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Everything posted by john

  1. Hey Anyone planning on getting any new gear for their studio? Or are you waiting for Santa? Cheers John
  2. Hi I knew it was illegal. That's why I'm pretty careful about copyright infringement on Songstuff. The last thing we need is a publisher trying to close the site. Bear in mind that publishing income from printed music/lyrics is a small part of an artists income by comparison to mechanical rights. But the point is the publishing of lyrics or music is under the control of the body holding publishing rights. The same basic rights (although administered by different companies and agencies) that allow them to sue an individual for taking your song and re-recording and releasing your song, also allows them to control written forms of the work. The problem here is the printed music market has dropped through the floor, and there are few official sheet music sites. In fact I'm not sure there are any. As the publishing companies don't have a presence online, this allows them to possibly recoupe cash from the sites, and allows then an in on the internet. While I agree that if an artist wants to give away free printed music he should be able to. However if he has taken money from a publishing company then the artist no longer has full control. btw. I believe that the publishing companies get derived income for sleeve published lyrics. Mechanical rights cover the CD, not the sleeve. Cheers John
  3. I quite like the look of the focusrite stuff, but as i said there are a few different ones. Do you know what ones were used in the studios that you liked? (s'ok. you can answer when you get home )
  4. Hey Any recommendations for a good vocal channel? There are a few on the market that seem pretty comparable. Cheers John
  5. Sorry Donna. A little slow down before Christmas. Every one is out buying Christmas presents, getting drunk, and recording their Christmas Song for the comp . No, you don't need to go to the extent of getting powered monitors, they just tend to have less chance of picking up noise. There are lots of reasonably priced monitors. Powered ones tend to be more expensive. A lot. Yamaha NS 10s used to be pretty common, but they are a bit to trebly, and lack bass definition for me. The best advice is really to look at the range of frequencies that the monitor manufacturer quotes for a flat response, then if you can, go to a shop and have a listen using a reference recording that you know. Even go to the extent of taking your actual amplifier and CD player in if you don't go for powered ones. Me, If I had some spare cash I'd look at Tannoy Reveals which come in both powered and non-powered models. Cheers John
  6. john

    Do you warm up?

