is baby and this ain't it. This aint it. and I may be naive... but I know what love is baby, and this ain't it....
  6. That would be great! Just let me know what you need when you are ready.
  7. https://www.instagram.com/tv/CcG7Z4Yljn7/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y= I wrote this one today. Have never tried to share a video from Instagram on here, so hopefully it'll work okay! If not oh well, I'll try again later maybe.
  8. I have a friend who added a bass part yesterday, and I'm going to figure out drums in cakewalk and fix some of the bare bones on this.
  9. John, I love how your vocal melody soars over the chords changes. This is a beautiful song. 😊
  10. Happy Friday! Here's a new one from me, called Mountain. I think it's one of the ones I'm going to have mixed and mastered for the EP I'm working on with Steve. It would be cool to know if I need to do anything to the basic bones of this song, the performance of it and all, before sending stems. Have a lovely weekend!
  11. I think this is so lovely! Maybe the piano sounds a little mechanical and could breathe a little more. It's kind of cool how it disappears in the mix a little, though I agree that the synths overpower it maybe a bit too much. And maybe there could be some more contrast within sections, as the song feels a bit like it keeps going but doesn't have any particular form or pattern of sections? Maybe I just haven't picked up on it. And that's fine if that's what you like! I am just a big pattern-person. I tend to prefer the a b a b c b pattern, or something basic like that.
  12. This sounds good, @Steve Mueske! I'm glad the cello in the last chorus has been found, and I think the ending is working out very nicely.
  13. Wow, thank you! 😊 That is really kind of you to say.
  14. Wow, thanks for the mention! Well, my stuff is mainly vocals and piano, so I've figured out how to kinda make it work as long as I keep it simple. My production skills are improving, but are a far cry from some of these pros like Grimes, Bjork, and others. Females are getting into producing a lot more now than they used to, for sure! I wish I had more time to put into learning better production, as I consider that to be an invaluable skill in today's market, especially if you don't have a lot of money to pay someone.
  15. I have hardly picked up my oboe in 3 years, which is pretty sad, but I might pull it out for something like this. This is a pretty piece you have written. It would take me a while to work it up since I'm so out of practice, but it would be fun to work on this, and it would give me a good excuse to take it out again.
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