    That's why I said "mainly".
  7. Hey Welcome to Songstuff! Cheers John
  8. Hey Doru Thanks ! Assuming you want to link to the main domain only: Title: Songs, Songwriting and Music - Songstuff Description: Music resource for songwriters and musicians featuring songs, interviews, music articles, forum, glossary, links, news streams and more. URL: http://www.songstuff.com If it suits your site more you could link to one of the topic specifc subdomains: Songstuff Songwriting and Music Community - http://forums.songstuff.com Music Pages - http://music.songstuff.com Music Business - http://business.songstuff.com Songwriting - http://songwriting.songstuff.com Recording and technology - http://recording.songstuff.com Midi - http://midi.songstuff.com Guitar - http://guitar.songstuff.com Drums - http://drums.songstuff.com Or you could link to a feature: Music Glossary - http://www.songstuff.com/glossary.php Music News Streams - http://www.songstuff.com/news.php Music Links - http://www.songstuff.com/links.php Music Articles - http://www.songstuff.com.articles.php If you are interested in graphics etc, you can grab them here: http://www.songstuff.com/Linktosongstuff.php Take your pic! Thanks again. John
  9. Ah, now do you have a link to Songstuff in there? If you have I'll be impressed...
  10. Hey Behringer do an affordable compressor/limiter for about £50 / $80 - Composer Pro. Cheers John
  11. Hi It's not quite as straight forward as that. Bands earn money from a number of income streams, as do songwriters, each with expected overall percentages going to the band or songwriter. Additionally the people in the band could have completely different roles in the band. Each role tends to have different primary sources for income. If someone performs multiple roles they get their share of each income stream. For example: A songwriter would expect 50% of the publishers income in a "catch all" agreement. A band member will not necessarily get any income from this. Each performer gets income derived from performing rights (radio performances etc), and income from mechanical rights (cd sales etc). If they are a session man tey get paid a fixed rate, if they perform live but aren't involved in arranging songs they get a percentage of tour income, if they are involved in arrangement they get money from that, if they wrote the song they get money from that. As you can see, it can get quite complicated. A great deal depends on what the band agrees. i.e who wrote the song? who arranged the song? who just plays the song? Some bands agree to split everything down the middle where everyone had an equal share in writing and arranging. The same with songwriting partnerships. But this doesn't always work. Some band members write more songs, some just like playing, others like to be involved in promotion and publicity, others like to get drunk,, get the women and do none of the work. Often we need a better division. If you can agree the roles ovreall, and for each song, the commission shares are pretty easy. In bands I have been in I have been the main, or only songwriter, writing both words and music and arrangement. In this case I have been the only one entitled to the songwriters share of publishing income. In others I have been the writer and shared the arrangement, or written music for someone else's lyrics. It varies. Knowing what roles I played allows me to easily work out what I am entitled to. Cheers John
  12. Hey It is used to adjust the channel input gain. You can find a definition of gain here: http://www.songstuff.com/glossary/G Cheers John
  13. Your mission, if you chose to accept it, is to persuade them to spread the word about Songstuff. When he takes you for a few beers, make sure you are wearing your Songstuff t-shirt. (The black ones should be available this weekend)
  14. I've got the laptop set up now. It's excellent. One of the main things for me is the desktop size. It's a 17" widescreen 1920 x 1200 resolution, which means lots more on the screen at the same time and less scrolling about. Steve, my old laptop is suffering from temperature problems and keeps switching off. That's why I bought the new one. One problem, I used a program called Transfer My PC. It's meant to create copies of your files on your new PC. When it did this with my email it created all the files ok, but they were all empty! I checked the original files and it had wiped them too! They were there, but all empty. Luckily I had backed up my mail on 1st October, so I didn't lose all mails, but I have lost 6 weeks of mail. If you sent anything to me since 1st October, can you please resend it? (assuming it wasn't just a general chat mail) All this happened at the same time the server transfer started for the forum. Typical. Cheers John
  15. Hey Tahnks Prometheus. Donna, you might also find this useful: EQ Frequencies Cheers John
  16. Hey Rudi I starte playing the violin when I was 6 or 7. I haven't played really for a few years now (I sold my violins when I was broke). I keep threatening to get an electric violin, so I'll do a little research and get back to you if it's any help. Cheers John
  17. Hey You should be able to send a Private Message to Donna. Just click on here name to see ger profile, and select "Send a Personal Message". I'd like to hear some tracks too Prometheus. What's you web address?
  18. john


    Hari I don't know if this helps. In terms of moving your voice around, this is something you do naturally if you try to impersonate someone when you are speaking. It's not so much a vibration as a tingle, and you will probably only feel it with particular notes and sounds. Try using a word like "Zing" to help accentuate the feeling. Exercise used for enunciation, commonly helps voice production. Common sounds used for enunciation and voice production exercises: Tah Tay Tee Taw Too Rah Ray Ree Raw Roo Mah May Mee Maw Moo Dah Day Dee Daw Doo You can of course use other consonants. Sing at a single pitch, in the middle of each of your 3 ranges. Also worth exercising, for enunciation: The lips, the teeth, the tip of the tongue. Sing at a single pitch, in the middle of your mid range. Cheers John
  19. Hey Kate Welcome back! Where ya been? I hope you like the changes, though there are some more on the way. Expect the board to be down some of the time over the next few days... we're moving server!
  20. john


    Hey Hari When you sing you maybe singing too loud, but you are probably singing from the throat. This might sound strange, but try experimenting how the sound is produced by moving the sound backwards towards the throat and forwards to the lips. If you ry it, you'll see what I mean. When you move the sound forward to your lips you should feel your nose and lips tingle. If you sing producing your voice from hear you will produce a lot less strain on your vocal chords. You'll need to practice! Cheers John
  21. john


    Hi Donna Not full voice, but full volume. Many amateur, over confident 'singers' (and a few pro ones as well) seem to think louder equals better. Performance volume means (at least to me) the sound of a well projected voice, singing at a volume that is comfortable, and sustainable. Too loud, your vocal tone will change, as will the chances of singing every night of a tour, and still having a voice at the end of it. It's like turning up your stereo to full volume. Chances are your speakers will distort it badly, and your neighbours will complain. Add to that, singers that push too far simply sound like they are shouting. Probably because they often are. Maybe we shouldn't refer to them as singers... Cheers John
  22. Unfortunately you didn't know I'd say Bowie, so no.
  23. H Paul Rogers. Fantastic. I thought he was great, particularly with Free.
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